"Ho ho ho!!!"The Dark Snake's desperate counterattack, the cursed side naturally noticed it, roared, seized the opportunity, and bit the Dark Snake's waist.

"Click!"However, the Snake of Darkness actually took the initiative to abandon the smaller half of its body and let the Cursed Noodle bite it off. The freed majority of the body fell down in an instant and jumped directly in front of the beef noodles!

"Damn it!"I had just finished eating the beef noodles. When I looked up, I saw the terrifying mouth of the Dark Snake descending again!

"I'm about to burp!"Beef Noodles understood in an instant that once he was eaten, he would definitely be dead!

But the most important thing was that he was not afraid of dying. What he was afraid of was that after being eaten, he would strengthen and nourish the snake of darkness in front of him. In this way Come on, the cursed noodles are no match for this snake of darkness!

After thinking about it for a moment, the beef noodles didn’t hesitate at all!

"Cursed noodles!"

"The rest is up to you!"

"Damn it!!!"


Beef Noodles roared, raised his hands directly, and without any hesitation, he exploded on the spot!

Want to eat me?

Eat your sister!

"boom!!!"The Snake of Darkness didn't expect that the beef noodles would self-destruct. As soon as the open mouth of the blood shed fell down, the beef noodles just exploded, exploding directly in the mouth of the Dark Snake!

"Hiss!"The self-destruction of Beef Noodles only caused pain to the Snake of Darkness, and basically did not hurt the Snake of Darkness at all.

However, the self-destruction of Beef Noodles stung a figure!

The King of Night and Darkness, the Legendary Curse... Cursed Noodle!

In the endless darkness, the blue pupils of the huge winding Cursed Noodle reflected the self-exploding beef noodles. Scenes of scenes appeared in front of the Cursed Noodle in an instant!

Chaotic and ignorant, I don't know how many years I have spent alone...

When I went to eat as usual, I met a strange figure.

A figure waving two flashing sticks and howling.

A figure that has transformed into millions of clones in various postures.

A figure that pulls him and shouts to have fun together!

A figure that invites himself to eat the so-called hot pot around a big green pot.

A figure that takes pictures of himself Shoulder, the figure who called himself a good brother!

But now... this figure, in order not to drag himself down, exploded on the spot!

"Ho ho ho!!!"The cursed face became furious in an instant!

The next moment, the cursed face suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed up almost the entire dark space in an instant!

"boom!"The next moment, the cursed face's body instantly became ten times larger, and its pressure and aura far exceeded those before!

"Hiss!"When the Dark Snake turned around, he discovered the changes in the cursed side, and immediately panicked and wanted to run away.

"Roar!!!"However, the cursed face directly transformed into a huge mouth, and in an instant, it swallowed the snake of darkness!

Although at first, the body of the cursed face twisted rapidly, as if something was struggling desperately in the body, but soon, Everything calmed down!

The huge and boundless cursed face gradually shrank in size, and soon returned to its usual human form.

However, the figure of the cursed face was full of loneliness and loneliness.

In the faint blue pupils, there was a drop of pitch black like The droplets of ink slipped down inadvertently.

But at this moment……

"Snapped!"A familiar big hand suddenly patted the cursed face on the shoulder.

"!"The cursed face suddenly turned around and let out bursts of surprise!

Because the figure in front of me, although it is just a clone of Beef Noodles, is still the familiar him!

"Gan is so beautiful, he is worthy of being a good brother of my family!"Beef Noodles, who controlled the clone, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Who said that he will die if he blows himself up?

There are a million wild noodle brothers present, who are the clones of Beef Noodles!

As long as there is still one clone alive, Beef Noodles You can transfer it freely!

In one sentence, it means... the darkness cannot be swallowed up, and the wind blows away and regenerates!

"Little Curse, it’s time to take us out!"Beef Noodles chuckled and said immediately.

Soon, Beef Noodles only felt that his eyes were darkening for an instant. When he regained his vision, he had returned to the strange space before.

And this time, no one would stop Beef Noodles. Got it

"Although I don’t know who arranged this formation, I’m sorry!"Beef Noodles smiled, and with a wave of his hand, he instantly put the fairy crystal that maintained the center of the huge ancient formation into the divine water ring.

"Click, click, click!"As the fairy crystal disappeared, not only the ancient formation began to collapse, but also the entire hidden space began to collapse.

Beef Noodles did not bother to look at the ancient formation that gradually stopped running and began to collapse. He waved his hand and signaled that the cursed face Run away by yourself... at the same time……

"Hahaha...poof!"The True Prison Emperor who was laughing loudly suddenly vomited a large mouthful of black blood!

Almost at the same time, the True Prison Emperor felt a weakness that he had never experienced before, and was disconnected from an ancient existence. feeling of connection

"impossible!!!"In an instant, the True Prison Prison Emperor understood what was happening, but he couldn't believe it!

The ancient formation arranged by the Immortal Emperor of Samsara... was broken!

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