
The door of the armored vehicle that was parked quietly opened suddenly, and a roar sounded.

A black shadow rushed out and hit the rushing fishman professional hard.





A large area of ​​huge damage appeared, and the fishman professional screamed and flew out.

Zhang Hongcai, wearing heavy armor and holding a giant shield and a long sword, stood in the open space and glanced sharply at a group of fishmen professionals.

"Fifth level?!"

Everyone in the encirclement and suppression group exclaimed.

Sure enough, something unexpected happened.

In the past, there were no fifth-level professional escorts!

"A bunch of filthy bugs, I knew you were coming!"

The giant shield in Zhang Hongcai's hand landed heavily on the ground, and the earth trembled.

At this moment, a huge fishman warrior pushed aside the fishmen and humans and walked out.

He rubbed his nose and waved the battle ax in his hand. , sharp air waves appeared in the air, and the ground was split.

Baribas laughed ferociously, exposed his sharp teeth, and stared at Zhang Hongcai


"A fifth-level fishman warrior?"

Zhang Hongcai frowned and his face became solemn.

At this moment, other people in the armored vehicle also came out.

Seeing the extremely ferocious Baribasi, Tian Yuanlong and other prosecutors' faces became serious.

"Fifth level?!"

When many students heard this, their faces turned pale and looked frightened.

"There is actually a fifth-level expert here? ?"

Even Lin Yu frowned and glanced at Baribas with some solemnity.

Zhang Hongcai stared at Baribas in front of him and said slowly:

"Protect the students. Reinforcements will arrive in five minutes at most."

As he spoke, he took heavy steps and rushed towards Baribas.

He wanted to take Baribas away from the battlefield.

These students are too fragile, even if their aftermath accidentally touches someone. Students may directly kill him.

He can only choose to strike first.


Zhang Hongcai and Baribas collided. With the power of charge, he directly knocked away several fishmen with Baribas and rushed in. In the red maple forest on one side.

After Zhang Hongcai and Baribas left, murlocs and humans slowly surrounded them, with a hint of a smile on their faces.

"Damn traitors and fishmen."

A long bow appeared in Lu Yao's hand. She was an archer.

Tian Yuanlong's face was still cold, and he had two daggers in his hand. He was an assassin.

In addition to the two of them, there were six prosecutors, ranging from warriors to mages. , to priests, there are all kinds of professions.

Obviously, the issue of professional configuration has been considered when choosing prosecutors.

But... even so, they still look ugly.

The number of murlocs and human traitors is compared to There are a lot more of them.

Nearly twenty of them are all fourth-level professionals like prosecutors, and there are nearly fifty third-level professionals! The other side is too well prepared.

And too willing to give up.

The fourth-level ones Professionals can be considered the elites of medium-sized battlefields.

If they fail, they all have to stay here!

Among the prosecutors, a knight wearing heavy armor came out and stood in the front.

"Lao Tian, ​​Xiao Lu, you are fast and flexible, we hold them back while you lead these students to break through.

A mage smiled:"The red maple forest is densely packed, so it's not difficult to wait for a few minutes.""

As he spoke, he waved his staff and put a shield on himself.

The other prosecutors were also prepared one by one, planning to face the enemy.

"Want to run?! What about dreaming?!"

The leader of the black-scaled murlocs laughed ferociously, waved his hand, and rushed over with all the murlocs and human traitors.

"Grandchildren, come and fuck me!"

The leading knight roared.

Then, all the fishmen and black human traitors seemed to hear something strange, and rushed towards the knight with red eyes.


Let the enemies within a certain range forcefully attack the target.

"Take advantage of now!"

The prosecutors cooperated very well.

They all concentrated their efforts to attack in the weakest position.

Several third-level professionals died on the spot, and even a fourth-level fish-man professional could only avoid the edge temporarily.

Lu Yao A distant wolf howl sounded from his body.

The next moment, all the students, including Lin Yu, felt that their speed had increased significantly.

This was not just for fun, Tian Yuanlong waved his hand, and a green light flashed on everyone.

Everyone's speed skyrocketed again.

The two groups accelerated their skills!

For a time, their speed was even slower than that of third-level professionals.


Tian Yuanlong snorted coldly, and rushed forward.

Each student woke up from a dream, and followed Tian Yuanlong with pale faces.

Finally, Lu Yao took over.

When the fourth-level professionals released their control, Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao Already rushed into the woods with a kind of student

"Damn it!"

The black-scaled murloc roared, and then said:

"Lizzie! You bring a few brothers and third-level people to chase after you! Just leave them to us!

Lizzie nodded:"Follow me!""

A few prosecutors were about to stop them, but they were blocked by ten fourth-level professionals. They could only watch them enter the red maple forest.


In the red maple forest, Tian Yuanlong and Lu Yao, who were running in front, heard the sound and their faces turned cold.

Tian Yuanlong said to Lu Yao:

"You keep running with them, and I'll interfere."

Lu Yao nodded and was about to speak.


At this moment, there was a loud noise and several screams from behind.

Tian Yuanlong, Lu Yao and all the students were stunned.

"This is...who can help?"

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