Eris, who wanted to run but couldn't, was about to cry.

Now Eris is like a little white rabbit facing the big bad wolf Isumi.

Isheng looked at Eris and smiled.

"Goddess of luck, if you can marry someone home, your whole life will be worth it!"

Although he said so, Isheng didn't touch Eris.

When Eris heard this, black lines suddenly filled his head.

"Please don't think of me as some kind of mascot!"

Eris felt offended.

Did you take her for something?

Although she is the goddess of luck, she is not that powerful.

Isheng just laughed when he heard this.

"Okay, I won’t joke with you anymore."

"Miss Eris, are you interested in changing jobs?"

"Come and work at my place"

"I can take you to another world to play~!"

That's right, what Isheng wants to do is to dig into the world of heaven.

The Eris in front of me is a very powerful helper.

And he is also a very serious worker.

Upon hearing Isheng's invitation, Eris refused without even thinking.


"The world is not at peace yet"

"I can't leave my post!"

However, after hearing this, Yi Cheng started to complain.

"Are you sure this world is really not peaceful?"

"The so-called Demon King is just a support character, right?"

"It's just an easy thing for you gods to deal with him."

"No matter how bad it is, this world now has connections with our world."

"Just find someone to come over and deal with that demon king."

"As for the cadres of the Demon King, are each one more unreliable than the other?"

No one in the so-called Demon King's Army is serious except for Walbach.

This sentence was said by the contemporary Demon King Yasaka Kyouichi himself.

This kind of Demon King can be killed by Kazuma, let alone gods like them.

Eris and others The gods clearly regard this world as a playground!

Hearing what Isheng said, Erris suddenly had black lines in her head.

"Although this is the case, I still refuse!"

"Well, the world is not at peace yet!"

"How can I leave this world."

Although she also wants to see other worlds, she still has work to do. How can she put her work aside to do other things?

And it's very difficult to change jobs.

Not to mention, Eris and Isumi are not familiar enough to change jobs at any time.

This is the first time they have met.

How is it possible to invite others to change jobs at the first meeting?

What if Isheng is a liar?

Not to mention Having said that, Isheng still has an aura like the resentment of the gods.

To Eris, Isheng = a dangerous person.

It is precisely because of this that Eris refused without thinking.

It is impossible to change jobs. Job-hopping, it is impossible to change jobs in this life!

You can only make a living by working part-time in this world, and then playing around and enjoying the scenery.

Isumi felt very helpless when he saw that Eris refused without hesitation.

It seems that Eris is not that easy to fool.

If it was Aqua, that idiot, he would have agreed long ago!

After quickly recalling Eris's work, Isumi spoke again:

"Your mission is to recover the artifacts of this world, right?"

Hearing Yi Cheng's sudden words, Eris was also stunned.

"Hey, how did you know?"

Now it was Eris's turn to be shocked. How could this man know everything?

Isheng spread his hands and said:

"I know more than you think"

"And the source of evil in this world is that guy Aqua!"

"If she hadn't given so many cheats to those time travellers, the world wouldn't be like this."

"You won't work hard to collect artifacts everywhere."

At this point, Isheng wanted to complain.

Aqua gave people too many cheats.

Then those time travelers came to this world to cause crazy troubles.

It can be said that all of this is Aqua's fault.

Hearing Eris was also a little helpless when Isumi said it, and that's true!

If it weren't for Aqua-senpai, she wouldn't have to be so busy.

Isumi didn't say anything more on this topic.

Instead, he continued:

"And, don’t you want to hear what I’m paying you for?"

"Are you sure you don't want to consider it?"

Isheng said this and glanced at a certain part of Eris.

Well, it has been padded.

Noticing Isheng's gaze, Eris blushed

"How rude!"

"Don't look at me like this."

This scared Eris and she quickly covered her hands. She always felt that this guy was thinking about something rude.

I Cheng also laughed when he heard this and said nonchalantly:

"If you switch jobs to me"

"I can give you an artifact"

"This artifact also has special effects."

With that said, Yi Cheng directly activated the creation of powerful objects.

Immediately afterwards, his arm began to slowly become ferocious, and a strange armor appeared on his right hand.

There was even this green gem on the back of his hand.

Look. When it came to this piece of equipment, Eris was a little confused.

"What's this?"

"An artifact from your world?"

Yicheng nodded.

"That's right, it's an artifact of our world"

"The ability is to double the owner's power every 10 seconds."

"Or transfer the multiplied power to companions or weapons"

"But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this artifact has a special function."

Isheng's expression suddenly turned weird as he said this.

Isheng had been exposed to the Sekiryuutei's cage from the beginning.

After being promoted to the SSS level, object creation can naturally copy it again.

Not only it, but also He could also copy other artifacts if he wanted to.

But it was not necessary.

And Eris was also attracted by Isheng's words.

She didn't quite understand what the other function Isheng said was and what use it would have to her?

See Eris Eris looked suspicious. Isheng smiled and put the cage hand in front of Eris without hesitation.

When the other party looked confused, he activated his ability.

‘boost. '

As this voice sounded, Eris's face also turned red.

This is not over yet



"Come on, tell me, how big do you want it to be?"

‘Snapped! As soon as

Isheng finished speaking, Eris slapped Isheng's hand away.

"Wow, I can’t get married!"

"Just now, you encountered it!!"

As she spoke, Eris was actually about to cry.

Isheng also touched her when she was increasing her strength just now.

As she cried, two balls of silicone suddenly fell from Eris's body.

The scene was suddenly quiet, and Eris He also stopped crying.

Looking at the secret that was squeezed out, Eris was dumbfounded.

Looking down again, he saw that this place was even larger than after he had padded it.

At this moment, Eris didn't know what to say. What's good?

It turns out that the function of this artifact is to make her bigger?

Suddenly she wanted it so much, what should she do?

But soon, she was embarrassed again, and it seemed that someone knew about her padding.

(Please give me flowers. , please vote for me, please give me a reward.)

I got up early in the morning and drew Lili, I’m happy

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