"Ah ha ha ha ha~~!"

"what to do?"

"This idiot seems to be serious."Sister Xiaoxue held her stomach and kept laughing. She originally tried to use a serious tone of shock, but the joy that kept rising from the bottom of her heart made the corners of her mouth keep rising. Just for this, I want to come from Those who entered into a family marriage didn't even need to weigh it, and could just get out of the house.

Finally, they no longer had to be weighed by the interests of the family like a commodity!

"Aren't you afraid that no one will achieve this, and then everyone will not be able to get married?"Xiaoxue asked casually, but she also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"What are you afraid of? It’s not like I can’t afford it?"

"No big deal, I'll just take care of it for the rest of my life"

"Okay, this is the first one"

"As for the second item, it’s a matter of living, including a place to live and food and clothing........"

Swain stretched out an index finger, and when he was about to say the second thing, he realized that everyone was chuckling, abandoning him and moving forward.

Even Sakura let go of her hand, but Kallen trotted over, hugged Sakura's arm, and then rested her little head on Sakura's shoulder like a bird.

Wuming and Hitamaru also shared the snacks that Sortilina gave them before she left. It seemed that everyone had lost interest in this topic.

Continuous laughter and laughter came from the front, causing farmers on the roadside who were preparing to go home to look askance.


"I haven't finished yet~!"

Swain tried to reach out and call everyone, but he didn't understand why they just left after hearing the first sentence?

"It's strange. I was so curious just now, but why does it no longer matter in the blink of an eye?"

"Because they already know how impossible it is to get your approval. Rita, who seemed paralyzed, asked quietly behind Swain:"I'm curious, how many requests have you prepared in total?""

"Um?"Sven rolled his eyes and said appraisedly:"Initially, it is expected that there will be three major categories. What is the person like, what is the strength, and the living environment. At least it must be determined whether it is from the age of the gods or what era it is from, and then we can divide it into twelve small groups. kind.......Hello!"

"Little one! Why are you leaving?"


Rita was in the same mood as the people in front of her who had already walked away.

If she really followed Swain's request, no, even if she didn't follow it, she would still be prepared to never get married, even though......She didn't want to get married.

For her now, there are only three kinds of people in the world, women, Sven and big pig hooves....


The dark sky, dilapidated streets, noisy crowds, and roaring voices were everywhere filled with a faint smell of rust, whether it was the smell of weapons or the smell of blood.

Both sides of the street were crowded with excited and abusive people. They all looked sallow and thin, and their bodies looked emaciated, as if they were malnourished.

However, at this moment, they continued to throw rocks and rotten vegetables into the middle of the empty street with only a few people, accompanied by insults.

Forming the wall between the crowd and the road are church members wearing priest hats, black long-sleeved vestments, and holding uniform long-handled canes in their right hands. The wide hats cover their faces and their expressions cannot be seen clearly. Seeing large shadows makes the atmosphere of the scene even more depressing and breathless.

At the end of the street is a high platform filled with firewood. Looking back, in the inner city in the distance, a magnificent and majestic pure white church stands there, forming a sharp contrast with the dilapidated and old poor houses in the city. And a strong contrast!

On the other side of the church, in another luxurious building, clergymen dressed in high-end silk satins and dignitaries dressed as nobles were holding a grand ball.

Men and women danced gracefully on the dance floor in front, and the band on one side was also immersed in the music.

The tables on one side were filled with big fish and meat, and red wine and delicacies were provided in unlimited quantities. Some people even only took two bites of each thing and then threw it away and went to eat other food.

Extravagant, wasteful and extravagant, they are like two different worlds from the common people outside.

In the city.

Boom boom~~~!!

The dry firewood around the high platform suddenly burst into flames under the influence of torches. The girl who was tied to the wooden frame in the middle of the high platform was dressed in white and had bare feet.

She raised her head, ignoring the shouts and curses of the people around her, and looked up at the dim sky that was gradually eroded by the firelight. There was no expression on her face, and she put her hands on her chest.

Even though she was classified as a witch and hated by everyone, even the guards, clergy, and jailers who delivered meals were unwilling to get too close to her, so she was tortured by hunger and thirst for a long time.

But at this moment she still seemed full of energy.

She understands those people, because in this era, not to mention the witch's family or friends, even if someone finds out that you have talked to the witch on the road, you may be labeled as a heretic!

The people of the church will not give you any chance to defend yourself. What is waiting for you is that on a sunny or dark noon, you will be detained by a group of people from the church and go straight from the prison to the street. You will belong to this pile in front of you. A rack full of dry wood.

Before that, she took off her armor on her own initiative, not wanting it to be burned with her. She consciously walked to the stake without any resistance.

Through her thin clothes, her hands tightly held the cross on her chest and the rune gem.

Now she still has a way to easily leave the torture rack. Relying on this gem, she can easily defeat all the clerical guards around her and leave here calmly, but she does not choose this way.

Because she knows that if she really does this, she will definitely be saved, but on the contrary, the country will fall into turmoil again, more soldiers will step onto the battlefield, more civilians will be displaced, and the people will lose their His own father, his own husband, his own son and even his grandson.

She didn't want to see this scene


"at last......I really want to see you again......"

The girl closed her eyes and slowly waited for the flames to devour her.

Several church personnel came out from the surrounding area holding torches. When they were still some distance away from the torture rack, they threw out the torches in their hands.

The dry firewood, which had been exposed to the sun for many days and had no moisture at all and then was drizzled with kerosene, burst into fierce flames the moment the torch came into contact!

The heat wave was soaring to the sky, but this high temperature did not make the people watching the theater around them retreat. Instead, it ignited their emotions even more!

"......."The girl looked resolute, pursed her lips, and was not shaken by the surrounding flames.



"you have unfulfilled wishes"

"Not willing to give in?"


"Do you feel that your original choice was wrong?"

"Do you feel that if you could do it over again, you would do better?"

"Do you feel that if you could do it over again, you would have no regrets?"

"who?"The girl suddenly opened her eyes.

The surrounding flames were already very high. Thick black smoke floated in front of her eyes. Her vision was almost taken away by fiery red and gray black. The temperature rose rapidly. The wood below was burning continuously. There was a crackling sound.

The girl was surprised to find that the high temperature, flames, difficulty in breathing, etc. that she should have felt did not appear at all, and there was no pain at all. The surrounding gradually darkened until it became pitch black, and the rope that was comforting her was also unknowingly The sleep disappeared. There was obviously no light here, but the girl lowered her head and could clearly see her body. The white dress was spotless, just like the man gave it to her that day. There was no sword or spear in her hand, only her left hand. The ring on her ring finger shone with warm light.

Two petite figures quickly ran past her, and the childish voices of a man and a woman came to the girl's ears.

"Mother, come up quickly~!"

Their voices were full of energy, and the girl's surprised face softened at this moment.

If he had stayed in his hometown, maybe a life without killing and blood would have been waiting for him.

I will grow up in an ordinary way, get married and have children. It is best to give birth to a boy and a girl like now. Then I will be at home with my husband and children, and live an ordinary but safe life. but.........

"Do you want to do it all over again to make up for your regrets?"

".......No."The girl's face is full of determination

"If I had it to do over again, I would stick to my current choice, maybe......I might live a happy life like this, but I know that if I do that, there will be many more innocent people whose happy lives will be shattered."

"They also have their own life and their own happiness, if possible.......I hope to exchange my happiness for the happiness of the rest of them!"

Although the girl's body looks thin and petite, her voice contains full power.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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