"Anyway, please take us to see it first and understand the situation first."


Xiaoxue and Xinhai handed over the store to the other clerks and told them that if Sven came back and asked where everyone had gone, just say that they were out for something and would be back soon. Don't say anything else, let alone lie!

Everyone! Although the clerk agreed, no one had seen Swain from the morning until the store closed in the evening.

Inside the detention center of Tianling


Across the fence, Xiaoxue looked responsibly at the people standing opposite her with their heads lowered, looking like they had done something wrong.

"Hey, I understand the situation"

"I can promise not to tell that person yet, but I will know how long I can hide it."

"Yes, thank you very much."Everyone bowed their heads and thanked them.

They didn't want to cause trouble for Swain, but trouble would come to them on their own.

Although Swain said he wouldn't mind and would help them support them, he had nothing to eat and drink at home. , he also taught himself how to read and write, practiced martial arts and became stronger, yet he was causing trouble to Sven, which was really unreasonable.

"Although the cause of the matter is not yours, but......Eh."

Xiaoxue looked very sad. To say that they went too far seems a bit harsh.

If she were the person involved, it is obvious that if there is no resistance here, the consequences may be worse than those lying on the other side of the detention center who are still being bandaged. It's terrible.

In this case, it's hard to say that it's over-defense.

"After all, it was taught by the master, so it is understandable that he would be so cruel."Xinhai feels that his master is from the same lineage, so he can understand

"That's how it is, but for some reasons, I can't make a decision on these matters, so I can only continue to report them. I'm sorry, it may be just a weak effort, but I will try my best to excuse you in front of the general."Kujo Sura on one side stepped forward.

"But before that, both parties can only stay here temporarily. At least I can guarantee their personal safety here."

Kujo Sora's face was cold, which made people surprised that he was such a passionate person.

"sorry to bother you."

Xiaoxue also understands the darkness of politics in this era. The status of the family opposite must be extraordinary, otherwise there would be no need to go directly to Tianting to make a ruling. When they came out of Tianling Shixing, the night was already very late, Xiaoxue and Xinhai said goodbye..

Kujo Sora nodded and watched the two people leave, and then slowly turned her gaze to the castle tower in the General's Mansion in the distance. Her golden eyes looked at the bright night sky, with little stars flashing deep in her eyes. She was very excited at the moment. Melancholy.

Even if there is a real general who leads Inazuma, there is still no peace everywhere. Yesterday's assassin was not found, and even if an investigation was conducted, there was no trace. And today, there was trouble because of that domineering playboy.

Although The result this time was that he was severely punished, which made him, who had long been dissatisfied with his behavior, get angry. However, this later caused a big problem.

"I hope the General can make a ruling as soon as possible........"

Kujo Sora returned to the Tenryo Sanctuary. She needed to deal with the remaining official duties of the day as soon as possible, and then went to inspect the patrol and guard work of the castle tower.

Her day was not easy either.

Top of the castle tower


Zhenku sat in front of the desk, looking at the official documents presented by Kujo Sora with a headache. Because she had been sitting for too long, she felt that her calves had lost consciousness, so she took off her shoes and socks, and lightly hammered her head while browsing the official documents. Holding one's own calf

"There is no one else around at this time, how about relaxing a little?"

Ying is still meditating and waiting, but he pays attention to his sister from time to time. What is the real situation?

"This is not okay. As a general, you need to maintain sufficient etiquette at all times."A true smile is full of exhaustion, but it is also full of motivation.

"But.....Didn't you take off your shoes and socks?"Ying replied calmly.

"Hey, I’m a general, so it’s okay if I have some privileges~" Zhen Zhen looked at his sister’s shadow in a playful manner as he stuck out his pink tongue.

"......."Obviously, Ying's somewhat dull elm-headed head is not able to strike up a conversation with the slightly funny Zhen.

"What to say.....You have been reading that report since just now. Is it difficult?"Ying slowly opened her charming phoenix eyes, and the purple halo faded faintly from her eyes.

"This one......It was someone from the previous family who caused trouble again."

It really seems like I'm used to this thing.

"It's them again......Sure enough, sister, let me deal with them."

"These people don't have much practical use. They have no use except increasing your work and destroying your achievements. They were just taking advantage of others to gain their current status."

Ying recalled everything that family had done so far, so he frowned and became murderous.

Not only was it useless, they would only make his sister more tired, just like now!

"As long as you need me, sister, their whole family will disappear directly tonight, and it is absolutely impossible to know the murderer!"Kage has this confidence.

It is even said that the person responsible for investigating this matter should be Kujo Sora. According to her temperament and thoughts, she is also likely to guess who is the mastermind, and then conduct a hasty investigation. The case is closed, and no one in the city will complain!

"That's not okay. I promised back then that I would protect the integrity of their family in my name."Zhen shook his head gently and explained to the shadow.

"Moreover, it is also thanks to them that there have been no large-scale casualties in the whole Inazuma area."

"should say.....It was thanks to the cherry trees they provided."King thinks that is the credit of Sakura and has nothing to do with these scum.

"But the cherry tree belongs to them, we are just borrowing it"

"Sister, you are too gentle in your actions. If you do this, you will only be the one who will be sad in the end."Although Ying doesn't understand government affairs, she can see that her sister is constantly working hard now, and she may not be able to get a favor by then.

"Yes, I understand very well that I cannot be a qualified monarch."

Zhen nodded in agreement, turned his eyes to one side, and looked through the open portal to the sea in the distance and to the place near the horizon that is called the end wall of the world.

"But now, I can only continue to do it until someone can replace me. Then I will be relaxed.~!"

Zhen spread his hands and stretched with a very comfortable expression on his face.


Shadow did not continue to say anything. Instead, he slowly raised his head, looked at the roof of the top floor of the castle tower, picked up the naginata beside him and stood up slowly.

"film?"I looked at Ying's actions with great curiosity.

"That person is coming."Ying walked past the real front and went to the outer corridor.

"Sister, please stay here and don’t wander around. I’ll be back soon."

"Ah, well, be careful."Zhen is still very confident in his sister, and nodded seriously.

Ying also nodded, then climbed over the fence of the corridor, and jumped on the protruding eaves on the outside, along with a beautiful arc, She jumped very nimbly to the roof of the upper level of the castle tower.

Here, Swain was already waiting here.

Swain's eyes kept looking towards the distance, which is the wall at the end of the world that Zhen was just looking at.

"Ah, it's a great and awesome scenery. Who can you tell me who can build such a majestic building in the sea?"

While Swain was questioning, he slowly turned around and glanced at the figure who was slowly walking two steps behind him.

Just like the elegant gentleman last night, he took off his hat and bowed as a gentleman.

"Good evening, beautiful lady"

"Tonight you are still the same as yesterday, as cold, beautiful and desirable as the moon in the sky."

Sven kept bending down, but slowly raised his head and continued with a smile:"But compared to yesterday, your fighting spirit is even higher today."

Ying stared at Sven's every move. Seeing that he was still wearing the top hat that had a gap cut by him, Ying knew that this man was also a person who refused to admit defeat and came to seek revenge from him.

And he was not the same. ?

"The cold expression is like the rising moon reaching its peak at this moment, dyeing the earth with your color."

Ying didn't pick up on Sven's words, but slowly opened his eyes, lowered his body slightly, and tightened the naginata in his right hand.

"tonight......I will take your head"

"Haha, of course no problem, this is your freedom, I was already prepared when I came uninvited"

"So......"Sven put on his top hat, turned his empty right hand, and took out Hepal again.

"So, I sincerely invite you, Miss, to dance with me under the moonlight. How about you?"

As soon as Sven finished speaking, Ying turned his naginata with one hand and danced twice before rushing forward.

Sven held Hepal tightly with both hands and did not dodge, but chose to fight head-on!


There was a gap between the two sides. Wearing two weapons, Ying could see Swain's eyes through the mask, including the small mark that was undetectable under normal conditions, and Swain could also clearly see the beauty mark at the left corner of the opposite eye. The two sides exchanged views. The moment they touched each other, they were quickly waving the weapons in their hands and fighting each other. The attacks were so fast and fierce that almost no one could clearly see the weapons in their hands, only large black shadows could be seen.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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