"Well........Ahem! Sven coughed twice and took a few steps back. He turned his head and looked at Edith, who was taking care of Fanatio, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Edith! Don't stay here any longer! Aren’t there still patrol duties in the afternoon?"

As soon as Edith here sat firmly, she was forcefully pulled by the collar and walked towards the lift platform by Sven, without paying any attention to Fanatio's performance.

As for the ins and outs of the whole thing, these explanations and so on , let that guy Bercouli do it!

Want to be lazy without making any effort?

Then don’t even think about it!!

I just don’t know how Fanatio will treat him after knowing all the truth.......

Well, that’s it, this is definitely not an excuse to run away!

Absolutely not!

"ah.......This guy wants to run away......."Liya and Sakura looked at Swain with slight disdain. After all, they were very familiar with this method of running away.

"Eh! ?"

"Is this, so sudden! ?"

"Didn't we agree on the afternoon?"

"It’s only noon!"Edith said in surprise as she grabbed Sven's hand from behind, which was holding her collar.

"It's getting late. It's already noon when I take a shower and change clothes. I'd better set off early."Sven gritted his teeth and said

"Anyway, go early and come back early!!"

"Then why are you pulling me?"

"Didn't you fight before and now you're covered in dust and sweat? Don't you want to wash it?"

"Eh? together?"Edith was stunned and looked back at Swain.

"Don't think about it, being with you will only make me feel more dangerous!"Half of Sven's face was twitching constantly. After all, Edith wasn't a serious person either.........

Um? Why yes?

"Well.......All right"

"wrong! finished Wash! I still want to have lunch!! Edith said as if she was a little angry.

"Eat on the way for lunch! My treat!!"Sven said without question.


"Wait a minute!!"

"I, my Alice elements haven’t been replenished yet.——!!"

"Which time have you successfully supplemented? Stop making trouble and accept your fate. You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will become evidence in court."

"no! Are your lines really okay? ?!"

With Edith's screams, Sven and the others were the first to leave here, followed by Liya and others who also left this floor to go about their own business, leaving only everyone looking at each other.

"ah......I....."Although Alice wanted to stop Sven, she didn't know how to speak.

"Alice........"Fanatio looked at Alice's back and couldn't help but said:

"His Excellency the Deputy Knight Commander...."

"I.......Is there some........"

"No, you are right, Swain also knows it, you just need to get used to such a scene." Fanatio glanced in Sven's direction and then looked at the other people who were distributing the antidote.

"You have to know that Sven is doing this for their own good. They have to endure more hardships at this time. With Sven by his side, serious injuries like mine can be recovered. I believe their lives don’t need to be worried. But then on the battlefield, where But no one can take care of them like this, so they have to rely on themselves!"

"I know........I know.......but......."Alice nodded, but after all, she still needed time to adapt.

So Swain gave her the most space and time to think calmly.



Adomeni Strida watched the entire incident almost live.

She sat on the bed, and the screen in front of her was frozen on the moment Swain used the Noble Phantasm.

She touched Sven on the screen with a smile on her face, and a smile of unknown meaning hung on her delicate face held by her left hand.

"Sure enough, you are still too young."

"Even if he becomes popular, at this age......Sure enough, I still like to do these passionate things."


"Well, let him be, he thought."Adomini Strida seemed helpless, but nodded with a smile on his face and said

"May I?"Bercouli stood aside, but the smile on his face was a little more bitter.

After all, looking at the previous situation, he had tricked the young man and the young lady well.

But there is nothing he can do about it, after all, he is the highest priest. As the integrity knight commander, I only have to carry out the order.

I must say more nice things to the boy later.


Bercouli vaguely remembered some psychological trauma, but his originally very strong body made movements that were very inconsistent with his image, and he shivered several times.

"Oh, of course. If he likes to go out and play, let him go. You can just handle the rest of his affairs appropriately."Adomini Strida said indifferently

"Just follow what he said before, there is no need to do any other unnecessary things"


Obviously before, I had repeatedly warned not to let the boy leave the inner city, but now he changed his mind?

"yes. Bercouli nodded slightly.

After Bercouli left here, Administreda turned around and opened another screen, which showed a very leisurely farm and pasture?

What if he was If other knights see this picture, they will find that except for one face they are familiar with, they don't recognize the other three people at all!

"But unfortunately, Swain, even if you go back now, you will only miss it.~"


"I'll go home for a while....."

After washing up and changing into cool summer clothes, Swain announced to everyone.

"Eh? Can you return to heaven?"

In sharp contrast to Sven, Edith was wearing a thick winter coat. She lay on the back of her flying dragon Wuwu and looked at Sven and asked doubtfully.

"No, it was the place where I lived in the human world, just near the North End Mountain Range."Sven turned around and shook his head.

"I see, that’s why you said you wanted to take a ride!"

"So, brother Swing, will you be back soon?"Sakura asked with some expectation.

"Well.....Maybe, it might take some time."Sven is not sure. He just wants to go back and have a look. As for whether to go back and stay for a few days or just take a look and leave, it mainly depends on his mood. You can just decide as you like, so the answer he gave is not very certain.

"That.........Then I'll go too!"Sakura felt that Sven might not come back soon this time, so she suggested

"No way........There is no place for three people to sit on Wist Dancer's back. If you can be held by its claws or hung,........"Edith said awkwardly

"Well, let's use Brother Swing's wrench........Well."Sakura wanted to let Swain use the finger wrench, but she couldn't expose Swain's ability in front of others.

"Okay, Sakura, you should study hard here during this time. After all, your academic ability is really too low."Sven saw that Sakura also wanted to leave, so he declined her politely.

"No, I'm actually very smart........Forehead."Sakura just wanted to defend herself, but found out that if this place is exposed, then Brother Sven's private lessons will be gone. She feels that she will suffer even greater losses in the future!

So the question is, is it better to suffer now? Or is it better to lose now? What about the loss later?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu........"Sakura scratched her head on the side and fell into a tangled state.

"What are you doing again?....."Hill, who was also part of the tutoring duo, no longer wanted to read any more. He hugged his book and looked at Swain, who seemed to be preparing to travel far away.

For her, she really hasn't decided yet on how to face Swain.

Our current relationship cannot be called friends, teachers, or acquaintances........He feels like a big brother, taking good care of her in every way.

It even feels a bit overprotective.

So much so that the label of a kidnapper can no longer be removed.......

Although Hill doesn't want him to take it off now.

Liya looked indifferent, but a little happy. She seemed very happy to be able to relax at work because her boss was going on a business trip.

But she looked at the golden sword on Sven's waist with a slightly complicated expression. She touched the magic sword on her waist and finally, as if she had made up her mind, took it off and forcefully gave it to Sven.

"Take this away, you go out, I don't have to clean up anymore! This cleaning tool is no longer needed!"

"You......Don't just be lazy when I'm not at home!"Sven looked at Liya's expression, and there was no result in rejecting the so-called cleaning tool. After all, although his words were unforgiving, his heart was real after all.

"......."Wuming's appearance was the strangest. He seemed a little lost from just now, and his head was slightly lowered. I don’t know what I’m thinking about

"Does Wuming also want to go back?"Sven looked at Wuming's look and tried to invite her, thinking that she was also homesick.

"No.....Not really......"Wuming raised his head and showed a sweet smile, but he was not smiling in his heart.

I......He hasn't become stronger at all, he can't help Yue, and he hasn't even done the small things that Yue ordered before.......

If this continues I.......

No, I have to prove that I still have value!

Otherwise, I will definitely be.......No, I can’t think about it any more!

Sure enough, such stable training is not enough. I need to be more.....more......more.......

Training in a more dangerous environment will do. I want to regain my previous feelings. I don’t need to continue hanging out with these people.

I only need a month. How do other people have anything to do with me?

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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