Boom boom boom!!

The King of the Nine Netherworld mobilized the power of the entire world to launch an attack, which caused the entire Nine Netherworld to tremble. The incomparably powerful power surged, and even the Tiandou World on the other side of the world passage felt it.

When the dark space door came out, the powerful power of the Nine Netherworlds surged, making the six Eternals groan and their bodies tremble continuously.

"what happened?!"

"What happened over there in Jiuyou? Why did the power of Jiuyou suddenly riot?"

"I can't last much longer like this, what should I do?"

"Be sure to hold on!"

The original power of the six Eternals is constantly fading at this moment, and it will not take long before they will retreat to the level of supreme divine power. Originally, their idea was to wait until the successors came, and it would not matter even if their strength faded, but they did not expect Lin Yu to directly After entering the Jiuyou world, riots started again at the Jiuyou gate. They felt powerless at the moment.

In the space, Donggong Liuli looked at the rioting power of Jiuyou, with a trace of worry in her eyes. She didn't know what to do. Her My strength is too weak. Even if I want to do something, I can't help.


As the power of the Nine Nethers surged, more dark space gates appeared in the star world, and the power of the Nine Netherworlds spilled out. Many evil gods in the star realm who had been corroded by the power of the Nine Netherworlds immediately rioted.

Outside the Blue Star, the power of the Nine Netherworlds surged in the bodies of the Blood Virgin and other five star realm evil gods, and their extremely violent divine power raged.

Above the blue star, in the hall of the gods, Lu Xingyue, who had just returned not long ago, felt the powerful evil power for the first time, and her face became solemn.

The same goes for other gods

"what happened?! Why are those evil gods going crazy again?"

Seeing each evil god open his eyes and move towards the Blue Star, all the gods suddenly frowned.

"Are they going to fight us head-on?!"

"Something's wrong, how come their strength has increased so much?!"

At this time, a group of Blue Star gods discovered that the power of the Star Realm Evil God had increased a lot, and even reached the level of great divine power.

"What is the black mist outside their bodies?"

Zuo Yuan frowned as he looked at the black mist surging outside the five evil gods in the astral realm. He felt an extremely dangerous aura from the black mist. When

Lu Xingyue saw the black mist, her pupils shrank and she showed a hint of shock. :"That mist... came from the space door!"

"Space door? What space door?"

All the gods looked at Lu Xingyue with doubts on their faces. Lu Xingyue frowned and told about the black space door that Lin Yu had discovered before. Suddenly everyone's heart sank.

"Is it something that even Ayu finds difficult? Isn't this thing very dangerous?"

Lei Yingji frowned.

"Not to mention the black space gate... just these evil gods are a huge threat to us now, what should we do?"

Yanlong said.

Lu Xingyue smiled and said:"There is no need to worry about these evil gods."

With that said, Lu Xingyue took out a bunch of artifacts and god-level special items:"These were all found by Lin Yu from the battlefield of the gods. He didn't need them, so he asked me to bring them back."

Everyone was dumbfounded when they looked at the pile of artifacts piled up like a hill.

"so much?!"

"How many artifacts are there?!"

"Well, a few thousand pieces, maybe."


"Come and equip yourself. There are also artifacts with great divine power and supreme divine power. Coupled with various god-level special items, it is not difficult to resist these evil gods."

"good! Do it quickly!"


Jiuyou World.

The world was shaken. Lin Yu continued to resist attacks and continued to use the divine power of destiny.

The pressure put on him by the King of Nine Nethers this time was greater than the pressure put on him by the great dark god when he first entered the battlefield of the gods last time.

Under such tremendous pressure, he realized the power of destiny much faster than before.

In just one day, he realized the divine power of destiny to the level of great divine power.

Seeing that Lin Yu had resisted the power of the world for a day, the King of Nine Nethers frowned slightly:"Everyone attacks together, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Hearing this, Lin Yu's face changed, what the hell?! Do these people have any humanity? More than twenty Eternals and a Nine Nether King who has mastered the power of the Nine Nether World attacked him together?!

Is that too much?

"etc! Be gentle!"

Lin Yu couldn't help shouting.

However, the King of Nine Netherworlds and a group of Nine Netherworld Eternals just sneered. The movements in their hands were not gentle at all. The violent power surged and launched various attacks against Lin Yu.

Lin Yu Yu's whole body surged with divine power, and the origin of time and space condensed a space-time barrier in front of him. When the Eternal's power passed through this space-time barrier, it seemed as if it had passed through countless spaces and endless years. The power became much weaker and fell behind the remaining defenses. , the power is greatly reduced.

The only thing that poses a huge threat to Lin Yu is the power of the world of the King of Nine Netherworlds. The power of the world has no trajectory, and it can almost be said to be a sure hit. The power of the entire world is too powerful , even the time and space barrier is difficult to resist.

All the Nine Nether Eternals attacked together, which increased Lin Yu's pressure a lot. However, because Lin Yu's strength has also been improved to a certain extent after the promotion of destiny power, he can barely hold on. Live.

He continued to add good luck to himself, and continued to treat his injuries, and managed to survive again.

After a few days, Lin Yu squeezed his own strength and raised the power of destiny to the level of great divine power. The destiny of great divine power With the increase of the Key of Destiny, the Divine Power has barely gained part of the power of the origin of destiny.

In Lin Yu's hands, the trajectory of destiny began to change, and part of the attack trajectory of the Eternals was deflected under the outline of destiny. The other attacks canceled each other out, and some of the attacks landed on the area where Lin Yu had the strongest defense and the least damage. Lin Yu suffered much less damage than before.

The King of Nine Nethers felt this situation, and he frowned He raised his eyebrows, looked at Lin Yu, and his expression changed:"Wait!"

A group of Nine Nether Eternals stopped and looked at the King of Nine Netherworlds.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

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