"elder brother! I met a bad guy who wanted to hit me, but I gave him a lesson! You don't blame me, do you?"

Xiao Hong looked at Fang Yan pitifully, fearing that her reward would be withheld.

"Bad guy? Fang Yan suppressed her smile and asked solemnly:"Tell me, what kind of bad person is he?""

"That bad guy, he actually used a nine-headed fifth-level ferocious beast to pull a cart. He was so pretentious! As great a brother as you are, you haven't done that, so why would he dare to do that? Which good person do you think would do this?"

Fang Yan raised her eyebrows. I don't know who this bird learned from. He even knows how to use the word 'pretend'."

"I couldn't stand him, so I killed the nine-headed fifth-level peak beast that was pulling his cart!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Hong looked a little embarrassed, her phoenix eyes darting around, as if she had a guilty conscience.

Obviously, she was afraid that Fang Yan would see through her lies.

But her lies were too clumsy to be deceived at all. Fang Yan

"Is this really the case? Aren't you taking action for that nine-headed fifth-level ferocious beast? Long time no see, how dare you lie?"

Fang Yan glanced at Xiao Hong with a half-smile.

Xiao Hong lowered his head in shame.

Fang Yan didn't blame Xiao Hong. He thought deeply:"Nine-headed fifth-level peak ferocious beast pulls the cart? Isn't this Zhu Chengdian?"

Although Fang Yan has always been addicted to weapon refining, he still pays attention to the news on the Internet in his spare time.

But the last time he went online was when he moved half a month ago.

So he only knew that Zhu Chengdian came to see him with great fanfare, and it was not Knowing that Zhu Chengdian had been beaten back by Xiao Hong,

Fang Yan closed her eyes and said nothing. Her soul had been connected to the information network, and the relevant information was found within a moment.

"Did you beat Zhu Chengdian? I said it's interesting why he hasn't found this place yet."

Xiaohong asked cautiously:"Brother, don't you blame me? Fang

Yan stroked Xiaohong's phoenix crown and said with a smile:"Bring me his body next time. That person is an enemy.""

Fang Yan has always been as cold as winter when dealing with enemies.

That means he is lazy, otherwise he would have flown to Pingyang City to find Zhu Chengdian.

"Is he an enemy? That……"After hearing what Fang Yan said, Xiaohong said excitedly:"Brother, is there any reward for beating him up? Can you change my name?"

Fang Yan thought for a moment and said with a smile:"You want to change your name?" ?Then I have to think carefully and give you some other rewards first!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hong happily turned her phoenix eyes into peach blossom eyes.

Fang Yan smiled slightly, and a ball of golden sun fire appeared in his raised hand.

Xiaohong opened her mouth and inhaled, and the ball of golden sun fire was swallowed into her belly

"belch! Delicious!"

Looking at Xiaohong's greedy appearance, Fang Yan couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"The name Xiaohong seems to be too vulgar, so what should I call you? Fang

Yan thought for a while and asked,"How about taking Xiaohong as your nickname, and I'll give you a nickname called Honglian?""

"red lotus?"Xiao Hong nodded and said:"This name is not bad!"

Fang Yan smiled, and was about to take the corpse brought back by Xiao Hong to sacrifice the puppet.

Suddenly she saw Xu Liping flying towards the villa with sweat on her head.

She hadn't seen her for a long time, and Yu Yamei, a rough-handed senior sister, had already Promoted to Martial Lord

"Oh no! Fang Yan! Come with me!"

A long way away, Xu Liping asked Fang Yan to follow her.

"Why are you so anxious?"

Fang Yan was a little puzzled. She hadn't seen Xu Liping for so long. When she came, she asked him to go with her. Without explaining the situation, it would be easy for him to think wrong!

"Master...Master fell into the hole!"

"What? Fang Yan asked confusedly:"What did you say?" Which hole did your master fall into?

Xu Liping said anxiously:"Get up first and talk while walking!" Elegance has also gone down, please come with me! If it's too late, they might all be in danger!"

As soon as he heard that Yu Yamei was also going down, Fang Yan didn't care about whether there was a hole or not, so she quickly grabbed Xu Liping and flew out.

"wrong! Wrong direction! This way!"


During the flight, Fang Yan finally learned the whole story from Xu Liping.

After Zhu Chengdian was promoted to the sixth level, he caused a series of troubles, forcing the top warriors in each city to retreat in order to advance to the sixth level to compete with him.

Yu Xiong is also on the list of people undergoing seclusion.

From Zhu Chengdian's promotion to now, Fang Yan has only met Yu Xiong once, which was at the naming meeting of Lingyun City more than ten days ago.

Lingyun City is the name of this new city in Yunchui Mountain Range.

Yu Xiong practiced hard for more than a month, but could not advance to the sixth level until Lingyun City was built, so after attending the meeting and moving to Lingyun City, he couldn't wait to go to the new secret room to continue retreat.

According to Xu Liping, the secret room where Yu Xiong retreated was connected to an unknown underground cave.

For some reason, Yu Xiong's secret room was closed properly, but the secret room collapsed inexplicably!

What's even weirder is that there is something in the cave that can hinder Wu Zun's flight.

So Yu Xiong innocently fell into the hole and never came up again.

The servant who delivered the meal discovered this and quickly informed Xu Liping and others.

Yu Yaya happened to be there at that time. She was worried about Yu Xiong's safety, so she couldn't help but go to investigate first.

Xu Liping was afraid that something would happen, so she rushed to find Fang Yan.

After Fang Yan heard this, she felt that Yu Xiong was so unlucky that it was ridiculous.

He never imagined that there could be such an unlucky person in the world!

PS: Please give me flowers! Please review! Asking for a monthly ticket!

I came back late today. I picked up the children, cooked dinner, and helped with homework after dinner. I really didn’t have time to code!

Why! Middle age is really hard and tiring!

The author should try his best to code out another chapter!

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