On the yellow sand ground.

A prototype of a high platform was built.

The person in charge is a woman.

She came to the leader of the blood-robed man, raised her head, and revealed her charming face stained with strange blood lines.

Lu Yingxiu, deputy deacon of the Flower of Blood Order.

At this moment, her bloodshot eyes were filled with fanaticism

"Sir, that's it."

The leader of the blood-robed man raised his head, and traces of blood appeared on his resolute face, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

Hu Zhiyong, deacon of the Flower of Blood Order, a peak fifth-level expert.

There was a look of expectation in his eyes.

"very good! This time I pray, hoping that the great Holy Spirit can bring me new power so that I can complete the King-level trial!"

Besides, a young man holding a ball of flesh and blood grinned:

"The Holy Spirit’s grace is vast, so there must be no problem."

Xi Liquan, deputy deacon of the Flower of Blood Order.

Hu Zhiyong nodded, looked at the prototype of the high platform, and said:

"let's start. Xi

Liquan nodded:


A wisp of blood light flashed in his hand.

The blood light blended into the flesh and blood mass in his hand, and the flesh and blood mass seemed to have self-awareness.

It squirmed and spread towards the prototype of the high platform.

Behind Xi Liquan, one by one, blood The followers of the Flower Religion also imitated Xi Liquan's behavior.

They integrated the blood light into the flesh and blood.

The masses of flesh and blood spread and merged into the high platform.

Gradually, an altar of condensed flesh and blood was formed.

The surface of the altar was blood red.

There was also a There were traces of other lines like blood vessels.

The lines were even beating, looking very ferocious and strange.

Hu Zhiyong looked at the altar that was gradually forming, his eyes full of feverish anticipation.

"It's almost... it's almost... just wait a little longer, and I will become a sixth-level warrior."


In the distance, Lin Yu found that his task prompt had changed.

Level 1 Advanced Mission (Eternal):

You discover that those who caused these tragedies were members of the Blood Flower Order.

They prayed to the Blood Madonna for strength by building an altar of flesh and blood.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to kill countless compatriots.

Go ahead and end their life full of blood and sin.

Lin Yu glanced at the flesh and blood altar that was about to be set up and the large number of members of the Blood Flower Order who were planning to go up to pray, and narrowed his eyes.

Tsk, I haven’t had time to prepare yet.


Lin Yu didn't think much about it, and started with fireballs the size of basketballs.

The target was not the members of the Blood Flower Order, but the flesh altar.

The Flesh Altar is the channel to connect with the Blood Virgin.

Lin Yu didn't want to leave such hidden dangers.

Destroy the altar first, and you will have plenty of time to play with them slowly.

The fireball arrived in front of the flesh and blood altar almost instantly.

Tsk tsk tsk!!

The fireball filled with powerful kinetic energy and heat merged into the altar, burning out deep pits.

Then... boom boom boom!!!

The roar rang out, the flames swelled, and the Blood Altar was torn into pieces for the first time.

Some of the pieces of flesh and blood were directly scorched by the flames, while others flew an unknown distance.

Lin Yu's sudden attack stunned all members of the Flower of Blood Order.

Hu Zhiyong, the leader, looked at the flesh and blood altar that was shattered in the flames, his eyes wide open, full of disbelief.

His bloodshot eyes flashed with blood, and he roared:


This is the hard work he has spent a long time condensing!

This is also his hope to break through to the sixth level!

He turned his head suddenly and looked at Lin Yu in the distance. On his pale face, there were faint blood lines. It started to squirm.

In the red mist, it looked very cold and strange.

The other members of the Flower of Blood Order also turned around.

There were strange blood lines on everyone's face under the hood.

At this moment, their faces The blood lines on them began to squirm slowly.

It looked like a mark.

Their eyes were dyed with a ray of red light, and they looked full of blood.

"kill him!!"

Hu Zhiyong roared.

He took the lead and rushed forward.

He wished he could tear the mage in front to pieces himself and fuse his flesh and blood into a monster!

And behind Hu Zhiyong, there were Lu Yingxiu and Xi Liquan.

Behind them , are the others.

Some people blessed their companions with various states, some became invisible, some took out bows and arrows.

Some started chanting spells.

There were so many people from all professions.

And Hu Zhiyong held two short swords The sword disappeared into the air after rushing out for a certain distance.

He was obviously an assassin.

Lu Yingxiu held the staff in her hand and set up a mage shield for herself.

Xi Liquan was a shaman.

However, their power They all seem to have a strange power of blood.

The power of the original skills has been greatly improved.

The blood mist in the sky also began to surge rapidly in their rage.

The bloody moonlight merged into their bodies, making their The breath became stronger.

This should be the special ability of the Blood Domain.

Unfortunately, Lin Yu was not an admirer of the Blood Madonna.

The Blood Madonna was obviously a stingy god and did not give him a boost.

He complained in his heart , but the movements in his hands were not slow at all.

Fireballs the size of basketballs were shot at the crowd like machine gun bullets.

The power of the condensed pyrotechnics was greatly increased.

Huge amounts of damage were dealt to the ordinary Blood Flower Cult. The heads of the group members jumped out.

Screams continued to sound, and each Blood Flower member turned into a corpse on the spot.

At this moment, an ice gun with blood light and a blood-colored lightning arrow shot towards Lin Yu.

The breath Extremely powerful.

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows and disappeared.

The ice gun shot at the place where Lin Yu was standing before, and the ground was frozen.

The bloody lightning arrow tore the frost apart again, and the broken ice splashed everywhere.

Lin Yu ignored them. Two, but continued to pour firepower at the ordinary members of the Blood Flower Cult.

Boom, boom, boom...

Except for Lu Yingxiu and Xi Liquan, the others were completely unable to withstand Lin Yu's attack.

In almost a short time, Originally, hundreds of members of the Flower of Blood Order were dead and injured.

This made Lu Yingxiu and Xi Liquan furious.

They no longer used high-power and powerful skills.

Instead, they began to use skills with fast casting speed and more flexibility.

Burning flames Energy arrows and lightning balls shot towards Lin Yu.

However, when the energy arrows and lightning balls approached Lin Yu, a silver armor appeared and resisted part of the attack.

The rest were all blasted in a On the frost shield






The two people's eyes widened in disbelief.

They are fifth-level low-level professionals!

The attack can't cause damage?!

Lin Yu was not surprised at all. Are you kidding?

After the first-level perfection, his defense has already It has reached more than 110,000.

Is his own attack powerful?

It is difficult for him to break his own defense.

Even a fifth-level strong man does not need to hide if he is not using a particularly powerful skill.

He looked At a glance, his shield value was still about half.

It was almost enough.

At this moment, a piece of frost bloomed under his feet and spread in all directions.

Lin Yu glanced behind him.

A figure emerged, frozen in In the ice.

It was the assassin who was the leader of the Flower of Blood just now.

The moment he was frozen, the assassin used the understanding and control skills to unfreeze the ice.

However, as soon as he was unfrozen, Lin Yu called over with an arcane blast.


-12 damage is very low.

After all, he is a fifth-level strongman, and judging from his momentum, he is also one of the stronger ones among the fifth-level ones.

Lin Yu was not surprised.

However, the effect he wanted has been achieved.

The arcane impact not only caused damage, the terrifying impact blasted Hu Zhiyong dozens of meters away.

When Hu Zhiyong flew out, Lin Yu felt a breeze flowing around him. He stepped out, tripling his speed in vain.

In the blink of an eye, he was already dozens of meters away.

He dodged an ice spear lightning attack directed at him.

Then, he touched the ground with his staff, and the Gate of the Dead suddenly appeared.

Tap tap tap tap!

The sound of intensive horse hooves sounded, and then a black torrent rushed out from inside.

Nightmare Knight, two squads full!

Summoning a Nightmare Knight requires 500 points of Intelligence.

And his current intelligence is more than 12,000, which is enough to summon twenty-four!

In conjunction with the powerful attributes of the Nightmare Knight, these twenty-four allied knights are also one of his trump cards.


Seeing a total of twenty-four Nightmare Knights rushing out, whether it was Lu Yingxiu, Xi Liquan or Hu Zhiyong, their eyes widened and they were stunned.

"What?! So many nightmare knights? ?"

A mage was already so difficult to deal with, and more than twenty nightmare knights appeared.

They felt a lot of pressure for a while.

Hu Zhiyong stared at Lin Yu:

"If you are not a law enforcer, who are you?! Why mind your own business?!"

Lin Yu was stunned.

I can't say that I want to complete the eternal trial, right?

He suddenly remembered the words in a classic anime from his previous life.

"I? I'm just a hero out of interest."

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