In the vast desert, in a yurt.

Temujin was summoning many generals to discuss the next plan. Then, this picture suddenly appeared in their minds……

"……How can this be?"Temujin's expression suddenly changed, and he stood up suddenly, but then he noticed something was wrong with his posture. He took two deep breaths, and his expression regained his composure.

He scanned the people present with sharp eyes, and spoke in a low voice. He said,"Have you all seen it? That scene of Lin'an City in the Southern Song Dynasty!"

No one answered.

But this attitude has proven a lot.

Temujin clenched his fists silently, his eyes darkened.

Why? Why can those cowardly Han people receive such favor from God... He even performed a miracle!

He was unwilling to give in, so unwilling that he almost went crazy...

It was obvious that under his leadership, the Mongolian tribes continued to grow and rise... As long as he was given another twenty years! He would be able to compete for the world and achieve unparalleled achievements. What a great achievement.

He only needs twenty years!

""Father," Temujin's youngest son Tuo Lei suddenly stood up. He stared at Temujin closely and growled,"Even if the Han people are favored by heaven and God, so what?""

"God is so high above us that he will definitely not take action and deal with us directly!"

"In this way, what we have to fight in the future... is only the new Han Dynasty that has received divine favor!

The more he spoke, the louder Torre's voice became,"If we were to fight against those cowardly 16 Han people, what would I, the Mongolian son, have to fear?" Temujin was shaken. He lowered his eyes. After a brief silence, he said softly,"Yes... you are right.""

"As long as the gods don't take action, our Mongolian cavalry will be invincible!"

Sitting back on his seat, Temujin said coldly,"Everyone, just watch quietly... Take a look at the birth of the new Han Dynasty, which is loved by the gods."


Lin'an City in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Above the sky, there is a mighty divine light shining. The void was constantly twisting, and then suddenly opened, revealing a magnificent world.

Immortal palaces stretch out, giant trees tower into the sky, medicine kings are everywhere...

The mythical beasts like mountains are fighting each other, and their roars shake the world, causing dense cracks to appear in the void. The aftermath of their collision will cause the giant mountain in the distance to collapse...

There is no doubt that it is the fairyland!

Only the fairy world can be so magical!

Only in the fairy world can such powerful beasts and birds be born.

The people on the streets of Lin'an City stared blankly at the sky. When they closed their eyes, they could see the pictures in their minds. When they raised their heads, they could gaze at the real miracle.

After a short period of silence, large swaths of people knelt on the ground, kowtowing to the grand scene in the sky with fanatical expressions. The noise resounded loudly

"God appears! God is obviously enlightened"

"Heaven... That must be the Taoist Heaven. It is the legendary fairyland."

"Immortals really do exist... Immortals! Oh God! Please keep me safe and healthy."Ordinary people know little about the situation, so they are praying incoherently at this time... But the believers of the Creation God who maintain order on the streets understand what is going on... They kneel on the ground almost at the same time, Putting their hands together, they recited sacrificial scriptures devoutly...

Of course, people in other areas of the Southern Song Dynasty also saw this scene. The generals who were gathering the army looked stupid and at a loss... Those who were angry and worried The civil servants were all frozen on the spot, with dazed postures...

When they came to their senses... the civil servants were crying and laughing. What they were crying about was that once this miracle happened, they were afraid that they would no longer be able to raise weapons to attack Lin'an...

First Not to mention the generals who have been suppressed by the Song Dynasty, whether they are still willing to stand on their side at this time is meaningless. Even if they are willing, the soldiers below are definitely not willing to be enemies of the new emperor who has a god standing behind him. If the military generals blindly suppress and force their troops, they are afraid that the rebellion is imminent...

They have never realized as clearly as they do now...

The Song Dynasty is really dead.

Of course, what they are happy about is that there is Miracles come to the world and are protected by gods. In the future, you may no longer have to worry about the invasion of the Golden Kingdom in the north... The new dynasty may truly usher in peace...

Among all living beings... a calm voice, from the temple of that day Came from the middle, vague and uncertain

"The new emperor Huang Rong founded the country through religion and offered sacrifices to the gods... If you have meritorious service, you should be rewarded!"

The voice of Hongzhong Dalu carried a sacred charm that shocked people's hearts and minds,"Give me 30,000 years of inner strength to cultivate.""

The terrifying and brilliant brilliance suddenly fell down and merged into Huang Rong's body.

The aura of this young and unparalleled young emperor increased at an extremely terrifying speed...

The civil servants and generals and many soldiers around her...No, not just them, even Hong Qigong who was kneeling in the distance and many elders of the Beggar Clan felt an almost suffocating sense of oppression at this moment...

It was terrifying!

Huang Rong's breath at this moment, Like a terrestrial god walking in the can't even be described as strong!

It is a power beyond their imagination and beyond their understanding.

"Thirty...thirty thousand years of internal strength?!"Huang Yaoshi's teeth chattered, and his expression was dazed and confused.

His mind turned stiffly and slowly, thirty thousand... what an incredible number is this? Is this really the inner strength that a person can possess?

With such a How powerful is a person with internal strength? Overwhelming mountains and seas? Can one person destroy a country? Huang Yaoshi simply didn’t dare to think about it.

However, the calm voice still did not end.

"Give the civilization an opportunity to upgrade, a volume of three thousand heavenly books!"

During the breath, a ray of divine light suddenly burst out from the depths of the Heavenly Palace. Suddenly, a grand plan of thousands of miles was revealed on the sky of the world of Legend of the Condor Heroes... It was an extremely real picture...

Initially, it was in a place called"The Legend of the Condor Heroes". A foreign regime under the rule of the Qing Dynasty.

This regime oppressed the Han people, opened the country with artillery and ships, signed unequal treaties, and was extremely humiliating... However, even in the most humiliating time, it would rather With friends, not with domestic slaves... time is passing rapidly...

After the Qing Dynasty was destroyed, the Yanhuang Han Dynasty entered the most turbulent and unbearable years, and was even finally killed by the Japanese on the small island to the east... Before my eyes Now, the world belonging to Yanhuang will be completely destroyed...

Generations of heroes emerge. They struggle, fight, and make unimaginable efforts to build a new Yanhuang. They are powerful in the north. With the help of the people, all kinds of machinery were introduced on a large scale to carry out the industrial revolution.

Then came the era of vigorous development.

In just seventy years, this poor and backward country had high-rise buildings everywhere and the streets were busy with traffic. , extremely prosperous... Hundreds of millions of people, every household has enough to eat, warm clothes, and a house to live in...

Hong Qigong looked at the sky blankly, and tears fell instantly.

Is that the Kingdom of Heaven?!

Yes, the high heaven will make him worship and awe him. But only the extremely prosperous mortal country, where everyone has food to eat, will make his blood rush and move him to tears.

Accompanied by a buzzing sound With a crisp sound, the picture of the prosperous age continued to condense, and finally turned into a white jade heavenly book. It fell from the sky and floated in front of Huang Rong.

Huang Rong took it down with trembling hands.

At this moment, her spirit seemed to She is connected to the vast world. As long as she wants to, she can know a lot of knowledge... That is knowledge belonging to industry and physics. It is knowledge that leads directly to the third industrial revolution and the Internet revolution...

At this moment, Huang Rong knew that as long as the new dynasty she founded could completely digest this knowledge, then the dynasty she founded would be as powerful as the one shown in the previous picture.……

"I am so grateful that I cannot express my gratitude to all sentient beings. Huang Rong's voice was choked with sobs.

She knelt on the ground, raised the Book of Heaven above her head, and kowtowed,"Only on behalf of the gods and shepherds can we guard the world and spread the faith!" To repay the great kindness."

God, there was no answer.

However, the Golden Dragon of Luck looked up to the sky and roared. He soared to another world and submerged into the vast mythical world.

Then... waves rose in the void, and the Golden Dragon of Luck and that piece of The vast and unparalleled world of gods disappeared together!_Faloo reminds you: three things about reading-collect, recommend, and share!

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