There are only a dozen low-level monks left on the walls of Tianyun City, and there is not even a martial arts sect among them.

"Hello! You are late! Grandmaster Fang Yan has long gone to the depths of the Yunchui Mountains!"

The monk guarding the city gate looks very tired.

He is a veteran who has lived since the early days of spiritual recovery. His talent is not high, but his luck is good.

Almost every time he encounters a catastrophe, he is lucky enough to survive. Come down.

Therefore, he can be regarded as a person who has seen the big world.

What kind of sixth-level powerhouse, what kind of Tianjue King... For people like Veteran, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"What did you say? Fang Yan is not in Tianyun City?"

In front of King Tian Jue, a protector said angrily:"You know that King Tian Jue is coming to find him, but he doesn't wait obediently in Tianyun City, so he still dares to leave?"

""Brother," the veteran curled his lips and said,"Don't ask me, I don't know anything as an old man. If you want to ask...just ask Grandmaster Fang Yan himself."

The protector said coldly:"Who has the highest status in the city?" Let him roll over quickly to see King Tian Jue! The veteran cupped his hands and said with a smile:"No talent, old man, I am the person with the highest status in the city." If you were two days late, even a bad old man like me wouldn't be able to see it!"

"Are you the highest-ranking person in town? The person with the highest status guards the city gate?"

The protector didn't believe it at all. He opened his eyes wide and stared at the veteran fiercely.

"Hey! This city is almost empty. If I don’t defend it, who will? If you don’t believe it, little kid, you can go to the city and have a look."

The protector's face flashed with anger, and he was like an arrow missing from the string, and he quickly shot into the city.

After a moment, he flew out of the city again.

"Lord, there is no aura of strong people in the city, there are really only some old and weak people left!"

The old face of the protector turned red. The reason why they put on such a big posture was to show their prestige.

Who knew that there was not even a strong person in Tianyun City, so showing off their prestige in front of a bunch of old and weak people was like wearing a dragon robe. Show it to the blind man.

Zhu Chengdian was also very angry at the moment. Which city had he not been greeted by a bunch of big shots along the way?

It was a good place here. Not to mention that the real owner didn’t see him, even the old man guarding the city gate didn’t have much respect for him. good face

"Walk! I want to go deep into Yunchui Mountain to see where else Fang Yan can hide."

The nine-headed fifth-level peak ferocious beast, pulling a gorgeous chariot, soared into the sky again.

King Tian Jue walked away in anger, and his power seemed to be the same as before.

But in the eyes of everyone on the city wall, they felt The car driving in the distance seemed a little more comical, a bit like escaping in embarrassment.


Deep in the Yunchui Mountains, a large fiery red bird spread its sky-covering wings and kept circling high in the sky.

The head of a chicken, the jaw of a swallow, the neck of a snake, the back of a turtle, and the tail of a fish are as red as fire. The body is hundreds of meters long, and the whole body is like a carving of red divine gold, exuding a magnificent light.

This big fiery red bird was clearly the Phoenix Xiaohong that Fang Yan had conquered with the living weapon sacrifice technique.

A month ago, Xiao Hong followed Xinyue and others in clearing out the top ferocious beasts in the Yunchui Mountains, but within a few days, all the surviving top ferocious beasts were cleared away.

Later, Fang Yan also moved to the depths of the Yunchui Mountains. When there were not enough corpses to refine the puppets, he ordered Xiao Hong to patrol further afield, and if he encountered stronger beasts, he would kill them and bring them back.

On this day, Xiao Hong was bored while patrolling. Suddenly, with sharp eyes, he noticed that there were nine fifth-level ferocious beasts in the distance, pulling a gorgeous car and driving past.

The driver of this car was clearly Zhu Chengdian and his entourage.

"Wow! If you get all the nine-headed fifth-level peak ferocious beasts back, my brother will definitely be very happy!"

"When my brother is happy, he might change my name!"

"whee! I'm so lucky!"

Thinking of this, Xiaohong immediately rushed towards the nine-headed fifth-level peak ferocious beast with joy like red lightning.

From a long distance away, the nine-headed fifth-level peak ferocious beast could already feel the strong power of the superior. Pressure.

They panicked and rushed to the ground.

They pulled the reins and acted as the driver's protector, trying hard to control the beasts by pulling on the reins.

However, the pressure of the sixth-level beasts on the fifth-level beasts was too strong, regardless of the protectors. No matter how hard I tried to pull the reins, it was useless.

The car behind me was jolted, and the people inside were in a panic.

"Evil beast! court death!"

The perception ability of the sixth-level powerhouse is already very powerful, and Zhu Chengdian also felt a powerful coercive aura approaching rapidly.

He could not sit back and ignore it, so he could only rush out of the car to respond to the enemy.

But after seeing the enemy, Zhu Chengdian It's a big change in complexion

" this the phoenix next to Fang Yan?"

Xiao Hong paid no attention to Zhu Chengdian, and directly chased the nine-headed beast that fled to the ground.

The nine-headed beast landed safely, and the two guardians acting as coachmen saw that the situation was not good and had already flown out.

And The frame at the back was unprotected, and it was shattered into pieces when it hit the ground.

After this collision, the shackles that bound the nine-headed beasts were also broken!

After the nine-headed beasts were freed, they hurriedly scattered and fled.

But their Compared with Xiao Hong, his speed was as slow as a snail.

Xiao Hong soon caught up with a ferocious beast, flapped his wings, and slapped its head fiercely.

With just this, the spirit of the ferocious beast was scattered. There is only one intact corpse left.

This is also what Fang Yan said. The better the corpse is preserved, the easier it will be to refine the puppet.

PS: Please give me flowers! Please give me a review! Please give me a monthly vote!

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