For Fang Yan, what he couldn't tolerate the most was that there was another will in the magic weapon he refined.

When he first refined the goddess figure, he spent a lot of effort to inactivate the emperor's corpse.

Now, the thirty-six corpses that will be refined into magic weapons in his hands are even more powerful, and the inactivation work is even more important.

This process can only be completed through long years of tempering using his own divine fire.

The divine fire is ignited by the power of the divine soul. During the process of calcining with the divine fire, the material will naturally leave Fang Yan's divine soul imprint.

In this way, even if the divine corpse and the holy corpse are reborn in consciousness in the future, they can only be controlled by Fang Yan and will never be affected by their original personalities.

After completing the first step, you can officially start refining.

At this point, nearly a hundred years have passed.

Fang Yan didn't pause at all, and immediately took out a lot of messy materials.

These materials were all obtained by him in the void world over the past thousands of years.

Some of these materials have ethereal properties, and some are indestructible.

Basically, most of the materials have reached the ninth level. Although a few materials are only the eighth level, they are also rare materials with unique properties.

These materials are all considered auxiliary materials and also play a very important role.

Fang Yan spent a lot of effort to integrate these materials.

He then arranged the thirty-six sacred corpses in order and began designing additional elements.

Depending on the cultivation process, cultivators will have additional elements in their bodies at different stages.

The additional elements in the sacred body are the most complex restrictions.

If you want to refine the sacred corpse into a treasure, you must comply with the internal restrictions of the sacred corpse when constructing additional elements, and must not conflict with them.

Otherwise, the quality of the refined treasure may be reduced, or the refining may fail completely.

Fang Yan has extremely rich experience in refining weapons, so naturally he would not make such a mistake.

He thought for a long time and decided to use the corpse of Saint Tianhong as the framework and foundation of the entire treasure. Only in this way can the treasure's sturdiness be maximized.

"I now have thirty-six sacred corpses, which is exactly in line with the thirty-sixth level of Taoism. Why not use these thirty-six sacred corpses as the main materials to refine a Babel Tower?"

"Using the corpse of Saint Tianhong as the framework and foundation, the remaining thirty-five divine corpses are hidden in his body. Only by integrating them into one can they become immortal."

The gods fell, and their bodies formed a world of their own.

Among the thirty-six divine corpses, thirty-three divine corpses have formed small worlds, which to a certain extent reduced Fang Yan's workload.

But it also gave him It brought a certain amount of trouble.

He wanted to stuff the thirty-three divine corpses into the corpse of Saint Tianhong, which was equivalent to stuffing thirty-three small worlds into it.

To do this, the difficulty can be imagined He knew it.

But no matter how difficult it was, Fang Yan had to do it, because this was his only hope of refining the holy weapon.

He once again took out one hundred and eight sacred objects of creation to gather divine power.

For the gods, as long as the divine power is enough If you use it, there is nothing in the world that cannot be done.

If the gods want to accomplish something, there are only two requirements. One is that the idea is firm enough, and the other is that the divine power is sufficient.

As long as these two conditions are met, there is no need to consider other things..

This is the so-called wish come true.

With Fang Yan's own magical power, there are not many things in the world that can stump him.

But to refine the holy weapon, his magical power is not enough, so he needs to use the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation Gathering divine power.

As the Tiangang Disha Formation began to operate, endless divine power began to gather towards Fang Yan.

Fang Yan also began to try to force thirty-five divine corpses into the holy corpses.

This process takes time, but Fang Yan can afford it..

As time went by, the thirty-five divine corpses began to gradually shrink, while the holy corpse of Saint Tianhong slowly expanded.

One divine corpse after another, together with the auxiliary materials that had been properly disposed, were all swallowed up by the corpse of Saint Tianhong. into the belly.

Finally, Saint Tianhong's body had completely deformed, and his slender body became as fat as a ball.

At this point, the most critical step was completed.

In this way, more than three hundred years have passed.

Next , to fuse thirty-six sacred corpses into one.

Under normal circumstances, to fuse different materials into one, just burn them with powerful flames to achieve the goal.

But the sacred corpses have strong spell resistance, and alone The flames cannot fuse it at all.

This is not a problem for Fang Yan. He now has infinite divine power as the backing. He only needs to use his divine power to activate the laws he once mastered and the restrictions he now masters, and continue to forge the sacred corpse. Over time, it will It can be integrated into one.

In this process, Fang Yan also needs to create the appearance of the treasure.

Don't think that the appearance is not important. In fact, the appearance of the magic weapon is also an important factor affecting its power.

The sword must have the appearance of a sword. The tower must have the appearance of a tower.

There is also a lot to be done about the appearance of high-end treasures.

There is no doubt that this step is also a hard work.


In the blink of an eye, another thousand years have passed.

In front of Fang Yan, the ball-like body of Saint Tianhong had disappeared, replaced by an unusually exquisite, magnificent and solemn divine tower.

PS: Please give me flowers! Please review! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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