Su Mu went to the factory to urgently customize a steel airtight cubic compartment with a side length of 5 meters. It was required that the whole unit be welded to be airtight and there must be no cracks or holes.

This fully sealed steel box is used to contain SCP-096

SCP-There is no need to send special security guards to guard 096, because you can't watch this guy.

The fact that the steel box is intact means that SCP-096 is still inside quietly.

But if the steel box is broken, it means someone outside has seen the photo of SCP-096, and nothing needs to be done at this time. Because no matter how many layers of steel plates and protective walls you put up, SCP-096 will rush out in one fell swoop.……

【Ding, congratulations on successfully containing SCP-096. Your speed attribute has been increased to the speed of sound! 】

(PS: There are no suitable talents to give to 096. One of its characteristics is remote tracking and positioning, and the other is brutal collision. They both feel very boring, so I simply won’t give them. The last time I contained SCP-682, there was also one of them. I'm talented, but I forgot to write it down. Ahem, I'll add it here.)

【The talent given by the containment of SCP-682 is"Break the Cauldron": the more damage you receive, the stronger your overall attributes will be.】

【Name: Su Mu】

【Intelligence: Genius】

【Strength: mortal limit】

【Speed: speed of sound] (weaker, normal, mortal limit, speed of sound, third universe speed, light speed level, supreme divine level)

【Life: Immunity to regular death】

【Energy: Non-reality distorter, does not have the ability to release energy】

【Fighting: Peak of Mortals】

【Genre: Wei Mingren (reaching the pinnacle). The precept of Wei Mingli is to"adapt to circumstances", the essence is to"be practical", and the ultimate goal is to win by"scrupulous means"】


Secret Dragon Flash: The art of drawing the sword quickly and the art of closing the sword quickly. The knife is unsheathed or sheathed at an extremely fast speed to generate ultrasonic waves.

Special skill·Five consecutive slashes: Each slash is faster and more ferocious than the last, completely cutting the opponent into pieces.

Flash: Instantly teleport a short distance within a certain range.


Fatal Pain: Turn on the automatic protection function when reaching the critical point of life, and have 15 seconds of invincibility.

Hearing enhancement: The hearing is much better than that of ordinary people, and there is a certain probability of predicting the movement trajectory of objects at close range.

Immortality: No matter how damaged your body is, no matter how many times you are killed, you can return to the SCP-076-1 sarcophagus to reorganize and resurrect.

Breaking the Cauldron: Endless fighting enthusiasm erupts. The more damage you receive, the stronger your overall attributes will be.

【Urgent announcement from the Overwatch Council!】

【Warning: All branches of the Foundation must immediately enter a level 1 alert state!】

【All mobile task forces that are not conducting high-priority confidential tasks will return to the nearest site immediately. Violators will be executed immediately!】

【Turn on all lighting at all sites and seal off containment areas】

【The entire staff awaits the latest orders. 】

This resolution was passed by all O5 members.

Su Mu was shocked when he received this order, and immediately closed Site-09's access to the outside world.

Then he opened the office computer and logged in to his authorized account.

What caught his eye was a Thaumiel-class file message.

Thaumiel-class SCPs are anomalies used by the Foundation to contain or resist other SCPs or anomalies.

The few remaining Thaumiel-class items are top secrets within the Foundation, and their locations, functions, and current status are known only to a handful of Foundation personnel outside of the O5 Council.

Hebrew Thamiel means"Twin Gods""

【Item Number: SCP-179】

【Object Class: Thaumiel】

【Special Containment Procedures】:SCP-179 is currently outside the control of any known peer organization and the Foundation itself. Containment attempts will focus on the implementation of level 3"ignore" cover-up measures, and interfere with and disrupt all space missions that explore and research the space within Mercury's orbit and orbits through this area.

Description: SCP-179 is a humanoid entity in outer space. The entity remains approximately 40,000km from the south pole of the solar aperture, which is the central axis of the sun's rotation, but does not rotate around the sun; recent records of SCP-179 indicate that it appears to be rotating around the center of the galaxy.

43 years of continuous observation confirmed that SCP-179 appears to be a human female between 20 and 40 years old of unknown ethnicity. The entity's body is covered in a matte black material.

The entity's hair is more than 34km long and is constantly blown by solar wind, and appears to be made of this black material. Unlike its body, SCP-179's hair reflects a variety of sunlight - a phenomenon that Foundation astrophysicists used to confirm the entity's existence in 1940.

There are multiple markings and symbols scattered along the central axis of the entity's body. Judging by their brightness, the markings may have a metallic structure and be golden in color

SCP-179 has left its original position and is approaching the Earth at high speed. It has determined that its orbit will eventually impact the Earth. The estimated impact time is██████, 2019.

By resolution of the O5 Council, SCP-179 will be bombarded on ██/██.

Su Mu was dumbfounded when he saw the people here.

34 kilometers of hair?

How big is this SCP entity? This is such a fucking asteroid!!!

One of her hairs fell and crushed me to death.……


I'm coming, are you ready?

I saw the world...beautiful, wonderful, dirty, filthy, incomprehensible.

But it is a world created by the Father and I am its faithful guardian.

The Almighty God the Father created all natural laws and laws, and human beings are one of his most sophisticated creations.

Humans have come up with certain shortcuts and call them"technology".

Technology is constantly destroying human beings. They will only pursue pleasure blindly, and eventually fall into the abyss, turning their father's works into a garbage dump...

Human beings are ignorant and pretentious, and they are so weak but paranoid and crazy.

They want to use the self-deceptive means of so-called"science" to speculate on life in higher dimensions.

Human beings, we are too big and you are too small!

There is a sea of ​​nothingness and a desert of light here, and I am their shore.

The monsters in the star sea are attacking you, and I will punch them back in the void.

There are more gods than you know, I am the Watcher, I am the Messenger of God.

I am in heaven gazing, loving, and praising the Father.

Wisdom, power, sacredness, purity, beauty, kindness, pride, nakedness, and full wings.

In the mythical stories you made up, we are called...angels.

The number of angels is countless, and we exist in every corner of the universe.

(The author set SCP-179 as an angel... because she is an unknown divinity, and she happens to be female. Wouldn't that be the character design? King of Angels Kesha, King of Tianji Hexi, Angel Yan... can be found in the comment area Selecting a wife [funny].)

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