Ma Xiu looked a little confused and confused, not sure what her senior was doing. However, she didn't ask. She was too weak at the moment, and even speaking was very difficult.

When he uttered the last word, Gudazi's body began to tremble violently. She felt like her spirit was sinking into an endless abyss

"Isn't that what the person in the chat group said about seeing God... Sure enough, was I still deceived?"This was the last thought that flashed through Gudazi's mind.

However, when she woke up again, Gudazi found herself in a burning city."……here it is?!"

Gudazi was a little confused at first, and then she saw something in the distance, and her pupils suddenly shrank. Because she suddenly saw another version of herself... In addition, there was a huge shield in his hand, and he was wearing strange clothes. Matthew……

"what happened?"After a brief hesitation, Gudazi quickly rushed forward.

Then, the moment she came into contact with her other self, her palm passed through it. It was like... she was just a phantom now!

Gudazi Gudazi's eyes suddenly widened.

She stared at her other self silently, and understood a lot at this moment... However, she also had more doubts in her heart.

Next, Gudazi did not speak, but just followed quietly. Behind the other self and Mashu.

Gudazi watched them find the director Olga Marie, watched Roman explain what happened, and saw them solve them one by one with the help of the mage Cu Chulainn. The enemy... In the end, he killed the final boss, the Blackened King Arthur! He obtained the Holy Grail.

However, at this moment, the situation took a turn for the worse.

Professor Leif of Chaldea appeared, and he revealed everything... He was the one responsible for the bomb in the control room. Installed! He also sabotaged Chaldea's plan!

In an extremely cruel way, he killed Olga Marie, who admired him very much.

Then, Gudazi and Mashu returned to Chaldea through the transformation of souls. At the end...

What follows is a journey of salvation with ups and downs.

The Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon, the Continuous Crazy Empire... the Sacred Round Table Realm, the Absolute Warcraft Front... and then to the final Crowned Temple of Time!

Along the way , the other one has experienced a lot and lost many friends... But in the end, she couldn't solve everything. She could only watch the usually weak doctor stand up, put on the ring, and spoke softly : Goetia, let me teach you the last magic.

The world has been saved!

But that King Solomon, that once crowned heroic spirit, that doctor who loved eating strawberry cake... completely disappeared! From humankind disappeared from history.

Everything in front of her was broken.

Gudazi suddenly opened her eyes, and in front of her was the burning Fuyuki City.

After being silent for a long time, she reached out and pinched herself hard, feeling When it comes to that kind of pain,"……This is not a dream!"

Gudazi closed her eyes again. She was immersed in her mind, staring at the chat group, and all kinds of thoughts were swirling in her heart.

"Is this what it turns out to be... nothing happened! Everything has a chance to be saved...doctors, and everyone."Gudazi suddenly laughed, and her tears couldn't help but flow down. She stretched out her sleeves and wiped her tears. Gudazi's expression became firm, and she knelt on the ground. Kowtowing gently, she said softly,"Oh, the great God of Creation! Thank you for giving me the grace to peek into the future and give me the opportunity to change the future."

"Your kindness shines on the earth! From today on, I am your devout believer, I will love you and respect you! Till death do us part!"

"Then the next step is... to save the world."Getting up from the ground again, Gudazi looked determined. But as soon as she took two steps, she suddenly thought of the many videos she had seen in the chat group before, and a strange look appeared on her face.

"Wait a minute...if I perform sacrifices in this world! So, can God save the world?"

Dazi's heart beat uncontrollably. She thought of Liu Peiqiang in the chat group... Even the world that lost the sun and was completely frozen... God still saved it with every move.

"Very likely... No! It should be said that if God took action, he would definitely be able to do it."Gu Dazi's eyes were bright, and her whole body was full of energy.

Before, even if she saw her future and knew what would happen, she still felt uneasy. She had no confidence to do better than her other self.

But now Gods are different!

Before reciting the high-grade sacrificial method, she was jealous and even afraid of the gods... But now, she felt towards that benevolent and loving god, and towards the god who she identified in the chat group and who was suspected of creating their world....She only has piety and respect!

"Sacrifice," Gudazi murmured,"Altar... the daughter of destiny. Forehead……"

"Why do I always feel that...among all the people I know, I or Matthew fit the definition of a destined girl the most?"

Gudazi was confused in the wind. After all, they were the well-deserved saviors in the previous illusion... It is strange that they are not destined to bear the name of saviors?!

Is she going to sacrifice herself?

Gudazi The corners of Da Zi's mouth twitched crazily. But soon, she shook her head, put away the messy thoughts, and made a decision,"No matter so much... this time, let's sacrifice the blackened King Arthur first. However, King Arthur is very strong...even the big dog guy."

Gudazi couldn't help but hesitate. Cu Chulainn is very strong, there is no doubt about it! But the big dog will definitely not be able to defeat King Arthur in a single fight...even adding Matthew, it is also not certain.

But in the end, Gudazi sighed. After taking a breath, he could only decide to take one step at a time.

Next, Gudazi followed his own experience and quickly found Matthew, and then Olga Marie. On the roadside, they met Skeleton soldiers were chasing after them.

Gudazi raised her finger with a serious expression and fired a magic bullet from the hole. Her original intention was just to stop the enemy, but she never expected... With a crisp bang, they were being chased from afar. Dozens of skeleton soldiers, their bodies shattered in an instant.

Olga Marie:"???"


The two women suddenly turned their heads and stared at Gudazi with horrified faces. After being silent for a while, Olga was the first to speak,"Fujimaru, what on earth is going on with you? I clearly remember that your magic level... is at the lowest level. The power you are showing now... is unbelievable!"

"……Actually I don't know either."Gudazi lowered her eyes. Not to mention Matthew and Olga Marie, she herself was confused now and couldn't understand why she suddenly became so much stronger.

A lot of thoughts were flowing through her mind, and finally, Gudazi suddenly realized something, and she said to herself in her heart,"This is the top-grade sacrificial method! Yes, I can’t think of any other explanation other than God’s grace."

Taking a deep breath, Gudazi's expression returned to calmness. She looked around and said loudly,"Mage Cu Chulainn, are you still hiding now?"

After a brief silence, a blue-haired man in a robe walked out of a dilapidated house nearby. He frowned tightly and looked at Gudazi repeatedly,"You... know me?"

"Regarding this, I will give a reasonable explanation in a moment. Gudazi spoke softly,"Now, we need to find a safe escape from the pursuers!""

"……Come with me."Cu Chulainn took a deep look at Gudazi, turned around suddenly, and walked towards a house in the distance.

Gudazi followed closely with a calm expression. Matthew and Olga Marie looked at each other. The doubts in their hearts deepened, but they still followed Gudazi's footsteps.

Finally, in a school, several people stopped and built a temporary magic workshop here.

".Can you explain now? This Miss Master. Cu Chulainn crossed his arms and sat on the window sill, staring at Gudazi with sharp eyes.

Gudazi did not speak, she just fiddled with the communicator on her arm until she contacted Dr. Roman of Chaldea.

"Very good! Finally got in touch."Dr. Roman's face was filled with emotion.

"Yes. Gudazi stared at Dr. Roman with a complicated expression, then turned to look at Cu Chulainn,"Now, I can explain.""

"Well, where to start? Gudazi rubbed his eyebrows,"Okay, let's start with the singularity where we are."

As soon as these words"Specially" came out, Dr. Roman's pupils suddenly dilated, and his heart was stirred up.

How is it possible... Gudazi should not be clear about this vocabulary now!

However, Gudazi obviously did not mean to solve the doctor's doubts. She spoke. But he talked about himself, in what order Cu Chulainn would deal with the fallen servants of heroes, and finally fight the black King Arthur... and then, in what way he would defeat the black King Arthur.

She told that Olga Marie would die at the hands of Leif, the demon god pillar who appeared. She told the next few singularities, what she would experience, what she would encounter... until the end, she would Go to the Temple of Crowned Time and fight with the mastermind behind all these events...King Solomon, or the (paid) Demon God Pillar Goetia!

The scene fell into silence for a long time. Whether it was Mashu, Cu Chulainn, or Doctor Roman, their expressions all changed dramatically... They were so shocked that they couldn't help themselves.

Only Olga Marie's face was in a trance at the moment. She plopped down on the ground and suddenly burst into tears,"Why...why should I have to encounter this kind of thing! Yes, I am already dead. Why?" Will this happen?"

"There is help on your side."Gudazi glanced at Olga Marie, stopping her crying. Olgamari looked at Gudazi timidly, wanting to say something but not daring to say it.

However, Gudazi did not say it. For the specific rescue method, she cast her sights on Dr. Roman in front of the projection screen.

"Fujimaru, that’s amazing, have you seen the future? With so much information, future planning can be well prepared! I didn't expect that you actually have this kind of talent for future vision... and it's so strong that you can compete with...……"

Dr. Roman paused, scratched his cheek with a somewhat embarrassed look, swallowed, and forcibly changed the topic,"Well, why are you looking at me all the time?"

"Who can it be with? Gudazi stared at Dr. Roman with an incomprehensible expression, and she said softly,"Can it be compared with Gilgamesh, the most ancient hero king, or can it be compared with... your former self, the crowned magician King Solomon?""

As soon as these words came out, the scene was completely silent._Faloo reminds you: three things about reading-∪Store, recommend, and share!

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