"Huh huh!"

The woman rushed forward suddenly, raised her right paw and tried to scratch Sister Xiaoxue with her nails.

Sister Xiaoxue didn't see the other party's actions clearly at all, she only felt a strong wind coming towards her.



The woman's right hand exploded, splattering with some pink blood, and a lot of it stained Sister Xiaoxue's clothes and face.

The sudden warm liquid on her face made her suddenly smart and subconsciously take a step back. Only then did she see that the right hand of the woman just now was bloody and bloody, and a small blood hole appeared in the palm of her hand.

At this time, the three of them turned their heads and saw Xue Ye holding up a pistol that came from nowhere in a standard motion. It was obvious that he had fired the shot just now.


However, with just one shot, Xue Ye felt a big impact on his wrist and shoulder.

""Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~" The dachshund on one side yelled at Xue Ye's feet, reminding him that someone was coming in front of him.

Seeing the woman get up again and rush towards her direction, Xue Ye calmed down and took aim after passing Then, he shot her between the eyebrows.

After confirming that she was killed, he lowered his gun and asked the three people.

"Are you okay?"

"Um, um, but........."Xiaoxue nodded dully and turned his attention to the gun in Xue Ye's hand. The unknown model of gun was not used by people here. It was obviously not the one he picked up just now.

"Keep it at home, after all, you are prepared for anything."

"..........."Xiaoxue didn't say anything more, just nodded. She began to feel something strange. In just a few days, she felt that there was something different about the people in front of her.

Sister Xiaoxue had no intention of delving into it at the moment. She picked up the two people on the ground and came to the external stairs together, preparing to jump out of the fence.

"I'll stop here."The pink-haired girl had tears in her eyes at the moment, but she showed a sweet smile.

"I still can't worry about my mother"

"I can't leave her like this"

"but........This kid wants you to take it with you."

The pink-haired girl handed the dachshund to Xue Ye, and after helping her best friend and her siblings escape, she planned to return.

At this moment, the girl's gentleness and kindness were vividly displayed

"you..........."Xiaoxue looked at her friend and suddenly became speechless.

The dachshund jumped out of Xue Ye's arms and wanted to run in the direction of its owner, but the rope was in Xue Ye's hand, so the little guy turned back, bit Xue Ye's trousers and pulled forward.

Sister Xiaoxue doesn't care about other people's affairs. In fact, except for her younger brothers and sisters, she can easily give up her own life.

Xiaoxue knew that she couldn't do anything, so she could only slowly turn her head and look at Xue Ye silently with pleading eyes.

"If you go back, you're not sure you can escape again, so you have to think clearly."

Xue Ye said this, and the result needs no further explanation.

"But, Dachshund, I need a favor from you."

Xue Ye gave the dachshund his watch and a black iron nub, and after whispering a lot, it ran away.

Bang bang!

Gunshots continued all around, and the noise in the stadium was all over the place. Mixed together, it's impossible to tell them apart.



However, the familiar shout still attracted the attention of someone hiding in the corner. She stuck her head out in disbelief, and then saw that familiar face.

"Great, Mom!"The pink-haired girl ignored the dangers around her and ran straight towards her mother.


"I clearly saw you running out!"

Previously, after the girl's mother saw her running out with her friends, she felt relieved and felt that she had nothing to worry about. But why did she come back in the blink of an eye?

"because........Because mom is mom!"The pink-haired girl cried with a smile on her face, saying completely meaningless words.

Bang bang!!

Xue Ye looked at the increasing number of infected people around him, and emptied the magazine in his hand again. After reloading, he could not escape. Anticipating the sounds of resistance around them, the sounds of resistance gradually became rarer. Although those infected in the early stages would subconsciously shoot, they would not reload. After the bullets were exhausted, they would pick up everything available around them and start fighting hand-to-hand.

Now the gunshots are quiet. , which means that the number of normal people who can change ammunition has been reduced to almost the same level.

The four people were surrounded at this moment, and they were huddled towards a corner of the gymnasium.

"This won't work, there's no way out, we have to.........."Sister Xiaoxue wanted to rush out from the gym gate along the wall before being completely surrounded.

"Move closer to the corner."Xue Ye asked them to keep moving towards the corner so that they wouldn't have to be attacked from all sides.

However, the speed of advancing towards the exit was very slow. Instead, they kept reducing the number of infected people.

"Are you going to kill all these guys?"Xiaoxue asked, let's not talk about the quantity. Do you have so much ammunition with you?

Bang bang!

Xue Ye's shooting ability is very strong, but at this moment, Sister Xiaoxue found that his ballistic trajectory began to deviate. Before, he could shoot one at a time. , but now there have been several situations where I need to refill my gun. When I turned around, I found that this guy’s right wrist was swollen!

That’s right!

It’s good for such a sports idiot to be able to shoot. He’s so slender. How could he possibly shoot so many shots in a row with his physique?

But if he couldn't, why would he?........

Before Sister Xiaoxue could continue thinking, a large number of infected people poured into the gate on one side again. It seemed that they were all people wearing military uniforms. I guess those infected civilians were no match for these regular troops.

Although these guys are afraid of hot weapons, this method of infection makes them impossible to prevent. There is no other solution except relying on their own resistance to get through it.


The group's safe zone continued to shrink, and Xue Ye's wrists were continuously shot to the limit, but there was no replacement because the remaining people didn't know how to use guns at all.

Xue Ye held her right wrist, and although she frowned a little, she didn't look panicked at all.

It wasn't until Xiaoxue hit the wall behind that she noticed that she must have retreated to the very edge. There was no way out.

"No more............"

"Sorry, it's all my fault"

"Mother........I'm sorry Xiaoxue, it's all me, I've caused you trouble.........."

"Xiaoxue......snowy night........"

Listening to the whispers of the people behind him, Xue Ye lowered his right hand and took out his cell phone.

The civilian network hasn't been restored yet, but he can't use it.

After confirming that the settings have been set outside, after clicking two or three times on the phone, a beeping sound came from the outside of the wall on one side, and as the volume and sound became faster, the sound behind it started to sound. Several people also noticed it. boom--!

With a bang, a small hole was blown out of the wall.


"woof woof~!"

The pink-haired girl immediately heard the barking of her puppy outside.


"Go quickly."

Xue Ye changed one hand and used his left hand to shoot with one hand to contain the infected.

The others also recovered from the explosion and hurriedly got out of the small hole.

Due to the previous gunshots, the external infection Most of the people crowded towards the entrance of the gymnasium, so the group of people who opened a hole in the side wall were not attacked at all after they came out.

"Go to drive. In this case, the keys of military vehicles are not removed. Pay attention to check the conditions inside the car."

"give it to me!"

Sister Xiaoxue was the first to jump into the driver's seat of a nearby off-road vehicle and started the engine.

The others also hurriedly got in and confirmed that there were no hidden dangers in the vehicle. Xue Ye stayed at the end and emptied the last magazine. He picked up the dachshund at his feet and got into the passenger seat.

"The little sausages helped a lot."

As if he understood that Xue Ye was praising him, the dachshund happily stuck out his tongue and barked twice.

"let's go!"

Xue Ye hadn't sat firmly, and even before the door was closed, Sister Xiaoxue stepped on the accelerator and drove out. Also, she usually drives a sports car............

The quality of the off-road armored vehicle is very hard. On the way, Sister Xiaoxue endured the discomfort in her heart and rushed away from the camp.

"From here, go right and then go straight..........."

Instead of heading towards the city, we headed towards sparsely populated areas in the suburbs. We also found checkpoints restricting people's entry and exit on the road, but unfortunately there were no living people here.

Sister Xiaoxue didn't release the accelerator at all, and the speed of the car never slowed down along the way. Every corner and every acceleration made her heart feel like it was going to fly out. But even like this, everyone still felt that it was not fast enough, and they wished they could let the driver Press the accelerator into the gas tank.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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