
The arrow shot through the air and landed on him in the fish-man knight's somewhat horrified eyes.

Injuries emerged one after another, and the fish-man knight who was already seriously injured died on the spot.

Seeing another fourth-level professional die, the others' breaths froze, and their fear became more intense.


Li Qi took a deep look at Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao and ordered.

Lin Yu looked at the fish people and human professionals who were planning to retreat and couldn't help but smile.

"Can you leave?"


As soon as they took a few steps back, the frost exploded and froze them in place.

"Damn it! There is still one?!"

Everyone roared, and professionals with control release skills released control one after another, and ran away without even looking at their companions.

They were already frightened.

"Lizzie, you……"

"Help us!"

"Don't leave us behind!"


The faces of the professionals who were left behind changed drastically, and despair flashed in their eyes.

However, not long after running, the professional in front was frozen by the frost again.

Seeing this, the abandoned professional showed a hint of joy.

Naturally, Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao were not idle.

Tian Yuanlong arrived behind a fourth-level fishman priest with a shadow step.

Swishing the dagger, streaks of skill light flashed.

In just two seconds, the fishman priest turned into a corpse as soon as he recovered from the frost.

Tian Yuanlong had no expression on his face and continued to harvest the life of the next level four professional.

Lu Yao, on the other hand, used the rain of arrows to cover all the enemies. The third-level professional was defenseless and extremely vulnerable to the rain of arrows.

By the time the control was over, all the remaining dozen or so third-level powerhouses were dead.

In the end, only Lizzie and a fourth-level fishman knight were left.

Both of them are heavy-armored professions with extremely strong defensive capabilities.

In the short control time, it was still a bit difficult for Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao to kill them.

However, after the control was over, the two people had no idea of ​​fighting back and continued to run away with fearful expressions on their faces.

As a result, just after running a few steps, electromagnetic power surged on the ground.

The two heavy armor professionals trembled and fell to the ground.


The two men trembled and screamed.

Even Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao, who were chasing them, felt a little sympathetic when they looked at the two murloc professionals struggling on the ground.

Of course, sympathy is sympathy, and the two men were unambiguous about their actions.

Soon, the two focused their fire and killed one of the fish-man knights.

Lizzie was left recovering from her paralysis.

His eyes swept across the corpses of fish and human traitors on the ground, and a trace of sadness and horror flashed in his eyes.


He raised his head and roared, and then simply stopped running. He held the battle ax in his hand and stared at Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao.

"come! Even if workers die, they must die with dignity!!"

He roared angrily.

Tian Yuanlong looked at him indifferently and sneered:

"Are you afraid that you will be electrocuted again just after you run out?"

Li Qi's face froze.

Tian Yuanlong was right. He didn't dare to take another step at this moment for fear of being controlled again.

Like everyone else, he died worthless!

He couldn't even resist!

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit! We made a miscalculation. I didn't expect you to be willing to pay such a high price to protect a few geniuses!

It’s all death anyway! Even if I fight for my name, I will take one of you away!"

Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao had no idea of ​​​​explaining.

Tian Yuanlong was indifferent and rushed towards Li Qi, while Lu Yao supported from behind.

The three of them fought together, and the aftermath was raging, and many nearby red maple trees were cut off..Li

Qi's strength is not weak, but unfortunately, he is not in good condition anymore, and with one versus two, he was killed by Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao not long after. There was unwillingness in his eyes, and the body slowly fell to the ground.

After looking at Li Qi's fallen body, Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao looked around again.

The ground was full of corpses of fish and human traitors, fourth level, third level, dozens of people!

In Lu Yao's eyes Still in disbelief:

"We actually killed so many murlocs and human traitors?"

You know, if there are so many strong men surrounding and killing the two of them, they will not even have a chance to escape!

But now, they have killed all these strong men!

They can't even escape. One went out.

It was as if he was dreaming.

Tian Yuanlong's cold face was full of shock.

He remembered something, looked at Lin Yu, and said with a serious face:

"Classmate Lin Yu, I want to apologize to you! I shouldn't doubt you!

I'm afraid it would be easier if I listened to your opinion at the beginning. Lin

Yu waved his hand, smiled and said:

"Prosecutor Tian is too polite, you are also responsible.

I'm just a student. If you believe me for no reason, something might happen.

If it were me, I would do the same thing as you.

I didn't pay any attention to it."

Tian Yuanlong breathed a sigh of relief, and an ugly smile appeared on his stiff face.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin Yu, for your understanding. If I had to do it again, I would indeed make that choice."

Lin Yu nodded and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

This man smiled like a ghost and was shameless.

Lu Yao's cold voice sounded:

"There is one more thing that remains unresolved."

She looked at Wei Feiguang in the distance.

Wei Feiguang had already suffered serious injuries, and was later dragged around by Li Qi and others.

Finally, he watched so many strong fishmen and human traitors die.

He is now weak. On the ground, shivering.

Seeing Wei Feiguang's appearance, Lu Yao and Tian Yuanlong both showed a trace of disgust.

As a professional with his own team and life and death comrades, what they hate most is this kind of coward who is as extreme as a mouse. An incomparable professional.

He might be killed soon.

Lin Yu also looked at Wei Feiguang, his eyes were very calm.

In fact, he didn't take this person seriously from beginning to end.

It's a pity that he chose the wrong path.

Lin Yu Yu shook his head

"Isn’t it good to live well? You have to be a traitor."

Wei Feiguang's heart was full of fear, so scared that his heart almost stopped beating.

However, when he met Lin Yu's calm eyes and those pity words, his body trembled and his face became ferocious again.

"Lin Yu! it was all your fault! If it weren't for you, how could I abandon you?! We could have escaped together!! Why do you pretend to be a hero all by yourself?!"

Lin Yu:"……"

He looked confused.

Is this person crazy?

Wei Feiguang wanted to say something else, but an arrow shot out, killing Wei Feiguang directly.

Lu Yao's face was cold:

"A worthy death! Tian

Yuanlong glanced at Lu Yao and said nothing.

Lin Yu glanced at the time:

"There is only half a minute left, and I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with the fishmen outside."

When they rush back, the group of attackers must have run away.

Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao also felt a little regretful

"Being able to kill so many people is already a huge profit."

Tian Yuanlong pointed at the corpses on the ground, and then he was stunned for a moment.

"Something seems wrong... I killed a team before, and Lu Yao also killed a team. Why is there still one less team? Lu

Yao was stunned, turned around and counted carefully, and found that one team was indeed missing.

At this time, Lin Yu remembered the pair of attackers he had killed before.

He said:

"It seems I killed him."

Tian Yuanlong:"……"

Lu Yao:"……"

The two of them glanced at Lu Ze with wide eyes.

It's different from letting them take action.

Lin Yu actually killed a murloc team by himself!

"Classmate Lin Yu, you are really incredible."

Tian Yuanlong couldn't help but sigh.


Deep in the red maple forest.

Yan Ji and Zuo Muge moved towards the depths with nearly a hundred students.

Except for Yan Ji and Zuo Muge, all the students looked pale and frightened.

Boom boom boom!!

At this moment, there was a roar behind him.

The battle begins.

Everyone trembled and looked towards the direction of the battle, with palpitations on their faces.

"You...do you think what Lin Yu said is true? Can you really kill all those who are chasing you?"

A girl's voice was trembling.

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