Lin Yu was stunned for a moment when he heard Lei Yingji call Dong Gongyue.


He glanced at the two of them:

"Do you know each other?"

"Our families are family friends, and Yue'er is my sister."

Lei Yingji glanced at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu suddenly understood.

Well, another family friend.

Similar to Yan Ji and Zuo Muge.

"Yue'er, why are you here?"

Lei Yingji asked again.

Dong Gongyue looked at Lin Yu:

"I want to add a friend."

Lin Yu and Lei Yingji were both stunned.

Lei Yingji was a bit stupid.

When I asked this guy to add him as a friend, didn't he take the initiative to send him to his door?!

Her heart was aroused.

Lin Yu was also a little surprised. She didn't expect Dong Gongyue to come to see her. He did it for this.

At this time, Dong Gongyue continued to speak:

"I want to discuss with you."

Her dark eyes looked at Lin Yu. Although there was no fluctuation, Lin Yu felt something.

He couldn't help but laugh.

Is this guy unconvinced because he just beat him up?

Lei Yingji said: Dong Gongyue knew best and naturally knew what Dong Gongyue was thinking.

She suddenly regretted that she had asked Lin Yu to come up for a discussion.

She rubbed her forehead and said:

"Yue'er, sister, how about sparring with you when you have time?"

Dong Gongyue shook her head and looked straight at Lin Yu.

Without blinking,

Lin Yu also looked at her.

The two looked at each other again. This time Dong Gongyue didn't avoid it like he did before.

Lei beside him Yingji knew Dong Gongyue's stubborn temper best. She crossed her arms and clicked her tongue in annoyance. She miscalculated. She had n't thought of this before. The two looked at each other for a moment, and Lin Yu didn't even blink when he saw Dong Gongyue. He was also a little helpless.

He glanced at Lei Yingji beside him.

Lei Yingji also had a little helplessness in her eyes.

Lin Yu nodded:

"Okay, but I may not have time to discuss with you."

Dong Gongyue glanced at Lin Yu, her voice was still calm:

"Just like Sister Yingji, the tasks are counted as one hundred credits at a time."

Lin Yu was stunned and looked at Dong Gongyue in confusion. This is the first time I heard that someone paid money to find a tormentor.

And one session only earns 100 credits. Isn't this too profitable?

Rich people spend money like this. Is it for money?

If you compete ten times a day, that’s one thousand. Ten thousand in ten days. Ten thousand is a D-level skill for him!

Not to mention the freshmen, the second and third grade students don’t earn credits like this Relaxed.

Lin Yu thought for a while, and it was pretty good as an adjustment anyway.

He nodded:


Dong Gongyue nodded.

Both parties added friends.

Lin Yu smiled:

"Then I'll leave first."

With that said, he turned and left.

After Lin Yu left, Lei Yingji grabbed Dong Gongyue and rubbed her expressionless face. She made a grimace on her face. The look in Dong Gongyue's eyes The rare one is a bit shy:

"Sister Yingji, let go."

She pushed Lei Yingji's hand.

Lei Yingji said angrily:

"Do you really want to compete with Lin Yu? He is much stronger than you. Dong

Gongyue nodded:

"I want to compare."

Lei Yingji rubbed her forehead with a headache:

"I'll give you the credits"

"No, I can earn it myself."

Seeing Dong Gongyue's resolute look, Lei Yingji nodded helplessly.

Then, she thought of something and looked at Dong Gongyue with a serious face.

"Yue'er, remember, that guy Lin Yu is very bad. He also has two little girlfriends. You have to protect yourself and don't get bullied!"

Dong Gongyue was stunned and nodded in a daze:



Back at the hotel, Zuo Muge and Yan Ji had also returned from class.

They came back earlier

"Why did get out of class end so late today?"

Perhaps because of what happened yesterday, after making a breakthrough, Zuo Muge became even more unscrupulous.

She sat directly on Lin Yu's lap and rubbed her face against Lin Yu's neck.

Yan Ji next to her felt embarrassed. , glanced at Zuo Muge with contempt.

"Clingy monster."

Zuo Muge leaned on Lin Yu's neck and smiled evilly at Yan Ji:

"Obviously someone was the most proactive one yesterday"

"You still said that! You're done!"

Yan Ji's face turned red, and she rushed over to pinch Zuo Muge.

Zuo Muge naturally refused to be outdone and fought back.

The two of them watched Lin Yu fight, and Lin Yu's face turned dark.



One of them came up to his butt.

" should pay attention to your movements!"

You are rubbing against him like this, do you think he doesn't feel anything?!

Yan Ji and Zuo Muge seemed to have discovered something, their bodies stiffened, and they sat down obediently.

Lin Yu looked at the two of them, angry and funny.

He He opened his mouth and said:

"We have a practical class today, so it's a bit late."

Yan Ji and Zuo Muge suddenly realized.

They haven't had any practical classes yet.

However, the practical classes need to be reviewed insufficiently, and it will definitely take longer.

"The first-level heirlooms of Maduge and I have been delivered just now, and we plan to start the advanced mission. Yan

Ji looked at Lin Yu and said.

Lin Yu nodded:

"Is there anything else that needs to be prepared?"

"Everything is almost ready. With the special items you gave me, it shouldn't be difficult to complete the mission."

Zuo Muge leaned on Lin Yu's shoulder and said

"Then come on!"

Lin Yu smiled and rubbed their faces.

They both nodded. They opened their advanced tasks with some uneasiness.

The next moment, Zuo Muge and Yan Ji opened their eyes wide and shouted at the same time. exclamation

"this task……"

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yu was a little confused.

Zuo Muge looked strange.

"My task is to learn a C-level skill"

"Me too"

"i have learned"

"Me too"

"My mission is completed"

"……Me too."

Lin Yu:"???"

Listening to what the two of them said, he had a black question mark face.

"Isn't a god-level mission too simple? Just learn a C-level skill?"

Then what does it mean that he has learned A-level skills?

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Zuo Muge and Yan Ji looked at Lin Yu speechlessly.

"Do you think it’s all you?"

Yan Ji was so angry that she settled an account for Lin Yu:

"C-level skills require at least 3,000 main attribute points. Even if the first-level advanced mission is god-level, your own main attribute is only about 1,200 points.

The remaining two thousand main attributes require very powerful first-level equipment."

"That is, I have all C-level first-level equipment, with only over 2,000 main attribute bonuses.

If it weren't for the fact that we are a rare profession with certain attribute bonuses, and the attribute potions you gave me, Ayu, and the attribute potions collected at home, it would be difficult for us to achieve it."

When Lin Yu heard this, he found that it would be really difficult for an ordinary first-level god to test the strong man.

However, he only relied on his own attribute points, and he had nearly 6,000 points from the first level to the 10th level. Intelligence.

For a time, he had no real sense of the concept of this attribute.

What seemed to him to be a very common attribute might seem to others to be an unattainable dream. It was unbelievable even in dreams.

However, this time the two of them The tasks were not only similar, but also completed so quickly.

It was indeed something to be happy about.

When the two were happy, they went out to buy delicious food and cooked a table of delicious dishes.

Lin Yu ate the table full of food Good food, full of emotion on his face.

I have been teaching for so long, and finally I have gained something. After dinner, there was nothing to do in the afternoon, so Lin Yu went to the battle secret realm.

He would come here basically every day, and the girl who recorded it was already numb.

Even if The students who came to upgrade were all numb.

Who told Lin Yu that he didn’t need credits to enter the secret realm?

He could only be envious and jealous.

Lin Yu has now reached the fifth-level secret realm.

With his current strength, the fifth-level secret realm is just right.

Even if The king-level ferocious beast has a weak curse, high-explosion skills such as extreme freezing ice gun and black lightning, so it is not difficult to kill. In one afternoon, all the huge amount of experience he gained was used to increase the number of boosts.

But now he The level of the items in his hand is relatively high, and the experience consumed has also increased significantly. I only refreshed it more than a hundred times in one afternoon.

It will take about three days to increase to a thousand-fold increase.

In the evening, Lin Yu will no longer come to the battle secret realm. , but went to the battlefields of all realms.

He has not forgotten the mission given by Lei Yingji.

When the amplification is increased by a thousand times, to what level can the C+ level skills be increased?

He is looking forward to it.

The little boy who is approaching the battlefields of all realms room.

Lin Yu looked at his ranking. He had just reached the second level, but the first level ranking had been cleared.

He needed to fight again.

The one-on-one battle match began.

Almost instantly, Lin Yu entered the duel field.

Look. When he saw the opponent opposite, Lin Yu was stunned and showed a hint of surprise.

Opposite him was a humanoid race that was five meters tall, wearing armor all over and with a lot of body hair.

The Behemoth Giant.

In all the world, In the world, it is a powerful race that can rank among the top twenty.

The racial talent of the powerful physical body makes the Behemoth Giant rich in powerful creatures.Warrior type professional.

There is a popular saying among professionals in all walks of life.

If you encounter a Behemoth giant wearing a robe, what you have to do is beat him to death with your eyes closed.

If you encounter a Behemoth giant wearing armor, what you have to do is to be beaten to death by him with your eyes closed.

Because the scene will be very cruel.

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