"Ding, the player Lin Yu used the Blood Heart. Since the player has mastered the intermediate Dark Law, the degree of control of the law has been improved, and the Blood Law has been upgraded to the advanced level."

"Ding, because of the effect of the Heart of Blood, player Lin Yu’s Blood Law has been upgraded to the top level."

"Ding, because of the effect of the Blood Heart, player Lin Yu's Blood Law has been upgraded to the perfect level."

The blood mist around Lin Yu was several times thicker than before. He stretched out his hand slightly, and the power of blood turned into red satin and flowed in his hand.

Swing it into his arm and do whatever he wanted, just like perfection. The level of dark law is exactly the same.

The powerful blood law has brought Lin Yu a huge improvement.

After all, he has several blood holy arts.

Whether it is blood source return, infinite blood phantom body or crimson destruction, he will gain the ultimate A substantial improvement!

Even if Lin Yu's current strength is not as good as that of the five-star saint who also mastered the perfect law, the difference is not too far away.

After taking back the power of the blood law, Lin Yu glanced at the remaining blood law. Heart, lost in thought.

Because Lin Yu's Blood Law has reached the perfect level, this thing is no longer useful to him.

However, the Blood Heart itself represents the powerful power of the law. After using it, as long as luck is not Too bad, it is easy to get a primary blood law.

He plans to keep it and see whoever reaches the saint level first, Zuo Muge, Yan Ji, and Dong Gongyue, will use this thing.

Collect the blood heart After getting up, Lin Yu began to check other trophies.

Among them was a sacred weapon, a short sword, which increased the mastery of the blood law. Unfortunately, it can only be used at the saint level.

Lin Yu can't use it now.

And this thing is nothing. It is a one-star holy weapon. For Lin Yu, there may be a better one by then.

Lin Yu didn't particularly care.

After that, Lin Yu took out another skill book.

Blood Angel Wings (One-star Holy Art) )

Use the Blood Law to condense the wings of the Blood Angel, greatly increasing your movement speed and the effect of the Holy Blood Technique.

Learning conditions: Primary Blood Law, 50 points of divinity value.

Lin Yu's eyes lit up.

It is directly the Holy Technique. ?!


The requirements for learning are not low. Under normal circumstances, one-star saints are not necessarily qualified to learn.

Of course, Lin Yu can learn now.

He directly learned the holy skills, and then put the holy skills into In the amplification column, the amplification begins.

After the light flashes, the skills of the holy magic change.

Red Angel Wings (one-star divine magic) condenses the red angel wings, which increases your movement speed to 2000% of the original. It can teleport in the area where the power of blood is concentrated. The effect of the blood-based holy magic is increased to 500% of the original, and the effect of the blood-based sub-divine magic is increased to a certain extent.

It consumes 1 billion magic points.

Conditions of use: Perfect Blood Law, 500 points of divinity.

Lin Yu couldn't help grinning when he looked at it,"Second Divine Technique!"

The speed is directly increased by 20 times. With the teleportation ability, the effect of blood-based holy magic is increased by 500%, and it can also increase the blood-based secondary divine magic. The effect.

Ridiculously powerful!

The only regret is that it consumes too much magic.

Using 1 billion magic points once, his current magic value is only more than 1.5 billion.

However, it can still be used as a trump card. Not bad.

The remaining items include some blood demon currency and some special items. For Lin Yu, special items are still of some use, and the currency is naturally useless.

After dividing everything, Lin Yu stretched out his hand. A lazy person

"Hmm... let's go to the Bone Erosion Land next."

Lin Yu went downstairs to check out the room. After leaving the hotel, he disappeared.

At the same time as Lin Yu left, for some reason, all the Blood Slayers in the city of Blood Slaughter War began to take action.

This sudden action made everyone The adventurers who stayed in the city of war were a little confused.

Such a big move would only happen when the war came.

The adventurers who stayed in the city of war were all shocked at this moment.

They understood that the war was coming.


Shimmer City, the land of bone erosion.

When Lin Yu appeared, he felt the aura of many strong men.

He even felt a few familiar scents.

After he appeared, those familiar breaths flew over here.

Not long after, Lin Yu saw Yan Yu riding a Yanlong and several strong men from the Yan family flying over.

After Yan Yu saw Lin Yu, he smiled:"It is indeed your boy."

Lin Yu said with some confusion:"Uncle Yan, why are you here?"

Yan Yu said:"Some people said that they met someone from the Church of the Dead here. Traces. Shimmer City was attacked some time ago. Naturally, we can’t repeat the same mistake, so I personally brought people to see it. By the way, why are you here?"

Lin Yu smiled:"I also heard that the Church of the Dead is here We are active here and plan to come over and have a look."

Yan Yu smiled and said:"You are really interested, don't worry, as long as we are here, nothing will happen to Shimmer City. You should improve your level now and upgrade to God level, in this case, we humans will survive."

Lin Yu scratched his head and said with a smile:"I am preparing for a breakthrough now."

"Um? Is that so? Yan Yu was stunned for a moment, then he shook his head and said with a smile:"That's okay, then I won't care about you, you can figure it out yourself."

Lin Yu nodded:"Yes.""

"Since you are here, you don't need me anymore. I still have a lot of things to do, so I will leave first and leave the rest to you. Oh, by the way, they stayed to help you."

Yan Yu patted Lin Yu's shoulder and smiled, leaving Lin Yu with a confused look on his face, and flew away on a dragon.

In addition to Lin Yu, there were three strong men from the Yan family also at this moment. A little confused.

Lin Yu was also familiar with them.

They were all Yan Ji's uncles, and Lin Yu had met them at previous gatherings.

They were two men, Yan Feng and Yan Hao, and A woman named Yan Fei.

All three of them are one-star saints.

It can be seen that because of the matter of the Immortal Shadow Walker last time, Shimmer City is serious about it.

Just a deputy pope of the Church of the Dead came over , four saints were dispatched, and one of them was a strong man like Yan Yu. One can imagine how vigilant they were.

The two sides looked at each other, and then Yan Fei said with a smile on his face:" Ayu, the head of the family told us to help you, so tell us what to do next."

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