For a while, the chat group became quiet.

Ye Hei:"!!!"

Great Qin Zulong:"……?"

Yao Lao:"God actually... replied?!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Awesome.jpg."

Liu Peiqiang:"God, your loyal believers say hello to you!"

The strongest man's deputy:"In the face of the believers' cry for help , isn’t it natural for our merciful Lord to extend a helping hand?"

Ye Hei:"That's true."

Da Qin Zulong:"I'm just thinking...that demon, what will happen this time? How about it."

Prince Zhu of the Zhu family:"It's probably going to be miserable... miserable beyond imagination."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"It's too real!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"!!!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Wow! I was actually replied by God. I, I am so honored... Well, I don't know what to say now."

Chen Xiaoyu's face was full of excitement and joy..

After the god she believed in said those words, she seemed toAfter making a mistake, I went home and saw my parents... all the worries in my heart disappeared... replaced by full of fighting spirit.

"The legendary 16 demons? Come on, then we'll give you a nice look."

She reached out and patted her cheek, inhaling and exhaling. After a while, Chen Xiaoyu calmed down again. She quickly rushed out of her room.

In the hall,

Chen Long was sweeping the floor absentmindedly. He was very nervous now. Loss and self-blame. He felt that the reason why the situation became so bad was all because of him... If it weren't for his dark side, how could it be possible for the guys in Valon to easily obtain the spell and then become like this?

Next to him, stood a terrifying existence like a mountain of meat. This was Tru, who was originally a subordinate of Walon. Now he has abandoned the darkness and joined the light! He joined Chen Long's group.

Dad stood aside, holding his hand. Holding a magic book in his hand, he pushed up his glasses,"Based on the information provided by Tru, and adding the directionality of the twelve spells... the devil wizard! Only the Evil Dragon Holy Lord among the eight demon wizards who dominated the world in ancient times"

"At first, it was the eight immortals from the East who completely sealed the eight demons... Now that the immortals are no longer in the world, if the demons escape from their cages, the consequences will be disastrous.……"

"Uncle Long, Dad, Tru! Come on, let's go to Xiangcheng now."Chen Xiaoyu rushed in quickly, her fighting spirit was high and her words were spoken very fast.

"Well... District 13 is ready and will ask us to go."Chen Long whispered

"Uncle Long!"Chen Xiaoyu looked at Chen Long with burning eyes,"Then, why do we have to wait for District 13?"

"……because."Chen Long suddenly choked. Does he still need to answer?

"The place that the devil is going to is the east! So the one who fights against that devil should also be the East! Not Citi."Chen Qiyu said every word, and his voice was extremely firm.

We must go now! We won't wait for a moment. Uncle Long, if you are not willing to go! Then I will go there alone." Chen Long was silent for a long time. Finally he smiled bitterly,"You're right... I've been with Citi for too long, and I'm not even as clear-headed as you in seeing the problem."

"Let's go now."Chen Long regained his energy. He instantly picked up Xiaoyu and rushed to the door. But soon, he was stopped by his father,"Stupid! Are you going there alone? What use can it be used for?"

"……What do you mean?"

"Let's do it together."The corner of the father's mouth was slightly raised. Tohru walked forward slowly and said in a low voice,"Same for Tohru!"

Immediately, a group of people drove to the airport in their cars...

Then, they bought the earliest flight tickets to Xiangcheng by increasing the price...

Even if they take a plane, going to Xiangcheng is still not a simple matter. It's enough. After flying in the sky for more than ten hours, they landed.

Then, the first thing they did was not to find a hotel, but directly to the local office.

And, the news of the Holy Lord's resurrection , narrated one by one, and even... also mentioned the supreme god standing behind Chen Xiaoyu.

The staff in the office thought Chen Xiaoyu and the others were joking... But when Dad performed a magic live, suddenly, Everyone couldn't laugh anymore...

Eastern intelligence agencies were operating at an extremely fast speed at this moment.

As they collected a large amount of information and analyzed it, they finally came to the conclusion... It was true! The ancient demon really revived! And the first stop was Xiangcheng.

So, this giant standing in the east woke up at this moment...

On the surface, this city is still very prosperous, with people coming and going, but The reality is that the city has secretly fallen into a state of martial law.

The official machinery has been fully activated. The Planning Department has made dozens of plans, and they are even prepared for how to protect the people if all plans fail.


A room deep in the office.

Chen Long, Xiaoyu and others were all sitting on the chairs in this room. Chen Long paced back and forth in place, his face full of uneasiness,"No... every minute and every second is very precious now! We can't waste time here."

"Chen Long is a woodcutter who keeps sharpening his knife."Compared to Chen Long, Dad was much calmer. He even had time to make some tea, and then started to drink it. Nostalgia appeared on his face,"Ah, the taste of hometown."

"Although the tea leaves are the same tea leaves, they taste different... Well, when people get old, it is easy to fall into this state of remembering the past."

Xiaoyu didn't speak. She sat cross-legged on the bed, clasped her palms together, and silently prayed to God.

Suddenly, the door opened.

A middle-aged man with a majestic face walked in. He saluted to several people present," Everyone, the information you have given us is very critical. It is also very important to us! we are grateful to you"

"So next!"Chen Long said impatiently

"You stay here for the time being. We guarantee that if the fighting starts... you, as well as the millions of people in this city, will survive! Until all our soldiers are dead, no one can harm you, not even demons."The dignified man's words were decisive.

"You have no idea how powerful the enemy is!"Xiaoyu suddenly opened her eyes. She jumped out of bed and stared at the majestic man solemnly and with a little anger,"We obviously have a better way! As long as everything goes according to our plan, then the East will not be harmed! The devil must die"

"You are committing a crime!"

"You are just a child! It’s better not to believe in God."The majestic man didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I suggest you take back that sentence," Dad said slowly. He drank the last sip of tea, then turned around and whispered 237,"Didn't your intelligence agency collect it? That demon lord was sealed by the Eight Immortals in ancient times."

"Only magic can deal with magic! Only gods can suppress demons. Dad suddenly laughed,"It's not us who are obsessed with understanding, but you.""

"Or, are you actually the official person on the mysterious side? It's just that you are worried about us, so you use this inhumane attitude of not trusting us at all... you want to exclude us from this matter?"

The majestic man stopped talking. He frowned and looked at his father repeatedly. Finally, he watched his father take out a pendant that looked like a fat-headed fish from his sleeve.

"Who are you?"The majestic man's pupils suddenly shrank,"You are actually... It's really shocking that there are still descendants of that lineage left in the world... But it wasn't originally……"

"If you want to chat, you can chat anytime. Now, take us to meet the person who can really take charge! It's up to us to convince him. The father paused and continued,"The god behind Xiaoyu is real." And he is a very great being!"

"Just how great it is...I dare not speculate! But it must have surpassed the Eight Immortals of ancient times... In fact, that god has performed acts of salvation more than once in other worlds."

The majestic man's pupils suddenly shrank. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end nothing came out.

"Xiaoyu is right."The father continued to speak slowly. He pushed up his glasses and stared seriously into the majestic man's pupils. His words were soft but powerful,"Believe us... This can minimize the casualties in this war!""_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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