Li Yue's eyes were bright, and he stared at the small door in front of him, with a touch of excitement in his eyes.

There must be an extremely terrifying treasure inside this small door, Li Yue was now convinced.

There must be some mysterious energy hidden in this world. Otherwise, how could so many demon wolves be born?

If you guessed it right, that mysterious energy emerged from here.

"Now that you've come in, don't waste time and hurry up to get what's inside that small door!"

After thinking about this clearly, Li Yue rushed directly towards the small door.

Li Yue's figure was as fast as thunder. In a few flashes, he came directly to the small door, and then stretched out his hand directly. He stretched out his hand and held the doorknob of the small door.


Just when Li Yue held the doorknob, the small door was opened easily by Li Yue.

Moreover, the door was not locked. It was opened directly by Li Yue with a slight push.


Just as Li Yue was about to step in, suddenly, there was a loud noise from inside.


As the loud noise came out, the entire space trembled violently, and a terrifying momentum burst out from this area.

The momentum spread in all directions like a savage beast, making Li Yue My body was shaken and I almost fell

"Not good!!"

Li Yue's face changed slightly. He knew that this momentum was definitely not ordinary, otherwise, it would not have such fluctuations.

However, Li Yue was not afraid, because he was fully prepared, no matter it was He is not afraid of anyone


The next moment, Li Yue's figure appeared next to the small door, and the small door was slowly closing at this time. It looked like he wanted to seal the small door.

Li Yue snorted coldly With a sound, he sprinted to the small door in an instant, stretched out his right hand, and directly held the door. Then, Li Yue's body swayed and rushed directly into the small door.


As Li Yue's figure rushed into the small door, the entire cave suddenly shook, as if an earthquake had occurred. However,

Li Yue's figure still stood firmly inside the cave, He was not affected at all.

Li Yue's figure appeared in the cave again, but the situation here was much larger than that of the cave just now.

This is the top of a valley.

Li Yue's Standing on the top of the mountain, there is a layer of light blue mist around his body. At Li Yue's feet, streams are slowly flowing through.

And here, there are many demon wolves entrenched among them. They stared at Li Yue with vigilance, as if they were on guard against Li Yue attacking him.

Li Yue was also paying attention to these monster wolves in front of him.

He did not expect that there was actually a small cave in this valley.

However, he did not choose to attack these demonic wolves.

His current identity is a human monk, but these demonic wolves are demonic monks. Although Li Yue is very strong, he has no habit of killing demonic monks.

Li Yue also knows that now All of this is not accidental. There must be some mystery here, and it may be closely related to his life experience.

Otherwise, he would not have such a body and such tyrannical strength.

"What exactly is there in this place?"

Li Yue muttered secretly in his heart.

He carefully observed the surrounding environment and found that the environment here was very complicated. Moreover, Li Yue also felt that the strength of the demon wolves around him was not weak, and they were at least level seven.

These The demon wolves should have lived in this valley for a long time, so this level of demon wolves was produced.

Moreover, the environment here is very strange. Here, the strength of the demon monks can be greatly increased.

In this way The environment can be regarded as the best cultivation environment for Li Yue.

Li Yue was not in a hurry to leave. He stood quietly on the top of the valley and observed the environment inside and outside the valley.




Suddenly, bursts of loud noises were heard in the valley, and the sounds became stronger and louder, as if they were summoning the demon wolf. The demon wolves seemed to have heard the call, and came out from under the ground one after another. They got out, gathered together, and rushed towards Li Yue's position. It seemed that they planned to surround Li Yue.

Li Yue looked at the demon wolves rushing towards him and raised his eyebrows:"It's interesting!"

Li Yue directly activated the magic formula. As soon as he waved his magic robe, a surging power burst out and turned into endless pressure, covering the entire valley. Suddenly, the speed of the demon wolves stopped. , did not dare to move forward.

Although these demon wolves were powerful, they were not lawless.

Seeing these demon wolves stop advancing, Li Yue jumped up and flew to the center of the valley in an instant.

Then, his eyes Staring at the void in front of him, he raised the corners of his mouth with a sneer.

Around his body, many golden runes appeared. The light of the runes flickered, drawing golden lines in the void, forming a huge The aperture protected Li Yue.

When these demon wolves saw the methods Li Yue used, they all showed horrified expressions and did not dare to attack rashly.

Li Yue opened his mouth slightly and let out a low drink.


A loud dragon roar burst out directly from Li Yue's mouth. This dragon roar, with an unparalleled majesty, directly impacted the eardrums of all the demon wolves in the valley.




One after another howl resounded throughout the valley, the sound was so miserable that it was frightening to hear.

And flames also appeared on Li Yue's body. These flames were all based on the laws of the fire attribute, burning continuously and making crackling sounds.

These flames are transformed by the power of law in Li Yue's body. In this process, these flames are continuously burned, making these flames more powerful.

At this time, the demon wolves finally couldn't bear it anymore and ran away one after another.

This is their lair, but they can't resist the terror of the human monk in front of them. Therefore, the only choice now is to leave here quickly.

"Swish swish swish……"

Several blasts of wind resounded loudly, and several figures were as fast as thunder. In the blink of an eye, they flew from a distance and landed next to Li Yue.

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