Lin Yu glanced at the gods present and found that there was also a god from the Blood Demon Clan and a god from the Kongming Clan.

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows and raised his fingers, and the power of darkness exploded. Two gods with powerful divine power turned into a black mist and disappeared in the horrified eyes of all the gods.

"This this……"

All the gods can feel that these two gods and even the Kingdom of God were completely destroyed in an instant!

Lin Yu's power made everyone feel cold

"This lord! The Tower of Time should be yours! I am willing to withdraw from the competition!"

"Me too! I am also willing to withdraw from the competition!"


Anyone who can become a god with powerful divine power is certainly not a fool. They can clearly see how strong Lin Yu is at this moment, and naturally they will not die foolishly.

Even several gods with great power were silent at the moment and did not dare to look at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu glanced over, nodded, and did not continue to take action:"In that case, you guys wait here."

The next moment, Lin Yu looked at the time and space tower not far away, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

His right hand reached towards the Tower of Time and Space, and the next moment his divine power of space and time surged and penetrated towards the Tower of Time and Space.

As if feeling Lin Yu's penetration, the huge body of the Space-Time Tower shook, trying to break through the space and leave the star realm.

How could Lin Yu let this time and space tower leave? The power of darkness surged out of his body, imprisoning the Time and Space Tower in place almost instantly.

The Time and Space Tower is very powerful. After all, it is a supreme artifact. It also possesses the two divine powers of time and space. Even the supreme gods cannot conquer it.

However, even the supreme divine power is still somewhat stretched when facing the power of the source.

The tower of time and space was constantly vibrating in the confinement of darkness, trying to escape, but in the end, it was unable to move at all.

Lin Yu felt that his divine power was being consumed rapidly. He raised his eyebrows and invaded the divine power of time and space again. After a while, the time and space tower stopped shaking, and Lin Yu felt the feeling of blood connection.

Lin Yu raised the corner of his mouth and showed a smile. He removed the power of the origin of darkness, and with a move of his right hand, the huge body of the Space-Time Tower shrank rapidly, and soon shrank to the size of a palm, flying into Lin Yu's palm.

When the gods not far away saw this scene, their eyes widened with horror on their faces.

You know, this is a time and space tower that even the supreme gods have tried to control!

Even the supreme god failed to succeed, and now he is completely controlled by others! This strength is more powerful than those of the supreme gods!

Just when the Time and Space Tower was about to fly into Lin Yu's palm, a violent surge of thunder struck at Lin Yu. The next moment, the space door in front of the Time and Space Tower opened, wrapping around Lei Lei's palm. He grabbed it towards the time and space tower.

Seeing this scene, all the gods widened their eyes

"The Supreme God of Thunder!"

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The power of this thunder is at the highest level of divine power. Obviously this guy has been hiding for a while. After Lin Yu took control of the time and space tower, he took action to snatch it.

"you wanna die! Lin

Yu's cold voice sounded.

Thunderous laughter sounded:"Hahaha!" I know you are strong! But as long as I master the Space-Time Tower, what can you do to me?

Lin Yu curled his lips:"Ignorant.""

The extremely powerful divine power surged in Lin Yu's body, and the dark power surged. The Supreme God of Thunder in the space exclaimed:"What?!"

Amidst the exclamation, the space was torn apart in an instant, and a stalwart figure wrapped with thunder flew out upside down, and a little flash of thunder's blood flowed out.

Soon, the Supreme God of Thunder stabilized his body, and his There was a dark tearing wound on the chest, and the power of darkness surged above the wound, eroding the body of the Thunder Supreme God. The

Thunder Supreme God's face was slightly pale. He looked down at the wound and looked up at Lin Yu , his eyes were full of solemnity.

But Lin Yu didn't look at the Supreme God of Thunder. He raised his head and grabbed the time and space tower that floated over.

Seeing the tower of time and space falling into Lin Yu's hands, the Supreme God of Thunder's face became increasingly ugly..

His low growl sounded:"When do you guys plan to see it?! He is already so powerful now. If you don't take action, when he completely controls the Space-Time Tower, all of us will be suppressed by him!"

The roar of the Supreme God of Thunder sounded, and soon, the space was torn apart, and majestic figures walked out one after another. There were handsome angels with soft light flashing all over their bodies, dark demons wrapped in darkness, and as thick as the earth. The huge Titan and the huge flame dragon whose whole body was burning with flames.

As four tall figures emerged, extremely powerful divine power surged. Except for Lin Yu, the faces of the other gods became very pale.

Not only the divine power brought The pressure, but these stalwart figures themselves have such strong pressure.

They are all the supreme gods!

The supreme god of light, the supreme god of darkness, the supreme god of earth, and the supreme god of fire!

In addition to the previous supreme god of thunder, All the five supreme gods in the entire universe are here.

The Supreme God of Light raised his lips, with a smile on his handsome face, and looked at Lin Yu:"One person is not the same to the entire universe. A good thing."

The Supreme God of the Earth looked at the space-time tower in Lin Yu's hand and narrowed his eyes:"I didn't expect that someone could really control the supreme artifact.……"

Flames surged all over the body of the Flame Supreme God, and the huge dragon wings opened slightly:"Kill him, otherwise the Supreme God will no longer be the Supreme God." The

Dark Supreme God turned his head and looked at the dark power around Lin Yu, with flashing eyes. A cold and greedy look:"What a rich power of darkness. Is this the power above the supreme?"

Compared with other supreme gods, the only thing the dark supreme god longs for is the powerful original power of darkness in Lin Yu. , as long as he has the power of darkness, his power will be able to reach a higher level!

Lin Yu glanced at the Supreme God of Darkness. Lin Yu had seen him once before, but he did not expect to meet him face to face so soon.

The Dark Supreme God, who had been staring at Lin Yu, naturally noticed Lin Yu's gaze. His body shook and his eyes widened slightly:"It's you?!"

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