"Isn't it? Didn’t the peanuts go down? That long black shadow couldn't really be it, could it?"

Su Mu was lying on the ground in a bad condition, shining a flashlight at the bottom of the stairs.

The familiar statue stretched its short hand forward and stood on the steps without any warning!

"Ahhhh, peanut, don’t kill me, don’t……"

Su Mu was so frightened that his mind went blank. Everything in front of him was terrifying. He just wanted to escape from this scary place immediately.

Should you run away? But it seems I can never escape this dark staircase!

Su Mu, who was in a near-death state, tried hard to keep his brain awake and stared at the statue in front of him. His eyes felt increasingly sour and his eyelids gradually became heavy.……


He seemed to hear the sound of flesh and blood churning and bones breaking.

I am the protagonist, why will I die?

"I can't blink! I can't die here!"

Su Mu woke up with only a trace of consciousness left in his mind, biting the tip of his tongue. He tried his best to open his eyes wide and look at the little peanut below.

SCP-173 is still standing quietly on the edge of darkness, as if a vulture is waiting for the dying person to take his last breath...

He knows that the last moment is coming, and now his eyes are extremely dry, and his eyeballs feel as if they are about to burst out.

Su Mu is now in a very dangerous situation. He is about to lose consciousness and fall into a coma. Once he loses consciousness, his eyelids will naturally close uncontrollably!

"I can't close my eyelids... But even if a person opens his eyes while conscious, he will naturally blink, an average of more than ten times per minute. Blinking will evenly distribute tears on the cornea and conjunctiva. To keep the eyeballs from drying out. Blinking is a physiological need, which is actually a protective function"

"Just like a person who is sleeping or comatose will close his eyes, this is also a protective effect, and the unconscious state is even more uncontrollable!"

Su Mu knew very well that he couldn't control his eyes after losing consciousness, so... he had the only choice left!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Su Mu suddenly laughed miserably and stretched out his trembling right hand to catch Bai Lei.

He grabbed the cold blade with his right hand and pointed the tip towards his eyes...

He felt a cold air coming close to his face, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Su Mu's other left hand stretched his eyes as wide as possible, even if his nails were deeply embedded in his eye sockets, he didn't care about the pain.

Because he knew that the real pain would come next!

Su Mu then grabbed the tear-worshiping knife with his right hand and stabbed the tip of the knife into the corner of his eye...

In an instant, a large amount of blood flowed down his face...

His face became even paler, as he clenched the blade of the knife with great force. It was also scratched, his whole body was shaking, and he didn't even have the strength to speak...

Su Mu continued to grab the knife and scratch around his eyes until the skin at the corner of his eyes was completely cut...

Then he dropped the knife and pinched it with his hands. Hold the eyelid at the corner of the eye that was scratched just now, and lift it up with force!

Suddenly, all the blood rushed out from the wound, and the missing skin exposed a layer of blood-red subcutaneous tissue and blood vessels and nerves of various thicknesses.……


Su Mu screamed, his facial features twisted in pain, and he tore off his eyelids completely...

The eyeballs lost the protection of the outer eyelids, and almost fell off. Fortunately, the nerve nuclei and blood vessels behind them were connected. It didn't completely fall off.

Severe pain rushed straight to Su Mu's Tianling Cap, and he felt like his soul was being torn apart!

The nerves around the eyes were densely packed, which was unbearable severe pain.

Su Mu lay on the ground and struggled, like a tide As soon as the cramping pain was over, he tremblingly picked up the knife and pointed it at the other eye again.……


The eyelid of the other eye was cut off like a cannon...

The screams echoed in the black stairwell. His whole body was hunched over like cooked shrimp, and his body was still convulsing.

"I'm willing to pay any price to survive!"

This is the only thought in Su Mu's mind now.

Since he can't control the closing of his eyelids, he might as well remove them!

In this way, his eyes can always be opened!

"Now, you can no longer kill me...Now, I am stronger than you, hahahaha……"

Su Mu laughed wildly, both of his eyeballs drooped outside. There were only some thin nerves and blood vessels connected behind them, and the eye sockets had turned into two bloody holes... To be honest,

Su Mu couldn't see the appearance of Peanut clearly anymore. His current visual image is a blur of red and white.

Although there is something wrong with the eyes, they can still perceive the light from the outside world, but the brain cannot form a picture.

SCP-173 is visible by default as long as visual signals are received.

However, Su Mu never needs to blink or close his eyes now... because his eyeballs have been exposed to the outside, and even his eyelids are gone.

Little Peanut stretched out his hands and stood there, unable to move any further.

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