The town where the incident occurred is quite far from the chemical plant in Nanshi, and it took me a whole night of driving to get to the scene of the incident.

Early the next morning, Su Mu and Qin Shuang didn't have time to rest before they went to the home of one of the missing children to visit and investigate.

This family lived in the center of the town, with many neighbors around them. It was supposed to be relatively safe, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen.

Su Mu stepped forward and knocked on the door. A woman in her 30s or 40s with a good face opened the door.

She saw two strangers, a man and a woman, standing outside the door, and asked with slight confusion:"What are you doing?""

"Hello, we are a working group of the FBI, responsible for investigating missing children cases. Are you Han Xuan’s mother?"Su Mu didn't even bother to show false evidence and said directly.

Mother Han saw that these two people were dignified and distinguished. They were completely different from the fat-headed police officers in the small town!

Sure enough, the policemen sent by the superiors The investigator's temperament was so reliable that she immediately believed what he said.

The appearance of Su and Mu seemed to make her see a glimmer of light in the darkness, and people who had suffered many setbacks saw the possibility of victory.

Mother Han Looking at the two of them with hopeful and eager eyes, he said in a trembling voice:"Are the higher ups finally willing to take it seriously? Do you have any clues about my little Hanxuan? Is he still alive now?"

Facing the other party's fiery eyes, Qin Shuang also felt uncomfortable, so she had to explain:"Well... we have just arrived here and haven't had time to start the investigation yet, so I hope you can cooperate with us and try to solve the case as soon as possible.……"

Mother Han felt slightly disappointed when she heard this. She suppressed her inner excitement and opened the door and said,"I'm sorry, I'm too nervous. Stop standing at the door. Please come in and talk in detail." The three of them entered the living room, and Han Mother poured two cups of tea for the two of them.

Su Mu was not polite and went straight to the point:"I won't talk nonsense because of limited time. Please briefly describe the situation on the day your son Han Xuan disappeared."

Mother Han calmed down, organized some words in her mind and began to narrate. What happened that day

"I remember that day very clearly. It was Tuesday. Originally, my Han Xuan was going to school. He had just entered the second grade this year... But because several children had gone missing in the town, everyone was panicking... And in the past few days, Little Hanxuan saw a tall and thin man on the road. He said he was scared when he saw that strange man. So I kept him at home and didn't go to school, thinking that it wouldn't be too late to go to school after the police case was solved.……"

Su Mu didn't wait for her to finish, but interrupted directly:"Can you describe to me that tall and thin man?"

Mother Han was stunned for a while, because everyone thought that this person was irrelevant, just a child in that paragraph In the tense atmosphere, some terrifying thoughts appeared in my mind, and I was frightened when I saw a tall man.

"Do you think this tall and thin man is related to the disappearance of my Han Xuan?"

"This still needs to be investigated. Please describe this tall and thin man again... It is best to tell you exactly what the child described to you at the time."Su Mu said

"The man was very tall, probably as tall as a house... He was very thin, and his hands were so long that they almost reached the ground. He looked like a monster... That's what my son thought I described at the time, and he also said that The weirdo stood on the roadside watching him……"Mother Han said.

Su Mu and Qin Shuang looked at each other. This description was indeed a bit exaggerated.

A one-story house is about 3 meters tall, if the child is not exaggerating.

First of all, this person must be at least 3 meters tall, and he has a very slender figure, so he is the kind of person with long hands and long legs, with his hands above his knees.……

"Did you see that tall man's face?"Su Mu continued to ask.

Mother Han shook her head:"Han Xuan didn't tell me about this.……"

"Is that tall and thin guy a man?"Su Mu continued to ask.

Mother Han replied:"Yes, that's right, it's a man."

"He has no hair, right?"Su Mu continued to guess.

Mother Han looked shocked:"By the way, I forgot about this! My son later told me that that person had no hair. I only remembered it now that you reminded me! How do you know this?"

Su Mu scratched his head, feeling a little depressed. He's not really that shy guy, is he? Do I have a picture in my mind?

He continued to ask:"Then, is his skin abnormally pale, without any pigment, just like albinism? , and then like to squat in the corner and cry? Or the kind that suddenly screams? Mother Han said in confusion:"

This...I don't know about this either."……"

Qin Shuang:"Hey, don't tell me, this child's description is almost exactly the same as SCP-096"

"What is SCP-096?"Mother Han asked curiously

"'s okay. You can continue to talk about how the child disappeared.……"Su Mu interrupted the road

"On the morning of the disappearance, my husband left for work early as usual. After little Hanxuan got up, he clamored to go out to play with his friends. For the sake of safety, I did not agree and only allowed him to watch TV at home. Later, after noon, he asked to go out to play again... I saw that the weather outside was clear and sunny, and I thought, which thief in this bright world would dare to be so bold? I just let him play nearby, and then I saw him playing in the sand with the neighbor's kids in the backyard, so I didn't pay much attention to preparing ingredients for dinner.……"Mother Han began to sob as she spoke, and kept wiping her tears and nose with tissue paper.

"Then what?"Qin Shuang asked

"Then something strange happened... It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and the weather was originally very good... Suddenly, dark clouds gathered, as if it was going to rain heavily. There was no warning in the weather forecast that it was going to rain, and I was cooking in the kitchen and didn't notice the weather outside for a while. Later, according to other residents, in just 3 minutes that day, dark clouds completely covered the sun, and no light from the sky could penetrate. The sky darkened very quickly, and in the blink of an eye it became like night... But I was I didn’t know yet, but I realized something was wrong after I realized it was getting dark outside... I hurriedly went out and called Han Xuan’s name, wanting him to go home and take shelter from the rain... But no matter how I shouted, I couldn’t hear a response... I was I searched around and around the neighborhood, but still couldn't see my son... I shouldn't have let him go out, it's all my fault... It's all my fault that I didn't take a good look at him.……"

"I'm sorry. Don't be too sad. We will try our best to help you find your son.……"Qin Shuang comforted softly

"Thank you...Thank you. Do you think my son is still alive?"

"Don't worry, your son will definitely find peace under Jiuquan."Su Mu said.

Mother Han was stunned when she heard this, as if the last hope in her heart was shattered, and she burst into tears.

Qin Shuang glared at him fiercely:"If you can't speak, don't speak!"

"I don't understand how hope can be followed by disappointment. One stabbing early, one stabbing late, it will be the same stabbing in the end. Why give others this non-existent hope? On the contrary, it causes a huge psychological gap and only adds more pain."Su Mu said bluntly

"Madam, I'm sorry, your son's death is almost certain, but don't worry, we will definitely catch your son's murderer."

Mother Han covered her mouth sadly and didn't cry at all. She just let her eyes fall.

"Thank you... Actually, I also know the result... I just hope that you can solve the case as soon as possible and catch the murderer, so that he won't let him harm others again.……"

Qin Shuang:"Don't worry, I will definitely catch him and avenge your son."

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