At this moment, Lin Yu's level has risen to the peak of the sixth level.

At the same time, he used all the attribute potions that he could use that the Zuo family and the Yan family had.

Of course it has increased.

As a result, his basic strength attributes reached 68821, basic endurance attributes reached 100821, basic agility attributes reached 82820, and basic intelligence attributes reached 209500.

And these are still not included in the amplification effect of the equipment.

After reaching the peak of the sixth level, Lin Yu found an S+ level mage suit from the Zuo family's treasure house that he could just use.

Space warp suit.

After the increase, it directly reaches the holy weapon level suit!

Light of Annihilation Staff (one-star holy weapon)


Attack +200000

Holy Body +200000

Space Law Strength +5% Space

Holy Magic Effect +200%

Almighty Critical Damage +50%

Space Ripple: Each time you use a space spell, Will release a space ripple, causing high damage to nearby enemies.

Equipment requirements: Peak level 6, 30 points of divinity.

Robe of Annihilation Light (one-star holy weapon)


Attack +160000

Holy Body +150000

Damage Reduction +50%

HP +100%

Space Mirror: Each time the space system is used Each spell will gain a layer of space mirror, which can withstand an attack.

Equipment requirements: Peak level six, 30 points of divinity,

Hat of Annihilation Light (one-star holy weapon),

Mage hat,

Attack +140,000

Holy Body +140,000

Magic attack +150%

Holy magic attack +100%

Magic value +100%

Equipment requirements : Sixth-level peak, 20 points of divinity value.

Gauntlet of Annihilation Light (one-star holy weapon)


Attack +140000

Holy Body +140000

Almighty Critical Strike +40%

Almighty Penetration +30%

Cooldown Reduction +40%

Equipment Requirements: Peak of the sixth level, 20 points of divinity.

Belt of Annihilation Light (one-star holy weapon) belt.

Attack +140,000

Holy Body +140,000

HP +400% magic value +400% damage reduction +20%. Equipment requirements: Peak of the sixth level, 20 Points of divine value.

Boots of Annihilation Light (one-star holy weapon).


+ 140,000

Holy Body + 140,000

Speed ​​+ 100%

Almighty Critical Damage + 50%

Space Law Strength + 2%.

Equipment requirements: Peak Level 6, 20 points Divine Value

Light of Annihilation Set Effect:

Two pieces: +10% Space Law Strength

Three pieces: +20% Space Law Strength

Four pieces: +30% Space Law Strength

Five pieces: +40% Space Law Strength

Six pieces: +50 %Space Law Strength

A complete set of one-star holy weapons!

Moreover, because it is amplified from the sixth-level peak mage suit.

Therefore, the equipment conditions are still somewhat different from those of normal one-star holy weapons.

There is no requirement for laws, but the requirements for divinity value are higher than those of ordinary one-star holy weapons.

Just a staff requires 30 points, which is almost equal to all the divinity points of a professional who has completed the God Trial up to the fourth level.

You must know that the divinity value required by each piece of sacred equipment cannot be calculated at the same time.

In other words, if you only have 20 divinity points, then you can only equip a holy weapon that requires 20 divinity points.

After that, your divinity value will be occupied, and you can no longer equip any other holy weapons.

That's why the divinity value has a great influence on the sacred weapon.

Some powerful holy weapons may require hundreds of divinity points.

If your divinity value is not enough, you can only watch it but cannot equip it at all.

Of course, for Lin Yu, this is a problem that he does not need to worry about at all.

Now he is only at level 6 and level 10, and his divinity value has reached a terrifying 600 points.

If there were equipment that only required divinity points, he could equip it now.

Just like this Light of Annihilation suit, all equipment requires 140 divinity points, and many saints may not be able to equip it all.

But for Lin Yu, there was no such worry.

Zuo Qinghan was shocked when he saw Lin Yu's increased equipment before, and then bluntly said that except Lin Yu, it was impossible for anyone to equip all these equipment at the sixth level.

Of course, if you always complete the God Trial, you can still hope to equip two pieces.

After replacing this set of equipment, Lin Yu's current attributes have become very exaggerated.

The Holy Body increased by a full 910,000 points.

In other words, Lin Yu's four-dimensional attributes have all increased by 910,000 points.

For a professional below a saint, this is unimaginable.

Coupled with Lin Yu's own basic attributes and the attributes of some other equipment.

His current intelligence value has reached a terrifying 1966594.

An intelligence value of nearly two million!

And the magic attacks are even more terrifying**

With a magic attack of more than 10 million, the damage of any single skill can exceed 100 million.

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