"By the way, I bought it from the craft merchant in Centoria before.......Well, it's something called an eagle tube. Bring that over here. That thing can see not only from a distance but also very clearly!"The guard captain said to the guard on the side.

"Hey, no problem!"

Soon the guard came back with the so-called eagle tube, which was not far away from the watchtower just now. It just fell to the ground when he shook the alarm bell. But thanks to this thing, everyone was able to discover it in advance. They noticed an abnormality in the distance.

Everyone also took this opportunity to go to the front of the village and check the situation on the high ground with a wide view.

"Forehead......this.....What the hell is this! ?!"The village chief first took the Eagle Container and looked over. However, when he saw the bloated and huge body of the golden-grained red grass swaying from side to side, he almost dropped the Eagle Container to the ground.

"What's wrong? what did you see........Well."The captain of the guard who snatched the eagle tube from the village chief fell into silence when he looked at the attacking monsters in the distance, with a stern look on his face.

He had been a knight, and he could tell this level at a glance. Warcraft is not something that the village guard team he now leads can compete with!

And even if the Knights wanted to conquer this thing when he was young, it would cost a lot to come back, and there is a high possibility that the entire army will be annihilated.

"Give up, this level of Warcraft is not something we can fight against......"The guard captain said decisively

"Captain of the guard, what kind of monster is it?"

"Yes, we can't go without a fight......"

Several young and energetic guards around him couldn't sit still. After all, a monster appeared, so he had to show off?

"Young people, if it were a slightly tricky monster, I might take the risk and let you try it, but this one......Even I have no confidence."The captain of the guard said bluntly.

"He even said that even if we go together, we will all be dead before we can slash the sword to the opponent!!"


Several young people looked at the serious look in the guard captain's eyes and were immediately confused.

"That......"The village chief looked at the guard captain and wanted him to make suggestions

"We can only give up the village first. For this level of monsters, we can only find knights......No, integrity knight-sama."

After pondering for a while, everyone present fell silent when they heard the guard captain's answer. They looked at the smoke and dust getting closer and closer, and felt the trembling of the earth. At this time, they seemed so powerless.

Seeing that the Warcraft was still It was rapidly attacking towards them, and had already reached the outskirts of the village. The nearby farmland was destroyed, and they could see clearly the true face of the ferocious monster. However, no one present ran back, and It's not that they have the consciousness to die, but as the size of the opponent increases, they are now confused.


Where to run ?.......

We only have two legs, and the monster beast opposite has more tangled tree roots under its body than all the people combined. How can it possibly run through it? boom————!!!

At this time, a thunder flashed in the sky ahead, and the purple-red thunder light pierced the sky. For an instant, the dark field was as bright as day, and the night that was still bright just now seemed to be affected. The clouds began to slowly gather, and the sky became darker. It became darker, but only in the center of the clouds, the position of the double moon was still pouring unobstructed. The thick clouds began to gather, faintly turning into a spiral shape and circling in the sky. There was already the beginning of a storm.


Thunder sounded one after another, rolling continuously in the sky, as if a thunderstorm was coming, but it is winter now! This weather is unusual!


The thunder in the sky fell down. Whether it was God's will or accident, it happened to fall on the huge monster. The dazzling flash was followed by a violent roar, and finally the smoke and dust that followed.

The golden-grained red grass was also knocked aside by the impact of lightning, and Bonzhi Wuzhi, who was shaken by the impact, slowly began to regain consciousness, opened his eyes and looked at the dusty scene around him in confusion. Some didn't quite know what was going on, but they could see something in the smoke.

The ground shook violently following the burst of smoke and then suddenly and strangely calmed down.

The guard team and the village chief, who were staggering to the ground due to the shaking, stood up while holding their heads that were still a little dizzy. Then they asked each other in confusion:

"What happened........"

"It seemed like lightning fell and hit the monster........."

"lightning?"The village chief wiped his forehead and wiped away the blood stains from Pierre's bruise just now.

"Is it because of the protection of God Stacia?"

"But this is actually better. After the Warcraft dies, we also......."

"etc! There seems to be something in the smoke!!"When everyone relaxed, only the guard captain was still observing carefully. From this distance, everyone can see very clearly even without using an eagle tube.

"That guy seems to be still standing!"


"Is that monster not dead yet?"

"this......This is how to do ah!"

"But that.......like......Is it a wolf?"The rest of the people looked at the figure in the smoke and speculated with different opinions.

"No, that's just.........The fox with nine tails! ?"

"and......Or a fox in armor?"The captain of the guard touched the one-handed sword at his waist, his face full of confusion and shock.

Because the fox in front of him, which was completely composed of thunder and lightning elements, had fragile and ugly features on its cheeks, ankles, back, lower back and the root of its tail. The positions that look like weak points are covered with a layer of white mechanical armor!

And this is exactly the form brought about by another evolution of the Thunder Fox after swallowing the Odysseus Trojan!

Bang -!!


"Oh oh oh——!!"

"Roar ah ah ah——!!" boom--!!

The people in the village were watching the two giant beasts fighting in front of them at a very close distance. The fierce wind swept around them and plowed the ground over and over again.

The roofs of several houses closer to these people were about to be lifted up, so they all hid in the shadow of the wall, holding their heads and not daring to show their faces at all. They could only hear the scattered gravel and tiles crashing around them. The sound of the roof sliding down rang in my ears.

At this time on the battlefield, Sven controlled the thunder fox, and slapped the golden-grained red grass with his front paws again, trying to push it out of the village, but this guy's body was so soft and still with... The elasticity is similar to the texture of an expanding bouncy ball. There is really no good point for exerting force, and it may sink in if you are not careful.

I feel that the thing called slime that the doctor mentioned should have this touch. After all, it looks similar to what he described.

"Damn it, you can't use claws or knives. If the solution in its body sprays out and rains on the group of people behind, absolutely no one will survive!"

"We must find a way to keep them away......."


While Swain was thinking, the golden-grained red grass opened its big mouth and bit one of the forelimbs of the thunder fox. Then the circles of teeth wriggled, and the thunder fox was moved into his mouth bit by bit. Drag over

"Innocent!!"Sven narrowed his eyes.

Zhislala -

Broken lightning leaked out everywhere, and the flashing lightning struck the ground leaving scorched black marks. Several big trees were also split from the middle and fell on the ground. In front of everyone, the guards at the rear who originally wanted to get up to check the situation had to retract back into the wall.


The golden red grass rubbed its teeth, trying to bite off the forelimbs of the thunder fox, but it didn't care at all about the lightning that wandered around it, as if it was nothing.

"Thunder and lightning don't work! ?"

Sven checked it out and found that the body of the guy in front of him didn't seem to be very conductive, or the conductive performance was very poor. Even if a small part of the lightning was conducted, it was guided into the ground through its own roots. There was almost no effect.

What Swain didn't know was that for the animals and plants here, the Western Empire is an area where thunderstorms often occur. The thunderstorms become more severe as you go west, and it starts from the canyon area in the westernmost part of the human world. It has migrated here, and the place is full of thunder and lightning all year round. Sometimes when you are walking on the road, lightning will hit you, so it can be said to be very experienced in dealing with thunder and lightning! Sven used his left forelimb to push against the metal. At the same time, she wanted to pull out the branches of Bonfire Mist that were buried deep near its corolla, but she was stuck deeper than Sven thought. It was like being stuck in mud and there was no way to start.

If she was pulled out forcefully, she would probably be torn in half!

In addition, the thunder fox form does not have much strength to begin with. It is a physical attack for scraping, and the thunder element attribute attack is full of elements! Of course, the power of the body is reflected in the elements, so there is nothing to be done about it now.

Originally, Swain planned to burn most of it until only the buds and the unidentified seeds were left, but now........

"There is no other way, let’s find another way."Sven shook his head slightly, and then jumped out of the Thunder Fox's body through its back.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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