【You have a notification from the Overwatch Council!】

【Report to Foundation Site-09 Branch: From now on, your department will implement the decision to contain SCP-682. The items will arrive at your site within 48 hours, so please be prepared to receive them. After several meetings with O5 members, the Foundation will increase support for Site-09. Including investing large amounts of capital and relevant technical talents】

【An MTF (Mobile Task Force Nightshade)】

【A Ph.D. (Kevin Leslie)】


【Please see the attachment for details: confidential information backup process and high-risk exception handling process. 】

Xingchen Chemical Co., Ltd. is located on the edge of the reservoir in the mountains and forests on the outskirts of Nanshi City. It is built against the mountains and water.

From the outside, you can see the tall chimneys and various giant metal storage tanks.

The outer wall of the chemical plant is covered with a thorn wire protective net. There is a monitoring probe every 5 meters on the wall, and there are warning signs:"High-voltage electricity danger","Radiation zone danger" and"Military important site, please do not approach." Waiting for slogans.

Other forces thought this was the location of a site of the SCP Foundation.

In fact, this is just the frontline observation point of the Site-09 site. It is only equivalent to a portal. There is a large mountain air raid shelter inside. Only by entering the passage can you reach the real Foundation site.

Site-09 seems to not exist in this world, but in a mysterious space. Even if the chemical plant is captured by the enemy, you can still sit back and relax if the site closes the channel.

In the early morning, a convoy of multiple latest-model wheeled personnel carriers and armored vehicles slowly drove along the suburban trails into the mountains and forests.

This kind of armored vehicle has extremely strong protection capabilities. Even landmines and RPGs cannot cause significant damage to the vehicle body. Of course, it only depends on God whether the personnel inside will be killed by the explosion...

There is also a more powerful vehicle in the middle of the convoy. Awesome big truck.

This is not a regular truck on the market, but a special vehicle!

The front part of the truck has been fully designed and modified. There is only a small observation hole in the front windshield, which is similar to the observation hole in a tank.

The entire front of the car is welded with ultra-thick steel plates. In order to improve the protection capability, all windows have been abandoned, and driving is entirely dependent on radar and image observation.

The only observation hole is very narrow, and you can only see a little bit of the field of vision ahead. This observation hole will be used to drive after all the electronic observation equipment fails... The protection ability of the front of the car is far inferior to that of the car behind, and no one knows the protection of this car. The thickness of the steel plate was measured during weighing. An empty carriage alone weighed 150 tons.

Even if a heavy tank comes over, there is nothing that can be done to this compartment.

The reason why the Foundation went to so much trouble to get this thing is because the carriage contains SCP-682!

After the convoy entered the chemical plant, dozens of fully armed mobile task forces wearing black armor got off the armored vehicle.

Su Mu and Xian Yilang stood in the open space to greet

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"The two of them looked at this group of people arriving with eager eyes.

Unexpectedly, my big Site-09 site was finally no longer an empty shell!

Except for a few security guards guarding the door of the chemical plant, there were only four people in the entire site.

Three people The officials are all very powerful, but there is no one under them!

Director, deputy director, director of the martial arts department... Each of their positions makes them awesome. In fact, they are all mere commanders with no power at all! There are still people living in the site There was a girl who was eating and drinking and couldn't be driven away...

The captain of the mobile task force led by him came out first, and the mechanical synthesis sound built into his helmet sounded:"Director, the escort mission of the Night Shadow Mobile Task Force has been completed, and all members have Arrive at the mission target location, please give instructions"

"OK, good job. You have come all the way to the site to have a rest. You can start eating soon.……"Su Mu greeted.

Abel went out yesterday and said he was going hunting. Not to mention rushing for lunch, he still hasn't come back all day!

The beast with a thousand throats was accustomed to appearing at night, so Abel was unable to find it during the day, which delayed him for a whole day.

Fortunately, Su Mu ate two portions of braised chicken and rice, otherwise he would have fainted from hunger when he came back.

The captain of the Night Shadow Mobile Task Force was full of questions. The supervisor spoke with a sense of humor.

Su Mu hammered the captain's chest and encouraged him:"Do a good job here, and you will have a bright future with me."

Captain Yeying:"……"

"Hey, why are your pectoralis major... so exaggerated?"Su Mu turned around and asked in confusion.

Captain Yeying took off her helmet, revealing her long, refreshing hair, delicate face, and clear eyes. She raised her eyebrows and glanced at Su Mu with a hint of stubbornness and provocation.

"What, supervisor, have you never seen women serving as Mobile Task Force members?"Captain Yeying's arrogant and cold voice sounded.

"Ah, this...I really haven't seen it before……"Su Mu said honestly

"Supervisor, do you have any prejudice against women?"Captain Yeying stared at him

"I think Wan Hao is more powerful.……"Su Mu started to play riddles

"Hello, Director Su, my name is Kevin Leslie. I will join your team from now on, so please take care of me."A bald man in his 50s and wearing a white research coat came over to say hello.

"Ah, welcome Dr. Kevin. With you here, I feel more at ease."Su Mu said happily.

He drove the vehicle with SCP-682 into the air-raid shelter first, and the group prepared to enter later...

Suddenly there was a burst of exclamation from the security guard at the door.

Su Mu's hearing was far beyond that of ordinary people, and he heard a heavy footsteps. The sound rang out.

At the entrance, a tall and thin figure appeared and caught everyone's eyes, which made everyone present take a breath. Only a man was seen, with jet black hair hanging casually. He was naked to the waist, The skin is covered with various blood-red complex demonic images...

What is even more eye-catching is that this man is carrying a nearly 3-meter-long red lizard-like monster on his shoulders. The monster's mouth has sharp teeth on its back. The long sword stab shows its extraordinary

"boom!"There was a loud noise.

Abel threw the Thousand-Throated Beast on his shoulder to the ground, ignored the others and walked straight towards Su Mu.

The members of the Night Shadow Mobile Task Force clenched the firearms in their hands and stared nervously at the man who appeared. people

"SCP-076-2? How could he……"Captain Yeying subconsciously took a step back.

She was very excited, her lips trembled a little, and she wanted to say something, but in the end she swallowed it.

She shuddered when she stood in front of him. The oppression brought by this man in front of her was greater than escorting SCP-682!

Abel, the demonic existence in the Foundation.

Every time he wakes up, it will be accompanied by the death of a large number of Foundation personnel.

Only death can make him stop killing.

The Foundation's O5 Council did not hesitate to use built-in nuclear warheads to prevent Abel from breaking through containment.

A secret agent in the Foundation had repeatedly killed Abel with firearms. If this agent had not prevented Abel from killing many times in advance, the consequences would have been even more tragic.

Unfortunately, the agent was accidentally injured and killed by friendly bombing during a containment operation. Abel expressed strong regret and anger about his death.

Abel believed that he was a worthy opponent and that he did not deserve to die at the hands of the King (Foundation Management) who would only hide in a safe house and issue orders.

This shows that Abel respected and liked the strong very much and despised the weak very much.

The reason why he kills people is not because he hates humans, but because he simply thinks they are too good.

Abel: You guys are such useless people. Living is just a waste of food. It’s better to die...

He enjoys the pleasure of killing and doesn’t treat these people as human beings at all.

Therefore, food is the original sin.

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