The best news for the strong men of Yulong Palace is that the White Dragon Emperor finally appears.

The White Dragon Emperor led a group of powerful men from the White Dragon Palace and finally arrived at the main star No. 7 of the Yulong Palace.

Originally, there were not many powerful people stationed on the main star of Yulong Palace No. 7, only about 150 emperors.

There are more than 200 emperors from the Seven Desire Demon Heaven.

There was a big battle between the two sides, and the Yulong Palace side lost more than fifty emperors, while the Seven Desire Demon Heaven also had more than thirty emperors who were unable to fight anymore.

The gap between the two sides is still very large, and the disadvantage of Yulonggong is even more exaggerated.

The White Dragon Emperor came here for support and brought with him a hundred emperors.

In this way, the ratio of the number of people on both sides was reversed instantly.

But the surviving guards of Main Star No. 7 took one look at the strength of the reinforcements, and felt a sudden chill in their hearts.


It turns out that the White Dragon Emperor did bring people to support him, but the strongest support he brought was only the fourth-grade Emperor level!

The leaders of the fifth-level emperor have been killed. Can the fourth-level emperor stop Fang Yan?

As for those with lower ranks, I am afraid that someone will kill them all with one knife.

Therefore, when the personnel stationed on the seventh main star of Yulong Palace saw the reinforcements, instead of cheering and celebrating, they actually looked like their parents had died.

The new reinforcements didn't know what was going on, so they couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

But there is nothing to say at this time. We can only wait quietly for the negotiations between the bosses of both sides and prepare for battle at the same time.

The White Dragon Emperor arrived and the two sides separated automatically.

He stared at Jueying and said expressionlessly:"Jueying, do you want to die? You came to my territory of Yulong Palace to cause trouble."

Jueying laughed and said:"Bailong, you are still so childish. I am here again This is not the first time I have come to your Yulong Palace territory to cause trouble. You always use this kind of rhetoric every time. You are not annoying, but I am tired of hearing it! Can you change your rhetoric to something fresher?"

The White Dragon Emperor did not continue. Ignoring Jueying, he turned to look at Fang Yan in the crowd, and said coldly:"I asked you to stop just now, how dare you ignore me?"

Fang Yan smiled and said modestly:"I just ignored it for a little bit, and I didn’t completely ignore it."

When everyone in the Seven Desire Demon Heaven heard this reply, almost all of them couldn’t help but laugh.

"Hahaha! Just ignored it for a little bit? Why is this guy so interesting?"

"Ignoring it means ignoring it, how much does it cost? This is the first time I heard such remarks!"

"Damn it, let’s play with people!"

"Wrong, this is a provocation! A naked provocation!"

"You are so brave!"The White Dragon Emperor was obviously very angry. His aura was rising steadily, and there was a hint of anger in his tone.

Fang Yan said boredly:"If you want to fight, then fight! Why all the nonsense?"

To be honest, before meeting the White Dragon Emperor, Fang Yan was still a little afraid.

After meeting the White Dragon Emperor, Fang Yan felt that the White Dragon Emperor was nothing more than that.

In terms of aura, the White Dragon Emperor's aura was better than that of Fang Yan. The corpse of the empress on Yinghuo Planet was even weaker.

This made Fang Yan even more curious about the corpse of the empress, and at the same time a little disdainful of the White Dragon Emperor.

As the saying goes, you can lose in a fight, but your momentum cannot be weak.

Bai Long The emperor's aura was not even comparable to that of a corpse. How could this make Fang Yan fearful?

Taking a step back, even if the White Dragon Emperor is indeed powerful, in the end he is just a great emperor and has not touched the power of God. Domain.

If you are not a god, you will not be able to escape the suppression of the Chaos Bell.

In this case, why should Fang Yan be afraid of the White Dragon Emperor? So when he spoke, he could not help but bring some teasing.

To ordinary strangers, doing so would be somewhat senseless. Courtesy.

But the White Dragon Emperor is an enemy, and it is reasonable to treat the enemy no matter how rude he is.

Looking at Fang Yan's frivolous attitude, the White Dragon Emperor became even more angry. He suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice:"Did you destroy Taihuangtian's Ten Thousand Dragons Order? Was Zhou Yunyou killed by you? Fang Yan smiled:"

So what if I killed him?""

The White Dragon Emperor burst out with endless murderous intent in his eyes, and said in a cold tone:"Destroying the Ten Thousand Dragons Order is a serious crime. Since it was you who did it, you deserve to die!"

"hehe! Stop boasting! Jueying sneered:"White Dragon!" Are there too many Wanlong Orders that were destroyed in your Dragon Palace? Do all the big shots who broke the Wanlong Order deserve to die? You have the ability to send them back to their roots!"

The White Dragon Emperor looked livid, snorted coldly, and said to his subordinates:"Kill! Today, there is no return for them!"


The strong men who came with the White Dragon Emperor rushed towards the Seven Desires Demonic Heaven as if they had been given blood one by one.

The guards of the No. 7 Main Star who had been abused before were cowering and showing great fear. Fight.

Although the White Dragon Emperor was displeased when he saw this, it was not suitable for the enemy to reprimand his own people in front of the enemy.

In this way, the two sides started a fierce confrontation again.

Jueying finally took action, and he did it as well as Fang Fang did. Yan Bianbian first disappeared without a trace, and then suddenly appeared near the target to launch an attack.

His target was also very clear, which was the enemy leader White Dragon Emperor.

And White Dragon Emperor seemed to have some idea of ​​Jueying's methods. Understanding, I stopped Jueying's attack in time, and launched a counterattack.

PS: Please give me flowers! Please give me a review! Please give me a monthly vote!

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