Lin Yu had black lines all over his head and gritted his teeth.

That woman Lei Yingji!

He seemed to see Lei Yingji feeding Dong Gongyue some wrong information about him with a lewd look on her face.

How come someone from Lin is an LSP?!

Someone from Talin is obviously a serious person!

At this moment, Zuo Muge glanced at Lin Yu, his face turned red and said:

"Captain Lei is right, this guy is an LSP!"

Yan Ji nodded vigorously.

Lin Yu:"???"

He looked at Zuo Muge and Yan Ji and smiled

"When I get back, I will let you see what real lsp is."

Zuo Muge and Yan Ji stiffened and opened their eyes wide.

"Ah, what did I just say? I must have amnesia! I don't remember anything! Zuo

Muge looked frightened and acted perfectly.

Lin Yu sneered:

"It’s really hard for you not to act."

Seeing that Lin Yu was not fooled, Zuo Muge collapsed.

He shrank his neck, looking lonely.

"What I said just now was said by Pastoral Ge and has nothing to do with me! You can bully Maduge later! Yan

Ji said seriously.

She pushed Zuo Muge towards Lin Yu without mercy.

Zuo Muge:"???"

She is stupid

"Little Jiji, you just nodded!"

Yan Ji faintly said:

"My neck was a little stiff just now because I had been sitting for a long time, so I wanted to move."

Lin Yu was stunned.

Why hadn't he noticed before that Yan Ji was still a person who could tell lies with her eyes open?

Zuo Muge next to him was also angry and his chest was heaving.

At this moment, Lin Yu discovered that Dong Gongyue was looking at him.

The expressionless little face was actually a little wary at this moment.

Sure enough, Sister Yingji was right!

Lin Yu was a little embarrassed when Dong Gongyue stared at him.

He laughed dryly and said:

"Okay, let's go."

Zuo Muge was a little curious:

"Where to go?"

"Go deal with those ghost beasts. Lin

Yu glanced at her helplessly:

"You usually look pretty smart, why did you suddenly become so stupid? Zuo

Muge pouted:

"You're not stupid! The three of us just killed a fifth-level assassin. Lin

Yu rolled his eyes:

"See what you can do"

"Wow, you stinky Ayu, how dare you look down on me! I'll fight with you!"

Zuo Muge gritted his teeth and rushed over, looking like he was going to have a fight with Lin Yu.


Lin Yu pressed his head with one hand and kept rubbing his face.

"I was wrong! Brother, have mercy! Brother, I was so wrong!"

Pounce in seconds.

Yan Ji has long been accustomed to Zuo Muge's negative combat power.

She ignored Zuo Muge's hand for help and asked:

"Ayu, where are we going? Lin

Yu pressed Zuo Muge on his lap with one hand, rubbed her soft face with the other, and glanced at the map:

"Go to Tianyu Street."

That's the assassin he met there just now.

I hope he can gain something more."


Yan Ji nodded and ordered the Blazing Earth Dragon to move in that direction.

Zuo Muge was still begging for mercy:

"Little Jiji... Little Jiji, beg me, my face is going to be swollen, oh oh oh……"

Seeing that Yan Ji ignored her, Zuo Muge tremblingly reached out to Dong Gongyue for help.

"Yue...yue' me……"

Dong Gongyue blinked. She looked at Zuo Muge, whose face was full of despair, and then at Lin Yu, who was grinning.

There was a hint of fear in his originally indifferent eyes.

Lin Yu... so scary!

Sister Yingji was indeed right!

She moved her butt, further away from Lin Yu.

Lin Yu:"???"

Zuo Muge:"???"

Looking at Dong Gongyue's movements, Lin Yu felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart again.

Zuo Muge, on the other hand, had no idea that Dong Gongyue would be so cowardly!

Just shrink like this?!

When Yan Ji saw this scene, she narrowed her eyes and laughed.


After a moment, Lin Yu let go of Zuo Muge with satisfaction.

Zuo Mage huddled in the corner and covered his blushing face, glancing here pitifully from time to time.

And Yan Ji looked at the silent street, a little surprised:

"Why is there not a single Nether Beast? Lin

Yu glanced around and said:

"I've cleaned up."

He has been to this area before.

Yan Ji suddenly understood and nodded:


Then Lin Yu thought of something and said:

"By the way, I will gather my strength later. You are the main force, you know?"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Yan Ji and the other three were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes lit up.

Zuo Muge knocked around, mysteriously built a chat room, and got four people in.

"Be careful, the walls have ears~ Ayu, are you going fishing? Lin

Yu smiled:

"Well, the Kongming Demon assassin who came to deal with you just now probably saw that the three of you are rare professions."

It's too common to kill the genius of the enemy race.

As long as there is an opportunity, they will definitely not let it go."

Yan Ji and the other three's eyes flashed

"I think lsp is right~~ (cat-faced smile), the three of us can be used as fishing bait, maybe we can really catch some big fish (evil smile)"

Zuo Muge:"……"

Flame Fairy:"……"

The two of them looked at the chat history above speechlessly, and then looked at Dong Gongyue who was expressionless.

After a moment of silence, Yan Ji was a little unsure:


Dong Gongyue's face was expressionless, and then, the chat room changed into:

"What's the matter? (Scratching his head in confusion)"

Zuo Muge suddenly jumped up and ran to Dong Gongyue

's side. He suddenly got in front of Dong Gongyue and looked her up and down.

Dong Gongyue was frightened by Zuo Muge who came up to her. Jump, she blinked her eyes and pushed Zuo Muge away. The expression on her face did not change, and her tone was very calm:

"too close."

Zuo Muge:"……"

Flame Fairy:"……"

The two were shocked.

This was their first time chatting with Dong Gongyue via text message.

I still don’t know that Dong Gongyue actually has such a side

"Why... why is your chat like this?! It’s completely different from your usual one!"

Yan Ji was so surprised that she couldn't help but stutter.

But Lin Yu was not so surprised.

He was already surprised yesterday.

At first, he thought that Dong Gongyue had been taken away.

But it turned out not to be.

Dong Gongyue blinked. , then his eyes opened slightly, as if he understood something.

In the chat room, Dong Gongyue typed a message:

"My father said that as an assassin (cool in sunglasses), you must first control your own emotional fluctuations (cold and ruthless), so external emotional fluctuations are unnecessary~~ (grin)

I, Dong Gongyue, He is a killer who has no need for emotions! (Cold back view)

However, when chatting, you will not be discovered by the enemy, so you can let yourself go~~ (Get excited)"

Three people:"……"

Lin Yu once again heard this theory.

Damn it!

For a moment, he actually felt that it made some sense!

Zuo Muge looked at Dong Gongyue speechlessly:

"So is your family all like this?"

Don Gongyue:"No~ (grin)"

Zuo Muge breathed a sigh of relief:"That's okay.

Dong Gongyue:"Only the assassin is!" (grin)"


Yan Ji was a little shocked:

"Are all the assassins in your family like this?!"

Donggongyue nodded and said four words:

"Donggong family motto."

Lin Yu is just a good guy.

Then Dong Gongyue said again in the chat room:

"However, our family group is quite lively (grin). My dad is the funniest! (Thumping the ground and laughing)"

Lin Yu and the three looked at each other.

Seeing Dong Gongyue's state in the chat room, they could almost imagine what the Dong Gong family group was like.

It was probably a group of demons dancing wildly, right?

At this time, Lin Yu Thinking of something, he glared at Dong Gongyue with a dark face:

"Wait, what do you mean by lsp?! Dong

Gongyue's body trembled, and then Lin Yu found that the first sentence in the chat room had been withdrawn.

Lin Yu:"???"

"My heart has been hurt by you and I can’t take it back! (turn over the table)"

Zuo Muge:"(thumping the ground and laughing)"

Yan Ji:"(thumping the ground and laughing)"

Dong Gongyue:"(thumping the ground and laughing)"

Lin Yu looked at the expressions of the three thumping the ground and laughing. package, and then saw the +1 behind the Dong Gongyue emoticon package, and accidentally clicked it.

Lin Yu:"(beating the ground and laughing)"


His body stiffened.

He glanced at Zuo Muge and Yan Ji, whose bodies froze and then started shaking their shoulders crazily.

Then he looked at Dong Gongyue, who silently withdrew his laughing expression of beating the ground, but his face was expressionless.

A look of despair.

Ah, my heart is so tired.

That's it...

I won't love you anymore


At this moment, the roar of the Netherworld Beast sounded, which brought Lin Yu back to his senses.

He glanced at the three of them with a serious look on his face:

"Go, it's time for you to show off!"


The three nodded.


Lin Yu found that Zuo Muge and Yan Ji's shoulders were still shaking.

Well,Illusion, yes!

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