In the depths of the vast heaven, a huge brilliance suddenly burst out.

An existence whose true appearance could not be seen clearly, or could even be said to be impossible to look at, slowly walked out from the depths of the vast heaven.

He has not even come to this world, and has not even crossed the Nantian Gate, but the extremely terrifying aura still seeps through, making the sky dome full of dense cracks, as if the world cannot bear it and will collapse in the next moment. Average.

There was silence between heaven and earth.

Regardless of whether they can see the vision in the sky, but with this place as the center, people all over the radius feel a strong sense of oppression...

It is as if a huge stone is pressing on their hearts, making them Naturally, he remained silent and speechless...

Finally, the invisible god spoke. His voice was gentle, and his approval revealed a terrifying majesty that was difficult to describe in words,"Chen Xiaoyu, if you perform sacrifices well, you will be rewarded with ten thousand years of immortal power!"

Divine brilliance burst out.

The white light poured down from the sky like a fairy waterfall, suddenly falling on Chen Xiaoyu's body, and then being continuously absorbed by her.

Chen Xiaoyu gradually floated in the air. Her skin became whiter and more translucent, and her whole body seemed to be carved from white jade. She had an inexplicable aura of divinity that echoed the beauty of heaven and earth.

"Reward the Eight Immortals with the weapon brand to protect the true spirit. The sky cannot bury it, the earth cannot destroy it, and all the calamities cannot befall the body!"

The weapon of the Eight Immortals floating in the sky made a crisp sound.

The illusory mark separated from the weapon, rushed towards Chen Xiaoyu, and merged into her body.

Gradually, Chen Xiaoyu fell to the ground. Then, she lowered her head and stared at her palm, with a look of astonishment and surprise. As soon as she thought, with a crisp sound, the Eight Immortal Soldiers appeared beside her. Then,

Chen Xiaoyu stretched out her hand and gently With a touch of the sword, a half-illusory and half-real figure suddenly appeared. His face was expressionless, but he had dormant immortal power in his body, and he could make the ultimate killing move at any time.……

"Lu Dongbin... No, now, this is not a real immortal, this is just the weapon brand integrated into my body! A vision that I naturally had."Chen Xiaoyu understood something at this moment.

With the next breath, Chen Xiaoyu noticed that a large amount of information emerged in her mind...

That was the skill practiced by Lu Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals! Moreover, she not only obtained the skill At the same time, she also gained Lu Dongbin’s understanding of this method.

Scanning the other weapons, Chen Xiaoyu understood at this moment... If she wanted to, she could easily summon the visions of the other Eight Immortals and obtain the rest of the weapons. The skills and insights of the Eight Immortals...

Everyone at the scene stared at Chen Xiaoyu silently. No matter who it was, they could see at this moment that... Chen Xiaoyu had received tremendous blessings.

Of course, they didn't know about the skills......

But simply what the god said and the gift he gave... is enough to make anyone who hears it go crazy!

Ten thousand years of immortal power... and the blessing of the Eight Immortals, the sky cannot be buried, the earth cannot be destroyed, and there will be no disasters. Unable to be added...

What is this?

This will directly make you an immortal!

Let you live forever and live freely in the world. It is too high and too high a status.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many princes and ministers have pursued immortality... However, they They all failed. But now, one person succeeded! Right in front of their eyes. It was just a little girl who was still in elementary school!

Of course, the majestic man and many soldiers looked at Chen Xiaoyu with envy in their eyes, Shocked and confused... As for Dad, Tru, Chen Long and the others, they were relieved to see Chen Xiaoyu...

As for the Holy Lord who was about to kill him before, he was lying on the ground, huddled up, and trembling constantly. As good as a kitten. He wanted to use this to restrain his sense of existence and not be noticed by that majestic existence.

"In the ancient Yan-Huang Kingdom, more than 230 million people recited the highest-grade sacrificial method... very good."The god nodded slightly. This calm voice rang in the ears of everyone in Yanhuang, and even in shocked the hearts of all who heard the voice.

"What? who? This voice!"

"So strange... there's no one in my room? Why did such a voice like Hong Zhongda Lu suddenly appear?"

"This voice... seems to be ringing directly in my mind? What's wrong with me? Is it because I'm under too much mental pressure and have nightmares?"

Some were shocked, some were strange, some were surprised, and some were at a loss... all kinds of expressions of all living beings were clearly revealed...

Then, the god in the palace of Tianting raised his two palms.

The next moment, one day at a time The moon condensed and took shape in His palm.

With a gentle wave of His hand, the sun and moon suddenly penetrated forward, penetrated the barrier of the world, and came to the world in shock!

"……Danger."The majestic man's eyes were about to burst. He never expected that the god would suddenly display such a world-destroying hand... No.

The majestic man's expression was stiff. The sun was very close, but the brilliance shining on him made him My whole body felt warm, like I was soaking in a hot spring. There was no discomfort at all.

Then, the sun and the moon rotated and intertwined, flying higher and higher.

Finally, they exploded... The dazzling brilliance was here. The light spreads in all directions, illuminating the entire Yanhuang!

At this moment, anyone who is in Yanhuang, no matter where they are, even in a building or in a basement, will be illuminated by this light. Shrouded in... flowers. Tens of millions of disabled people felt their disabled parts itching unbearably at this moment. Then, the disabled parts actually grew back. The blind people saw the world again... The short-sighted people , the eyesight has returned to its peak...

The extremely old man's gray hair has returned to jet black, and the wrinkles on his face have smoothed out a lot in an instant...

As for the students who had recited the sacrificial poems before, they all felt Their bodies became stronger. As for those who were already in good health, abdominal muscles appeared directly on their abdomens...

The entire Yanhuang fell into silence at this moment.

Then, when they reacted, they exploded, completely exploded.. All those who have been blessed by God have fallen into madness at this moment.

"How is this going? Oh my God! In the end what happened? Who the hell can tell me what the hell is going on?".........,........

"The body...changed in an instant! Am I dreaming?"

"I can see it, I really can see it! This colorful world, is this real? Hahahaha, I have no regrets even if I die now……"

"That voice before, that voice that appeared directly in my mind! That must be the real god...did he do it? Yes, this must be what He did. But which pantheon of gods is he? Western? Impossible, that person was speaking the most orthodox Yanhuang dialect! It must be my great Yanhuang god"

"What exactly is the superior sacrificial method? I want to recite it... I want to thank that god properly! I want to thank Him for allowing my broken leg to grow again!"


The old man who spoke to Xiaoyu and his group not long ago clenched his fists silently, feeling that his body was much younger and stronger, and his expression became complicated.

"Two hundred and thirty million... people?"

Because he gave the order, he has obtained statistics... This number is exactly the number of people who recited the sacrificial message from Xiaoyu...

So the answer is already obvious!

That sacrificial message is what the god said Sacrifice method.

Looking out the window, he fell into the noisy streets, looking at the people on the streets crying, laughing, and venting their emotions crazily. The old man lowered his head again and glanced at his mobile phone. The latest message appeared on it. Information.

The scope of this miracle is... the entire Yanhuang!

The people this miracle faces are... all the people of the Yanhuang land!

""I admit that I was gambling," the old man smiled bitterly,"but I really didn't expect that the god was real... that he could actually give such a huge blessing.……"

"This is really true. I want to repay... I don’t even know how to repay."

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