Whoosh - the sound of wind passed quickly by his ears, but Sven looked up at the guiding starlight above. Based on the wind speed and other factors, he calculated the correct direction, and then released the Razor to grab the edge of the inner city wall. The metal decorations floated against the wall and chased along the inner wall.

The opponent should have chosen the empty path and is very fast, but it is impossible to maintain such a high movement speed all the time when injured.

I remember that these guys seemed to be able to drink blood to recover after being injured, flee quickly and hide to recover from their injuries, so now.....What would she do?........

"hateful......Well......It hurts so much......"

On the plain a few kilometers away from the capital of the Western Empire, on the side of a large stone beside a few sparse trees, Bonzhi Mist Branch leaned on it, sitting slumped while covering the slowly recovering wound on his chest, Face full of pain

"Those stupid young ladies, those pretty girls who came out of the country and soared into the sky and ate soft food......."

"How could this guy be that kind of thing?"

"wrong.......That guy's behavior before was completely different from just now. What was his purpose of deliberately deceiving us?"

"No, before that, let’s think about how to solve the current problem. Stealing and robbing that guy’s blood seems hopeless. If it happens again, I should just stay there forever......."

Bonzhi Wuzhi raised her head and looked at the twin moons in the sky through the branches above. She breathed a little quickly. White mist kept rising from her breath, but it was soon blown away by the biting cold wind on the plain. The cold winter night still had a big impact on her.

"Take a short rest and wait for the wound to recover. Although I didn’t see the guy catching up,......"

"Damn it, can't it be repaired faster?!"

Bangzhi Wuzhi looked at the squirming flesh buds on her chest and shouted angrily.

Isn't this repair too slow?

Is it because the injury is too big? Or is it because of insufficient blood?

After all, for today, she didn't have any blood before. I didn't think sucking the blood of my roommate was that difficult at first. I relied on the previous routine, just use the magic eye to focus on the opponent and then use charm to control the target.

Everything was over when he was sleeping soundly. When he woke up the next day I only feel a little tired physically, and there are no obvious flaws at all, so there is basically no difficulty in this matter.

But who would have thought that charm would not work on this guy at all! And the immobilization is directly broken by the opponent. Open!!

This guy is much stronger than the demon hunters or magicians who chased me before!

Is this guy really a human?

This is a monster!!

Now that I think about it, this is really What a miscalculation!!

If I had known earlier, I would have done some investigating, why would I have to end up on the run now?

"I feel like everything has started to get out of control ever since I met that guy, and now I'm being forced to do this kind of thing again."

"Eh.......Why does it become like this?"Bangzhi Wuzhi rested his head on the stone, closed his eyes, and showed a self-deprecating smile.

"Am I really such a disaster?.....It used to be the people around me who became unlucky, but now it’s finally my turn?"

"perhaps.....Maybe this is my end?"


Rustling - the surroundings are quite quiet. You can only hear the sound of the cold wind at night blowing the withered grass half a man tall on the vast plain. Occasionally, it will pick up the broken snow on the ground and sweep it towards the fog branches of the camp.



Suddenly, she seemed to hear the breathing of someone else besides herself! ?

She hurriedly opened her eyes, and then her pupils dilated. She stood up quickly holding on to the stone on her side.

"Oh, aren't you going to run away?"

Sven, who was standing on the top of the branches of the trees next to him, was holding Xiaobai and combing his feathers. At the same time, he looked up at the starry sky above, with a very comfortable and comfortable look on his face.

"I would like to move around for a while. If you want to run away, I will never stop you."

In such a quiet and clear night sky, the moonlight can spread across the entire earth. Sven feels that his magic power has become a little more surging, his combat ability has also increased linearly, and his mental energy has been greatly improved, so he has some excess energy. The feeling.

But Bonzhi Wuzhi felt that this was even more terrifying. As for the branch that felt a little dry, she didn't believe that it could bear the weight of a person. Even if it was a boy, it was impossible! It seemed like it was impossible! It was when he saw someone looking at him that Sven lowered his head and looked with a hearty smile on his face and said in a very kind tone:"Now I am also interested in 'that guy' you mentioned, do you want to tell me?" Come out and listen?"

It felt like walking on the road, being suddenly spoken to, and then asking for directions very politely. It was so ordinary that I didn't feel that the person opposite me was the kind of person who could pierce my chest in a calm way!

"Gu!!!"Bangzhi Wuzhi didn't say anything, because when she saw the white bird in Sven's hand, she understood how the other party found her, and what surprised her was that the other party was able to catch up with her as she flew all the way!!

And that person also said before that if he revealed the news about her, the end would not be much better!

Damn it! No matter how you think about it, you will die!

So now there is only........Run away!!

Bonzhi Wuzhi made a prompt decision and her whole body turned into black mist again. But this time she did not choose to fly into the sky again. Instead, she turned into a black wolf and blended into the night. She also burrowed into the withered grass very dexterously. And looking at her final trajectory, she still moved towards the distant rocks and the shadow under the cliff on one side,

"Hmm......Still very energetic."Sven scratched Xiaobai's chin.

"He also knows how to hide his figure in the shadows."

She has lived a life of escape before, so of course she still has some of these experiences.

"Are you proud?"Xiao Bai tilted his head, as if asking

"No, no need. Just take a break and I'll do it myself."

"It's a nice night tonight, a good day for hunting."Sven and Xiaobai rubbed their heads and said calmly while looking at the shadows of the mountains in the distance.............


Bonzhi Wuzhi, who transformed into a black wolf in the withered grass, was running quickly. Her wounds were still dripping with blood. She was very physically exhausted at this time, and there must be blood stains wherever she passed behind, as well as traces of blood left on the ice and snow. The footprints on it are easy to catch up with if you follow them!.

We have to find water!

That will remove the bloodstains and footprints!

As if God heard her wish, after running for some distance she heard the sound of the river. Her face lit up and her feet accelerated a lot.

Just ahead, the gurgling of the river becomes clearer and clearer!

She carefully pushed aside the grass and found that there was a river in front of her, and in the distance was a wetland-like area. She looked up at the surroundings and the sky, and only after confirming that no one or anything else existed, she cautiously stepped forward. into the river


As soon as she stepped forward with one foot, she couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. A strong tingling sensation continued to come from her hands, which made her want to take her hands back, but in order to survive, now I just have to be patient!

So she gritted her teeth and chose to continue flowing through the cold river!

The river at the end of December, plus it had snowed before, could see unmelted ice and snow everywhere on the river bank, and what she didn't know was that the northeastern part of the Western Empire, close to the Northern Empire, was A stretch of high-altitude snow-capped mountains, where the snow water melts and flows into these rivers.

Therefore, every summer, a large number of people go to the outskirts of the capital of the Western Empire to escape the heat. The water temperature there is baked along the way. , although it is no longer very cold, but it is also very pleasant.

It's just that at this time, this place is close to the source of the snow mountain. If you stay in the water for a long time,.......

"What a great effort."

But she didn't know that Sven on the other side of the river was washing up leisurely at this time. He was in a hurry to go out just now, and now he was just in time to dress up.

Well, when you go out, you should pay more attention to your appearance. Don't look like a person who is pouring water in front of you. That person is just as embarrassed, and must always uphold elegance~

As for the coolness, it is absolutely fine, not even sprinkled with water!

At the beginning, Bonzhi Wuzhi walked for a certain distance, and he felt that he was not good enough, and he was ready to go ashore When Xiaobai disappears, Xiaobai's figure will appear in the sky behind, forcing her to hide again. After Xiaobai disappears, she still needs to continue to stay in the water and move forward.

Similar situations have happened many times, and every time sheWorried that he would not be able to escape, he lay motionless in the shadow of the dry reeds by the river.

It is said that those who are obsessed with the authorities know clearly. If there were other people nearby, they would definitely be able to see that Swain did this on purpose.

"Hey, that's it. The people behind her haven't come to her yet.......Tsk, it’s an abandoned son."Sven stood high and looked at the figure below, scratching his head.

It seemed that if he wanted to figure out what happened, he had to ask her in person.

"There is no need to continue blowing air here. Judging from her appearance, I can probably figure out where the limit is."

"Let's go wait for her in front."


She didn’t know how long she had been walking, but Bonzhi Wuzhi felt that her limbs had completely lost all feeling, and then she climbed up from the river shivering. If she hadn’t been a normal person, she would have fainted from the cold in the middle of the river. Then he fell into the river and finally froze to death.

After turning into a human form again, she looked at her hands that were already red from the cold through the moonlight. They were too stiff to move, but she still had to shiver while trying to rub each other for some heat. The clothes on her body and feet Her boots were dry, but her inner body was extremely cold, and the late night in the cold winter was not as simple as she thought. Her hands had just warmed up due to friction and could move a little, but a cold wind blew. Come on, all this has become a fantasy.

But it was all worth it. He survived and escaped from that man's hands.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile, but it was extremely miserable.

Perhaps her fate has been determined since she was the only one left in her family. If it weren't for those crazy magicians who used her to study the art of immortality, she would still be the eldest lady of a lord's family. Why go through such hardship?

After re-energizing my mood, I walked out of the river. The surrounding area was completely mountainous. It should be the entrance to a valley somewhere. A root emerged from the ground in the distance, which was as strange as a spear piercing diagonally from the ground. The rocks are huge and shocking, but also scary at the same time.

At this time, she discovered that there was a swaying halo of light on the back of a huge rock in front of her. She was sure that it was firelight.

Fire! There is a fire to keep warm! And there must be someone here!

Not only can it solve your cold problem, but it can also end your hunger problem!

Touching her belly, Bonzhi Wuzhi's eyes turned red again. She was so cold that her consciousness was almost hazy. At this time, her rationality could not suppress her sensibility or wildness. That side.

She didn't know where the strength burst out from, and she suddenly rushed towards the light ahead, quickly pushing aside the grass, but before she could say anything, the expression on her face seemed to be frozen.

"for.....What......."The pupils of her eyes were trembling violently, her head was also dizzy, and her legs slumped down as if they had lost all strength.

She doesn't understand.

Looking at the bonfire burning in front of him, how did Swain, who was helping Xiaobai with a contented face comb his feathers, run in front of him? And judging from the look of the bonfire, it seemed that the person on the other side had been waiting for him for a long time.

"I've been following you for a long time, and I haven't seen anyone else appear. It seems like you have been abandoned."Sven's tone was so calm that he glanced at her.

"So I have no choice but to wait in front of you and wait for you to come. Hey, to be honest, we have been waiting for you for a long time and thought you wouldn’t come."

"Ah......hehe.......Hahaha!!"Bangzhi Wuzhi showed a smile that was uglier than crying, as if he was mocking his own powerlessness. If he was strong enough, why would he be manipulated like this? So much so that he has become inhuman now. Not only did he end up in a strange place, but he was also coerced into stealing the blood of the guy in front of him, and he ended up in this situation!!

"Okay, I'm tired too. If you don't want to run away, just end it here."

Sven walked up to her and pointed at the tip of her nose with the moon

"Give me what you are carrying, and then answer my questions. As for your life or death, then........"

"Why......."Before Sven finished speaking, he was interrupted by the whisper from the other side.


"Why.......Why, why can you decide my fate at will!!!"Bangzhi Wuzhi hugged his head tightly and knelt on the ground, as if crying, shouting hysterically.

This sound was so harsh in this empty plain. It was this sound that directly silenced the entire plain. The night is all disturbed

"Why——!!!"Seeing the hysterical bonfire, Swain felt deeply about her current state of mind. He had made the same cry as her once upon a time.

It's just that at that time, no matter how much I shouted, I seemed so helpless. No one answered me at all, nor was it like the person in front of me. There was also the so-called backhand. At that time, I could only watch. I'm afraid that even if I try my best, nothing will change!!



Sven squatted on top of a cliff, looking curiously at the bonfire branches below. At this time, she was slightly tilted towards the sky, looking very painful. The energy crystal hidden in her chest suddenly rioted, ignoring Her will forcefully merged into her body.

The violent magic reaction spread wildly to the surroundings, and the purple-red magic power was so strong that it was visibly squeezed into her body.


"Yeah yeah yeah——————"

"Roar oh oh——!!!"

The first two screams were made by Bonzhi Wuzhi, who had been suppressing the pain from just now, but the third one was obviously not

"It looks like we disturbed something, and it was a big one."Sven held the stone under his feet with one hand and felt the vibration of the ground.

Rumble - the earth was shaking. The earthquake that Sven felt at a high place was even stronger. Some small stones were shaken and flew away briefly. After leaving the ground, the branches on several trees were broken due to shaking and collision.


Swain first saw that the ground diagonally in front of the body of Bon Mist Branch suddenly exploded, and a black thing went straight. Soaring into the sky, more things appeared around her, and soon they connected above her head, forming a huge dome of plants.

"That is........Plant roots and vines?"

"No wonder I didn't sense the breath of living things before. It turned out to be a plant monster."

Sven looked at the vines and tree roots protruding from the ground with a critical eye. This was the first time he had seen a plant monster, and it was a valuable experience.

But now the part of it that is exposed to the ground is still there. Not completely, and Sven couldn't get specific information about it.

But over at the Mist Branch in the Bonfire........Well, when she saw the dome that surrounded her, she fainted because of the magic crystal in her chest.


The surrounding ground began to shatter on a large scale, and several thinner tree roots also wrapped around the body of the Bonfire Mist Branch to lift her up in the air, while the tips of the thinner vines were carefully wrapped around He grabbed the magic crystal on her chest and wanted to tear it off for his own use, but no matter how hard it tore it, the gem was firmly embedded in the chest of Bonzhi Mist Branch.

But then the purple-red magic power seemed to sense that the thing surrounding itself seemed to be better than the host it had chosen. The magic power that was originally directed towards the body of Bon Zhiwuzhi was diverted halfway through the vines and tree roots. As a medium, it gathers the past toward the existence deep underground.

Just like a good bird chooses a tree to roost in.

Zi La La——!!


The purple light blade slashed through these long vines, cutting most of them off, and green plant juice suddenly flowed all over the ground.

Looking at the current situation, no matter what the reason is, we cannot allow this guy to continue to absorb it, otherwise problems will definitely occur.

Swish, swish, swish - the light of the sword flashed, the fragile vines were no match for the sharpness of the blade, and no matter how many they came, they would not be an obstacle. ,

Phew -

Therefore, quite a few vines have changed their targets and are grabbing Sven, preparing to kill this troublesome guy first.

However, although these vines are sensitive, it is still unrealistic to catch Sven. If they do, it will only increase the loss. Sven can dodge all of them by jumping back and forth dexterously under their encirclement and blockage. attack!

Soon it changed its strategy. Instead of attacking proactively, it formed a tight fence with vines some distance away around Swain, andThe constant entanglement makes the walls of the fence become thicker and stronger.

Seeing this, Swain took the opportunity to run towards the direction of the Bon Fog Branch, preparing to rescue her and leave here. After all, there was no benefit in fighting this now unknown thing here. boom!


The ground on the other side of the Bon Fog Branch cracked again, and the gravel collapsed, forming a black hole on the ground, which instantly pulled her into the bottomless black abyss below.

Although Swain wanted to rush over, the instability of the ground limited his speed, and he finally stopped at the edge of the black hole. Seeing this, Swain clicked his tongue and looked down, but even with his eyesight I can't see clearly what's going on below.

"Roar woo woo——!!"

Huhuhu - the next moment, accompanied by a deep roar, a gust of wind surged up from below, as well as a large mess of things.

General Sven quickly stepped back and took a closer look. He found that those coming up with the airflow from below were the bones of beasts or monsters, as well as some fur debris. There were even boulders with obvious tooth marks among them?

How long have you been hungry for?

Even the stones can be eaten, and looking at the bite marks, it feels like being cut apart by circles of chain saws, rumble - the ground with the black hole as the center suddenly bulges, and some huge creature rises rapidly from below. , Swain backed away again.


As the smoke dissipated, Swain finally saw the true form of this guy emerging from the ground!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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