Holy Knight: Level 8 Legendary Arms

Attack: 75

Defense: 85

Damage: 540-720

HP: 13500


Protective Aegis: As you move, the Aegis of Aegis will be accumulated, up to a shield value of 4500 points. Aegis. During the duration of the protective shield, your own defense will be increased by 90 points and your magic resistance will be doubled. This effect will be included by default during the charge.

Holy Charge: Launch a charge at an extremely fast speed, with the speed increased by 450% and an advanced hegemonic effect. The longer the charge distance, the higher the damage. If the enemy is killed instantly, the charge will continue. During the holy charge, there will be the blessing of holy power, with 70% holy damage, which can purify all evil enemies.

Holy Persuasion: The Holy Knight can persuade the enemy. When the enemy is purified, the allies will be healed, and there is a certain chance that the enemy will surrender to his side.

Holy power: Killing the enemy with a charge or purifying the enemy with holy power will increase the base damage, health, and upper limit of the shield.

Holy legend: Holy knights are legendary knights who dedicate themselves to fighting against evil. If they gain legendary status by purifying evil creatures, their rank will be improved. Current legend level: 1 point. Each point of legend level can increase all attributes by 10%.

Holy Knights and Demon Hunters alike.

This is a good hand in dealing with demonic troops.

Their purifying abilities deal extra damage to demons.

A single holy charge can purify a large number of demonic enemies.

That's even more exaggerated than erasure.

When the holy knight was promoted to the eighth level, Ye Xiu would have a higher quality legendary knight.

This is undoubtedly also improving the impact of the Cavaliers.

Knight force, impact is everything!

The tip of the knife as the leader is very important.

The holy knight with the highest level and quality at present is naturally the tip of the sword.

Upgrading the holy knight also increases the lethality of the entire knight force.

"I even think the enemy has too few high-level heroes!"

Ye Xiu complained.

Holy Knights are the same as Demon Hunters.

You can advance by killing high-level demon heroes.

Unfortunately, there are too few high-level demon heroes here.

Almost all of them are demon lords.

If you want to kill them permanently, you still need to It's a bit difficult.

It's not like hunting dragon crossbowmen.

You only need to hunt high-level dragon troops to advance.

"Lord Shura, the other demon heroes were all shot to death by me! This time I had a great time having sex!

Ye Xiu laughed happily.

This guy likes the feeling of killing others with guns.

Ye Xiu gained a lot from this wave. Not only did he defeat the enemy 's coalition forces, but also caused most of the demon lords to retreat. The two demon lords were permanently killed.

They also included a large number of demon heroes.

The power of the God of War and the power of reincarnation alone were astonishing.

The extra power of the God of War was enough for Ye Xiu to forge the God of War twice again. Got pregnant!

Ye Xiu immediately started forging

【After consuming 200 layers of the God of War's power, the body of the God of War is successfully forged. According to one's own level, all attributes will be +5 points, command power +1500 points, and skill points +1.】

【Successfully forged the 20-layer God of War body and obtained additional effects: all attributes +15 points, free attribute point growth +2 points, commanding power +5000 points, commanding power growth +200 points, skill points +15 points, gold skill points +1 point. 】

Ye Xiu accumulated 20 layers of the God of War's body in one go.

Once again, I received a large number of attribute rewards.

Ye Xiu can guarantee that he now has the attributes to crush all mid-level heroes!

At the same time, there will not be much disadvantage against high-level heroes.

Some newly promoted high-level heroes may not have as good attributes as him!

The difference in offensive and defensive attributes is enough to make the difference in combat power between the two sides astonishing.

Ye Xiu was very satisfied with this.

At the same time, he also harvested a large wave of skill points.

There is also 1 gold skill point credited to the account.

This is equivalent to a lot of level ups.

But if you want to continue to forge the body of the God of War.

Each forging requires more power from the God of War.

It takes 400 layers of God of War power at once!

Its forging is getting more and more difficult!

"At the 20th level of the God of War, my attribute growth has been extremely amazing. It will be enough before my next promotion.……"

It is almost impossible to forge a 30-level God of War body before the next advancement.

Ye Xiu just needs to do it slowly.

This huge harvest caused cheers both inside and outside the Fortress of Destruction.

Ye Xiu immediately returned to the city, activated the Fortress of Destruction, and headed straight for the Dark Fortress!

That is the base camp of the Dark Lord.

This wave has severely damaged its main force, which is the best opportunity to capture the Dark Fortress!

At the same time, Ye Xiu himself also sent out flying troops. He personally led the troops and went directly to the Sky Fortress!

The Sky Fortress is the fortress of the Sky Lord.

This unlucky flying lord was completely wiped out by Ye Xiu.

Not only did he die in battle, but a large number of his deputy heroes and other heroes were also permanently killed.

Sky Fortress is currently the most empty fortress.

Ye Xiu also has the means to restrain the enemy, so he can easily capture it.

This is also true. After Ye Xiu entered the Sky Fortress, the enemy still wanted to resist.

But all the main flying demons were restrained.

The demon heroes who were left behind were completely helpless.

The Sky Fortress only lasted for 3 hours before it was defeated by Ye Xiu!

【Capture the level 3 neutral force fortress and obtain 80,000 military merit points. 】

Another fortress has been added to the account!

Because Ye Xiu captured the Sky Fortress independently.

No other players join the battle.

Ye Xiu gained 80,000 military merit points in one go.

There is only one step away from the Heaven-Destroying Bow.

This is the sixth city owned by Ye Xiu!

The only thing left for Ye Xiu to become an intermediate lord is the Dark Fortress!

"Lu Zai, how is the situation at the Dark Fortress? How did the Dark Lord react?"

Destroy the fortress and attack the dark fortress directly.

This goal is very obvious.

The demon lords have just suffered a disastrous defeat.

It is a time of great panic.

They are also worried that Ye Xiu will attack their fortress.

How can they send troops to help the dark fortress.

The Dark Lord can only rely on himself.

However, the Void Demons seem unwilling to let the Dark Lord collapse.

They have the intention to send troops!

"We have discovered that void demons are sending more troops to the Dark Fortress!"

"This is to fight a big battle with us and defend the dark fortress!"

Mo Lu saw the movements of the Void Demon through the Chaos Meteor Cannon.

But Ye Xiu smiled.

"Do you still dare to increase the number of troops in the Dark Fortress? You guys should guard your lair first!"

Ye Xiu started his trump card that he had prepared long ago!

The two space-based weapons were all aimed at the gate of hell and launched an attack on the gate of hell!

Ye Xiu also wanted to test whether the void demons were in the gate of hell. What's wrong with the door!

"Go back for reinforcements! The Gates of Hell are under attack!"

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