There are more than ten saints who escaped from the abyss demon.

The way Lin Yu searched was to check the dimensional gates one by one.

As long as a saint wants to go there, he will definitely come into contact with the defenders stationed at the dimensional gate.

Not to mention, Lin Yu really found eight.

Although Lin Yu was already very fast, these saints still destroyed a lot of defenses, and then he cooperated with the garrisoned saints to keep them behind.

Of course, there are also several dimensional gates where saints go, but there are no saints from Shimmer City stationed there.

For this reason, the strong men fighting on the battlefield ahead have notified everyone in the war zone where there is no saint stationed to take refuge immediately.

The goal of the saints of the abyss demons is to escape for their lives and cannot detect the human defenders. They can only pour their resentment and anger on the buildings.

The saints of the abyss demons destroyed the fortifications one by one when they left, and did not dare to stay.

However, if everyone is okay, the defenses can be rebuilt soon.

More than an hour later, Lin Yu looked at all the nearby dimensional battlefields.

After confirming that no one was around, we arrived at the Bone Erosion Land.

The battle in the Bone Erosion Land is coming to an end.

Near the area where the previous dimensional gate was located, the entire terrain has changed.

Some areas turned into lakes, some areas had mountains rising up, and some areas had deep rift valleys.

The number of strong abyss demons in the sky has become very rare.

Only a few demigods were still struggling to their death.

Outside the combat area, there were layers of formations that imprisoned the entire space to prevent them from escaping.

The demigods of the abyss demons could only roar furiously, blood splattering continuously.

Lin Yu took a quick look and then turned into a ball of ice mist and dissipated.

The overall situation has been decided, and there is nothing left for him to do.

In the Zuo family, Lin Yu turned to look at Zuo Muge and the others:"It's over."

Zuo Muge's body softened and she collapsed on the sofa. Her eyes were red and her voice was choked:"Shimmer City is saved! The Zuo family is fine too!"

Yan Ji showed a relieved smile:"It's finally over."

Dong Gongyue didn't have as deep feelings for Shimmer City as Zuo Muge and Yan Ji did, and her own family wasn't here either.

However, she has a very good relationship with Zuo Muge and Yan Ji. After all, they all fought against Lin Yu together.

Seeing the two of them like this, she also showed a slight smile:"That's great."

Le Yanyan turned to look at Lin Yu, with a bright smile, and leaned against Lin Yu:"The master is so amazing! This time The dangers in Guangcheng were all resolved by the master's own efforts, right? Master, are you tired? How about your cute little slave girl giving you a massage?"

Lin Yu's eyes lit up and he smiled:"Indeed I'm a little tired."

He came to the sofa and sat down. Le Yanyan stood behind Lin Yu and massaged him gently.

Although Zuo Muge and Yan Ji did not fight, they were both mentally frightened.

Now that the crisis is over, the two of them almost collapsed.

Seeing Lin Yu enjoying the massage, the two of them just glanced at him and then looked away.

Dong Gongyue was a little better, but she just glanced at Lin Yu and Le Yanyan and didn't say much.

She came to sit next to Lin Yu, leaned on Lin Yu's shoulder, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said softly;"……Nice to have you. Lin

Yu glanced at Dong Gongyue, smiled, and said nothing.


Not long after, a group of strong men from Shimmer City returned in triumph.

Their faces were full of excited smiles.

This time, they surrounded and killed six demigods and dozens of saints!

There’s a lot of loot just there!

Yan Fang looked at the excited crowd and said softly:"Everyone! We will share the harvest this time together. Every warrior who participated in the battle and made a contribution will be rewarded!" The

Zuo family and the Yan family The people just smiled, while the other families' eyes lit up and showed excitement.

The head of the Liu family was covered in scars, but he couldn't stop his happy smile:"Then on behalf of the Liu family, I would like to thank Patriarch Yan Fang!"

"On behalf of the Wang family, we would like to thank Patriarch Yanfang!"


Yan Fang smiled and said:"Now is not the time to relax. Some of the abyss demon saints who ran away before were killed by our people, and some escaped into other worlds through dimensional gates. , however, we are not sure whether there are still saints lurking in the blue and have not left! Therefore, we need to cheer up and stay vigilant to prevent them from attacking again! At the same time, we must send people to search their locations!"

"Ancestor Yanfang is right. Regarding the escaped saint, this is a time bomb. I hope everyone will pay attention to it. In addition, there are other aspects……"

Zuo Bin also said:"When some saints escaped through the dimensional gate, they destroyed the guard fortifications. I hope that each family can send more people to prevent border unrest and the situation on the battlefield is passive! Also... about the cult! Shadow The Kingdom dares to be so bold and attack our main city of humanity! This time, we must let them taste the anger! Although the headquarters of the Shadow Kingdom has not been found so far. But this time! We in Shimmer City will risk everything at any cost. The Players Guild and the Professional School system release tasks! Let all adventurers and powerful professional students accept the tasks. The purpose is the headquarters and branches of the Kingdom of Shadow, as well as the believers of the Immortal Shadow!"

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