Lin Yu gathered hundreds of clones and began to search in the treasure house.

There are tens of thousands of special items in the treasure house, and it is not easy to find special items related to time.

After searching several rooms, Lin Yu suddenly paused, and the next moment he appeared in front of one of the blood phantoms.

In the hand of the blood phantom is a clock.

Lin Yu took it and took a look.

Stasis Clock (one-star holy level) special item.

After use, the space around the target can be stagnant for a period of time. The length of time is determined by the user's strength. The number of uses is 10/10. Conditions of use: 300 divinity points, 10 chaos points.

Lin Yu couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly when he saw the conditions for using the stasis clock. Chaos points were actually needed?!

This was the first time Lin Yu discovered that a holy item requires Chaos Points to be used!

You know, the only way to obtain Chaos Points is the Eternal Trial! In other words, no one else can use this thing except him?

Moreover, the divinity points required by this thing are much higher than the divinity points required by the holy weapon, which is a bit exaggerated.

Lin Yu's eyes sparkled, and he quickly put this thing into the amplification column to increase the amplification.

The light flashed, and the next moment, the originally brass-colored stagnant clock changed like a pocket watch, turning into an hourglass filled with brass-colored grit.

Time hourglass (one-star sub-god level) special item

1. After use, the space around the target can be frozen for a period of time. The length of time is determined by the user's strength. The cooling time is 24 hours.

2. If the user has more than 50 chaos points and consumes the sand of time, he can obtain the perfect time law, and then the time hourglass will be destroyed.

Conditions of use: 800 divinity points, 50 chaos points.

Lin Yu's eyes flashed with a look of surprise. He could directly obtain the perfect time law, which was quite good!

As for the 50 chaos points, Lin Yu naturally didn't stop there.

He directly chose the second option and used all the Sands of Time.

The next moment, the brass-colored Sands of Time turned into wisps of brass light and merged into Lin Yu's body. Wisps of brass light flashed on the surface of Lin Yu's body. His black eyes stretched out, as if there was a clock running. , eternal and eternal.


As the brassy light dissipated, Lin Yu raised his hand slightly, and then opened a crack in front of him.

He grabbed a gray-white wooden staff from behind the crack and became an apprentice staff.

This is a new staff that Lin Yu purchased on Adventurer Street in Shimmer City when he first became a professional.

What Lin Yu is holding now is a time projection of the staff he borrowed from the gap in time.

Now Lin Yu can capture the projections of all the people or objects he has ever seen from within the river of time, that's all!

In other words, he can also summon projections, including gods!

Of course, if the projection of the gods appears, the gods in reality will definitely notice it, and with his current strength, he will definitely not be able to fully unleash the power of the time projection of the gods.

Even so, this is still very strong.

As long as the projection of summoned gods has some power, isn't it much stronger than a demigod?

Lin Yu was a little eager to try and summon the projection of the Star Goddess.

But after thinking about it, Lin Yu thought it was better not to commit suicide. If the goddess of the stars is unhappy, who knows what will happen?

Hmm... Unless absolutely necessary, never summon the projection of a god. The projection of a demigod should be fine.

This is just an ability of the Law of Time. Using the Law of Time, he can also restore his body to a state at a certain point in time in the past. In other words, even if he is injured and dying, as long as he restores his body to He can return to his original state before being injured, and he will not die if he has it!

Not only that, this ability can be used on others as well.

Healing your own allies, you can also treat the enemy after he is injured and heal him, so that he can return to the way he was when he was injured. This will definitely make people confused.

Not only that, Lin Yu can also steal time. If it takes one second to get from where he is now to his destination, he can steal this second directly. In this way, he can reach his destination in an instant.

Originally, it would take a blink of an eye for his attack to hit the target, and it might be dodged. He could steal the time to prepare for his attack and the time to fly. As long as he attacks, he will directly reach the target, making it impossible to avoid it. avoid!

He can even store the stolen time and transfer it to other locations.

If someone wants to hit him, it may take a second for the fist to hit his face. If he gives the stolen time to his enemy, it may take a minute for the fist to reach his face, as slow as an ant crawling.!

It has to be said that the law of time has too many wonderful uses. The only regret is that the law has its limits after all, and it is impossible to affect extremely powerful beings. Otherwise, he would not need to advance to the level of a god, and he would be invincible now.

Even the gods can't do anything to him.

It would be great if the law of time could be understood to the level of divine authority.

The law of time is more profound than the law of space. Even if he now has a lot of divinity points and chaos points, he now has the perfect level of time law as the basis. If he wants to understand the divine power, Lin Yu already feels that it will be a long time, and it may take several years. Ten years, hundreds, or even thousands of years are not certain.

We still have to find other special items related to the law of time.

Only in this way can he realize the divine power of time in the shortest possible time.

At this moment, Lin Yu suddenly paused and his pupils shrank slightly.

One of his clones discovered a very interesting special item!

Even more magical than the stagnant clock!

Lin Yu disappeared without thinking and appeared in another room.

In that room, a blood phantom held a very ordinary-looking white dice in his hand.

Lin Yu took the dice from the blood phantom's hand and examined them.

Destiny Dice (one-star demi-god level) special item

: roll the dice, and get the next destiny according to the face of the dice, one: extreme misfortune, two: misfortune, three: slight misfortune, four: slightly good luck, five: good luck, Six: Extremely good luck.

Conditions of use: 300 divinity points, 10 chaos points

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