
Seeing this scene, the two dark demons' pupils shrank, and the expressions on their faces froze.

"Theocracy?! Space theocracy?!"

The bodies of the two dark demons became tense.

Lin Yu smiled, looked at the two dark demon gods, and said,"Are you two the strongest people in this lair?"

The two dark demon gods were furious when they saw Lin Yu's teasing tone.

One of the dark demon gods said coldly:"What if you have divine power? You are nothing more than a demigod!"

While he was speaking, Lin Yu suddenly pointed at the dark demon god. The next moment, the dark demon god's body froze in place, and his blood-red eyes widened. The next moment, the space where he was suddenly It collapsed and turned into dust, and his body also decomposed.

The power of space, the space collapsed.

When the other Dark Demon God saw this, he was startled and opened his eyes wide.

Lin Yu saw the expression of the Dark Demon God, I understand that there may be some differences between the Dark Demon God and the Dark Demons under the gods. At least, the Dark Demon God has consciousness and can communicate.

Lin looked at the still alive Dark Demon God and smiled:"You are from here The strongest?"

However, to Lin Yu's surprise, the remaining dark demon spirit still did not answer Lin Yu's question. With a low roar, the purple-black humanoid figure that originally had the reminder suddenly exploded and turned into a shapeless mist form. , the breath became chaotic and violent.

The next moment, he roared at Lin Yu, and purple-black mist surged. Lin Yu suddenly felt that his blood was showing signs of riot, and every part of his body was A chaotic consciousness emerged.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and the divine power of chaos surged, suppressing all the power of chaos, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

This ghost thing is really weird.

Lin Yu became angry again The chaotic Dark Demon God pointed his finger, and the divine power of space erupted again. The space around the Dark Demon God solidified and then collapsed. The

Dark Demon God inside was a little stronger than the previous one, struggled a little, and then turned into dust and disappeared. not see


Just after the two dark demon gods died, a roar came from the depths of the dark demon lair again.

This time the aura coming from inside was much stronger than the two dark demon gods, and even Lin Yu felt a trace of it. Threat.

Is this a weak divine power?

Just as Lin Yu was thinking, a powerful shadow covered in purple-black mist appeared. As soon as it appeared, without any communication, it directly launched a fierce attack on Lin Yu.

Lin Yu He found that his body was cracking with cracks without warning, and his limbs and head seemed to have their own ideas, wanting to leave Lin Yu's body.

However, this situation only lasted for a moment, and there were wisps of dusk in Lin Yu's body. The color light flashed, and the next moment, his body returned to normal, and even the cracks on his body recovered without any trace. The recovery ability of the body of chaos is not fake.

At the moment when Lin Yu recovered, Purple-black light pillars shot from all directions, all containing extremely powerful aura.

It was the attack of the dark demon god with weak divine power.

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows, and his body disappeared in place, and all the attacks fell into the air. There was a roar, and the entire purple-black space trembled violently, with traces of cracks.

After escaping the attack, Lin Yu struck deep into the Dark Demon God. The next moment, there was something in the Dark Demon God's body. The violent golden flames burned.

The terrifying golden flames surged, and the body of the Dark Demon God twisted, and let out a sharp scream.

In just one moment, the breath of the Dark Demon God became much weaker.

Lin Yu did not give He took the chance and continued to attack. Under the disintegration of space, the body of the dark demon god turned directly into powder in the space.

Lin Yu breathed out slightly. After all, he was a god. Even if he was much stronger than him, if he was not careful, he would still be It will hurt.

Lin Yu stopped thinking about it and looked around. The dark demon god's attack just now made the purple-black space seem to be almost exploded. The entire space was on the verge of collapse, and the space was constantly torn apart. The vast majority of the dark demons were completely cold under the previous aftermath, and the remaining ones are now lingering.

Lin Yu raised the corner of his mouth, and the next moment power surged, and the divine power of space exploded, tearing apart, and the purple-black space It shattered inch by inch.

Finally, when the space was completely shattered, Lin Yu went out from the space door.

As soon as he left the space door, there was a roar inside, and the next moment, turbulent space flow appeared behind Lin Yu, The location of the space door turned into a huge space crack, and the previous purple-black space had disappeared.

At the same time, the system's prompt sounded.

"Ding, player Lin Yu destroyed the Dark Demon's lair and the mission is completed."

"Ding, congratulations to player Lin Yu for completing the trial mission [The Black Tide Is Coming]】"

"Ding, congratulations to player Lin Yu for passing the trial to become a god and condensing his divine power.……"

"Ding, player Lin Yu’s Chaos Divine Power condensed into Chaos Godhead and began to open up the Kingdom of God.……"

"Ding, player Lin Yu has completed the development of the Kingdom of God and obtained the prototype of the Kingdom of Chaos."

"Ding, congratulations to player Lin Yu for upgrading his medium chaos godhead to high level and gaining 500 chaos points."

"Ding, because the player Lin Yu has condensed the Chaos Godhead and opened up the Chaos Kingdom, his career has been optimized.……"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the professional God of Chaos."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the professional feature omniscience and omnipotence."

"Ding, congratulations to player Lin Yu for becoming a god."


The moment Lin Yu became a god, the entire heavens and worlds began to tremble, and the power of chaos spread across the heavens. The vast aura emerged again in the heavens and worlds.

The gods of the entire heavens and worlds I'm already a little numb now

"Didn’t a vision just happen a few days ago? Why did it come again suddenly?"

"what happened? It's much stronger than it was a few days ago. What is it that keeps getting stronger?"

"This vast knowledge and power... actually gave me a feeling of palpitations."

On the Blue Star, the Star Goddess opened her eyes slightly as she looked at the surging power of chaos. Didn't that guy Lin Yu just go on a trial mission to become a god? How could it be so fast? He would become a god now.


When the Star Goddess thought of the hardships she had put in to complete the task of becoming a god, she felt a little bad.

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