The deputy of the strongest man:"After all, the difference between the two sides is fifteen hundred years... This is the gap created by the times."

Great Qin Zulong:"No need to say more, I have already made my decision We have made a long-term plan, using ten years to annex all parts of the world, and using a hundred years to increase the number of Yanhuang ethnic groups to hundreds of millions... Well, it is difficult to achieve this through fertility alone. But it doesn't matter, we can also increase assimilation.!"

Moon Worshiping Leader:"!!!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"It's so horrifying... His Majesty Yingzheng's plan is actually based on a ten-year and hundred-year cycle."

Liu Peiqiang:"This is actually normal. As the saying goes, governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies. Nothing involving a country is simple……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Or on the other hand, like Zhu Gaochi, he conquered another country in the blink of an eye... This is beyond common sense, so it is shocking."

Ye Hei:"It's normal too. , the island country was originally a part of the"440" in the Yanhuang cultural circle.……"

Ye Hei:"Normally, attacking him across the sea is very troublesome, so forget it. But now, Zhu Gaochi can destroy a country by himself. The navy of the Ming Dynasty only needs to send troops... Next, assimilate for a period of time , we can naturally turn the island country into a part of the Ming Dynasty."

Ye Hei:"Of course, I think it will be very difficult in South Asia. It cannot be built in a short time! Even if he uses force to establish a country, It will also take a lot of effort to integrate in the later stage."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Well, my plan here is already on the right track... I feel a little anxious."

Ye Hei:"What plan? The plan to become the empress."Yes!"

The young master of Taohua Island:"Yes!"

The young master of Taohua Island:"Well! Is there anyone in the group who would like to lend me some weapons? Knives, arrows, even guns and so on... all are fine. (No Sorry.jpg)"

Yao Lao:"!!!"

Liu Peiqiang:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Are you starting to ask for weapons? Are you preparing for an uprising on the spot?"

Liu Peiqiang:"But forget it about asking for guns or cannons. It's not that I can't give them to you... I'll give you a few dozen Weapons and equipment for tens of thousands of people! That’s no problem……"

Liu Peiqiang:"But the key problem is that the ancient people over there can't use it."

Ye Hei:"It's true that modern equipment requires too high a person's quality! At least, before I came to Beidou... The Yanhuang side needs college students to join the army.……"

Great Qin Zulong:"Swords and bows, I can free up five thousand men here for you."

The crown prince of the Zhu family:"Your Majesty Zulong, let me support you...We still need to fight in the future, but on our Ming side, we basically have no enemies to fight.

Prince Zhu:"In other words, even if we encounter an enemy in the future, I will be the one to do it!" Completely eradicate the enemy. Da Liu Peiqiang:"...Ji Wala shed tears.""Kou. The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Yes, being crippled by a man... I can't even imagine how the leader of the Wala people feels."Hiroki Ye Hei: I'm afraid it will collapse very badly." Core

Ye Hei:"But...don't I remember that Zulong also has ten thousand years of cultivation? Why don't I see Zulong frequently on the front line?"

Ye Hei fell into deep thought.

Great Qin Zulong:"For one thing, my side is a world with extraordinary force.……"

Great Qin Zulong:"Of course, this does not mean that I am not strong in my world. I really have no opponents in my world... But my actions are more aimed at the top experts in our world! I do not attack ordinary people.."

Great Qin Zulong:"Secondly, as an emperor, it is best to stand at the rear... and then issue orders and wait for the generals on the front to bring good news. If all wars are resolved by the emperor, then soldiers are still needed What to do?"

Great Qin Zulong:"And once the idea that soldiers are useless takes root... it will only take ten years, no matter how powerful the army is, it will be destroyed."

Ye Hei:"That's it.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"That's right! Although Zhu Gaochi is the prince, he is not the emperor after all. And there is an example of the prince Zhu Gaoxu becoming a general, so military generals will not exclude Zhu Gaochi too much."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"……When I think of Zhu Gaochi's records in the original history books, he was a wise king and a sage king in the eyes of Confucian scholars. Looking at what he is doing now, I always feel dumbfounded!"

Da Qin Zulong:"Confucianism can be used, but for the emperor, it can only be used. Instead of joining Confucianism yourself... This is a taboo for an emperor. The prince of the Zhu family said:"

I have learned a lesson.""

The prince of the Zhu family:"@太花岛小主. How much do you need? I'll send it to you as soon as I'm ready."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"About... one hundred thousand?"

Prince Zhu family:"?"

Great Qin Zulong:"?"

Ye Hei:"Hey! You have 100,000 soldiers over there? How long have you been joining the chat group for a total on earth did you recruit so many people in such a short period of time?"

Ye Hei was stunned, he felt like this completely incomprehensible....

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Well, I do have a hundred thousand people here...but there are only about 20,000 young and middle-aged people among them...the rest are old, weak, sick and disabled."

The strongest man's deputy:"……"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Ah, this……"

Prince Zhu:"Okay, I will prepare for you ten thousand swords, ten thousand swords, twenty thousand light armors, plus five thousand bows, one hundred thousand arrows! As for the old, weak, sick and disabled... Well, I'll replenish you with 80,000 spears. Is that enough?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"!!! That's enough, that's enough, thank you very much. Once I'm done with it, log inSir, I will reassemble the weapons you gave me and send them to you.

The prince of the Zhu family said:"There's no need to worry about this!" I am also following the instructions of Lord God... As believers, we should be friendly to each other and help each other."

Ye Hei:"Well, Prince... Even if you are powerful, you can't defeat the country. But these things you took are all for the army... If you just give them away without telling your father, will there really be no trouble in the future?"

The prince of the Zhu family:"Don't worry, my old Zhu family has become rich overnight! My old man looks like a nouveau riche now... If I want something like this, he will definitely not care."

Liu Peiqiang:"……"

Miaomushan Immortal:"Thinking about the land God gave you, it is indeed like this. Envy!"

Ye Hei:"+1. You can't describe it as if you have a mine at home... You are obviously I have a family in the mine! (Envy and jealousy twist me.jpg)"

The deputy of the strongest man:"What are you envious of? If you have this time, why not pray to God more."

After 2.5 and half sticks of incense, Zhu Gaochi made a Give the red envelope to Huang Rong.

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Thank you! I'm going to work first, and I'll tell you what happened when it's over. Farewell!"

Master of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Goodbye."

Liu Peiqiang:"This whets people's appetite, and then He just ran away... Sigh, this kind of person is really bad."

"……Huang Rong, has it officially started?"Su Han casually walked out of his new home. In a few steps, he crossed many distances and arrived at the library. Then, he began to look for information about the upper gods' breakthrough to the gods.

Stroking the cover of the book, Su Han made a decision ,"Just do two things at once."

Immediately, Su Han placed part of his attention in the library, looking for information that could break through the gods... and the other part of his attention was projected into the world of Legend of the Condor Heroes through Huang Rong's prayer voice..._

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