You bastard!

Baolan was so angry that she had a toothache, and she didn't understand that Qin Lang was scolding herself around the corner.

With a warm smile on his face, Qin Lang said, "Child, I have been trapped between the master and the king for the past few days, I don't know if you can help me." "

"I'm good at it. Kid replied with a smile, imperceptibly sweeping the royal blue, no longer as close as he had been.

For the same thing, the difference between the styles of these two people is too big.

So, Qin Lang began to play double row with Kid on the lower road.

As the three legs of the famous national uniform, the most prominent feature of Kid is that he is all-round, he can do it in any position, and he can do it perfectly.

Partnering with him to lay the road, Qin Lang could obviously feel the difference, first of all, the pressure on the line period was much less.

Compared to Sapphire Blue, Kid, who used to be a talented ADC player, has significantly more experience in laning, at least some of his details are much better than Sapphire Blue.

And he is more obedient to the command than Sapphire Blue, and he will do whatever he asks him to do.

"Yes, child, maybe you should try to transform the helper. Qin Lang said with a smile, he killed more than ten heads in this game, all thanks to Kid's escort throughout the whole process.


Qin Lang said seriously: "Why not, I don't need you to command, and I have the vision to help, and you have transformed into a jungler, and your wandering consciousness is definitely not bad." "

Hearing Qin Langluo list so many reasons, Kid felt a little more confident in his heart.

As a veteran player, mentality has always been his shackles, and his perennial unsuccessful career has made him lose his original heart.

Looking at the hot atmosphere over there, Baolan felt a little uncomfortable.

After his anger receded, he naturally realized that his previous actions were indeed a bit unwise and hurt Kid's heart.

Even so, with his character, it is impossible to get him to apologize to Kid in public, so he can only silently accept this situation.

"I'm going to have to leave this club sooner or later anyway, and I can make friends at any time, and I'm not bad at that time. "

"Besides, if you want to survive in this circle, you rely on strength rather than connections!"

Baolan could only comfort herself like this in her heart.

Faintly, he already felt as if he was being isolated collectively.

Even the three Korean players in the team have a kind of attitude of ignoring themselves, let alone others.

Qin Lang and King Ning used to say it, they often have quarrels, and they must be very happy when this kind of thing happens.

As for Kid......

has been kicked away by himself.

Thinking of this, Baolan couldn't help but feel a little lonely, under such an emotion, he silently picked up his mobile phone and began to chat with those mother fans in the QQ group, so as to express his inner depression.

As for whether or not to talk about being isolated?

Sapphire still didn't dare.

Because Chris's tragic fate is still vivid.

"Qin Lang, this bastard......" Bao Bluetooth clenched his gums, this guy is really not afraid of doing things, the last coach who offended him Chris was humiliated in various ways during his tenure, and finally he was directly expelled from the team, and so far he has not found a suitable job in the e-sports circle, it is said that he has planned to go to the Honor of Kings branch to find a job.

If he dares to reveal the matter, then Qin Lang will definitely shoot at him on the Internet, and it will be difficult for him to find a suitable team in the LPL at that time.

Carefully observing Bao Lan's gradually lowered expression, King Ning was secretly refreshed in his heart, and when he sat and watched the other party leave the training room and take the elevator to the upper floor, he finally couldn't help but sneer: "Hehe, the more I know him, the more I can feel how unbearable he is." "

Hearing this, Kid couldn't help but look over, and Qin Lang said: "He is the kind of person who has the courage to do things, but he doesn't have the courage to bear the consequences of doing things, this kind of person is really too brainless." "

"Hey, that's not a good thing you say. Rookie stepped up again.

King Ning frowned and said, "Rookie, why are you talking for this kind of person, don't you see? He can even unceremoniously call and drink to the child with the best relationship, how much respect can he have for people like us who are not even friends?"

"Lao Song doesn't want to see cracks in our team, and then affect the results on the field...... But his role on the field is really minimal. Speaking of this, Qin Lang sighed deeply and said, "Let me say something ugly, the only role of Baolan's existence is actually for us to gather five people and start a game." "

"But......," Rookie said.

Kid suddenly spoke, "I don't think Qin Lang is right, there is no need for someone like Baolan to speak for him, he is not worthy!"

After speaking, he exhaled deeply, as if he had vented all the bitterness squeezed in his heart, and suddenly felt relaxed.

Qin Lang lightly knocked on his chest and scolded with a smile: "How good it would be to say it like this earlier, why do you keep holding it in your heart, don't you know that you will get sick like this?"

"I'm ......" Kid opened his mouth, as if he was infected by Qin Lang, and raised his volume and said, "I'm also a temperamental person, I just don't want to affect everyone's emotions." "

"What emotions do you affect?" King Ning was speechless, pointed around and said, "Will anyone be affected here?"

Kid subconsciously swept around, then smiled, "Well, it really wasn't, that's why I said it." "

"Don't always hold back what you have to say in the future, you can solve it together. Qin Lang said.

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