He felt that the atmosphere around him was actually a bit strange and eerie.

However, when he arrived at this barren mountain area, he clearly felt strong energy fluctuations from the barren mountain.

Obviously, there is a treasure in this barren mountain!

Li Yue is already familiar with this kind of vitality fluctuation. This is the vitality fluctuation that only treasures can have.

Li Yue came here to hunt for treasures, so he was naturally very curious at this time. What kind of treasures would be hidden here?

The bracelet he got last time made Li Yue very satisfied, because after Li Yue's research, he found that after wearing this bracelet, he could inject vitality into it, and then he could burst out the power of the sword in a short time. can be promoted.

Li Yue naturally felt that this kind of treasure that could directly improve his combat effectiveness was very good.

However, when Li Yue arrived in this barren mountain area, he had not seen the treasure yet. Suddenly, there was a strange howl of wolves in front of him.


This sudden wolf howl startled Li Yue, and he looked forward. He saw a strange demonic wolf with green flames burning on its body appearing in the distance.

The appearance of this demon wolf gave Li Yue an extremely terrifying feeling.

Because when this demon wolf appeared, Li Yue could clearly feel that there was an extremely terrifying pressure emerging from the opponent's body and heading directly towards him. The pressure came quickly and was very strong, as if it was going to crush him!

Looking at the level of cultivation of this demon wolf, he had at least reached the middle stage of the spiritual calamity realm, and the pressure he displayed was much higher than the The black-clothed monk that Li Yue had met before was much more terrifying.

At this time, Li Yue's mood inevitably became a little nervous.

Because in fact, he was also a little curious. If he was the current self, he would encounter the spirit head-on. Can he defeat an opponent in the middle stage of the calamity realm?

Li Yue didn't know if he could do it, but now that he has met him, he wanted to give it a try.

Li Yue was not in a hurry to take action. At this time, he carefully analyzed his perception He unleashed his power, and then observed the green demon wolf.

What surprised Li Yue was that when he was observing the green demon wolf, the green demon wolf was also observing him. The demon wolf with green flames burning on his body, looked at It gives people the feeling of extremely strong fighting power.

And at this time, the flames on the demon wolf are burning, giving people a sense of intimidation that is not comparable to ordinary demon beasts.

However, what makes Li Yue a little curious is that this demon wolf After observing himself for a long time, Li Yue had no idea of ​​​​doing anything to him, which made Li Yue a little surprised.

Under normal circumstances, when a monster encounters a human being, the first thing it does is to attack.

After all, the nature of monsters is extremely cruel and violent. Moreover, many of the monsters here guard the treasures.

If a human comes close to the treasure, they will naturally become angry at the monsters here.

But now, when Li Yue saw this monster wolf, it seemed that he had no intention of taking action against him. It really surprised him.

However, Li Yue now felt the treasure here after all, so he kept approaching the treasure at this time.

What made Li Yue find it incredible was that when he approached the treasure, The green demonic wolf also kept approaching the treasure.

Looking at the situation, it seemed that the demonic wolf was not worried that it would steal the treasure.

Soon, Li Yue reached the top of the barren mountain, and then he saw the Treasure.

On the top of the barren mountain, there is a huge stone.

And on this stone, there is a huge luminous pearl.

It is already night, so this luminous pearl emits a dazzling and bright light, and it looks like it is from the sky. The moon fell.

When Li Yue saw the luminous pearl, he was directly attracted by the dazzling light.

Looking at the dazzling luminous pearl in front of him, Li Yue found that even if he only used his perception a little, Even if he opens it, he can feel extremely powerful energy fluctuations from this night pearl.

Obviously, this night pearl is a treasure.

However, this night pearl is such a big one, and it seems that it is not easy to take it away now.

And he doesn’t know this What is the function of the Night Pearl? If it just exudes such strong energy fluctuations but has no actual use, wouldn't it be useless?!

When Li Yue observed this night pearl, Li Yue discovered that the demon wolf was looking at him not far away from him.

I don’t know if this demon wolf is guarding the night pearl, but he doesn’t have any idea of ​​taking precautions against me?

"No matter what, let's go and have a look. Maybe the Night Pearl is not that simple as you thought?"

Since he has already come, of course Li Yue will not have any idea of ​​retreating at this time.

The baby is right in front of him, how can he let it go?

Using his speed directly, Li Yue rushed towards this luminous pearl.

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