The black and violent power of gods and demons instantly filled Lin Yichen's body, and his long hair was dancing. Both his temperament and breath had undergone earth-shaking changes, as if he had become a different person!

The sudden change almost scared Chen Tao out of his wits.

"The power of gods and demons!"

Lin Yue and Meng Ba looked at each other, both thinking of something.

Lin Yue even took a breath, because she was very aware of Lin Yichen's situation.

The soul was almost on the verge of disintegration. It is absolutely impossible to wake up. She is alive thanks to her soul-fixing pill, otherwise she would have perished long ago.

But now that the other party is awake, how can Lin Yue not be shocked, and she also knows something. The person in front of her will definitely be Lin Yue from time to time. Yichen.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue almost couldn't believe her thoughts:"Ancient gods and demons!"

"You're just pretending to be a god, let me see what else you can do……"

Just as he was talking, Chen Tao had already raised the sword in his hand and was about to slash it at Lin Yichen in front of him.

However, Lin Yichen remained motionless, or in other words, he no longer had the ability to move.


There was a loud noise, and no one knew what happened. Then a mass of blood mist exploded on the spot. Look again, there is Chen Tao's figure there, which has long since disappeared without a trace. There is only a black iron in the place. The box was inserted into the ground and stood in everyone's sight.

Since Chen Tao was smashed to death by the iron box alive, the iron box was as tall as a person. It was unknown what was inside, and it looked ordinary.

But Meng Ba and Lin Yue and other Xiantian realm experts were shocked, because this iron box was the same iron box that pierced the void before.

Sure enough, when they looked at the sky, the iron box there had disappeared.

"Could it be that this kingly creature is here for Lin Yichen, since Lin Yichen is related to the Starry Sky North King!"

Lin Yue's beautiful eyes widened, and she was overjoyed immediately. If this is really the case, then this crisis may be resolved.

She and Meng Ba looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning in the other's eyes. Obviously, both of them people think alike


The sound was very harsh, as if a piece of cloth had been torn apart with brute force.

A pair of iron-armored palms protruded from the sky, tearing apart the void and creating a huge hole in the void.

Everyone's attention was immediately attracted, and they saw a figure covered in armor, walking out of the broken void and appearing in everyone's sight.

The rich king's power became even heavier, overwhelming everyone and almost suffocating them.

"Taixuanmen respectfully welcomes the Lord Wangdao to come, and thanks him for saving Taixuanmen."

On a mountain range of Taixuanmen, the white-haired old man knelt down and thanked him loudly again. His old body was trembling. Wang Wei prevented him from having the slightest disobedience.

Wang Chong, on the other hand, turned pale with fright, fearing that the other party would really They came to rescue Taixuanmen. After all, Taixuanmen had once been glorious.

However, the man in black armor never paid attention to the two of them. He didn't even look at them. His eyes fell directly on Lin Yichen.


Lin Yue and Meng Ba exclaimed inwardly, the other party was really coming for Lin Yichen!

The man in black armor could not be seen moving, ripples appeared in the void, and he had already appeared in front of Lin Yichen, under the black mask. A pair of eyes filled with murderous aura stared straight at Lin Yichen.

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