After repelling the inner army and arranging the Weiming Kingdom.

Ashina Genichiro decided to leave here with Su Mu

"Are you sure you want to leave this world with me?"Su Mu asked again

"I am sure. It's not worth entrusting Ashina into my hands now. I want to become stronger and become as strong as my grandfather, so that I can have the strength to protect Ashina!"Xianyilang said with a firm expression.

"Well, based on your strength. I decided to make an exception and create a new department for you, called [Martial Arts Department]. From now on, you will be the director of the Foundation's Martial Arts Department. You will select a group of Ashina's elite warriors to join our foundation. They will be called Black Samurai. Bar. Your position is [Senior Samurai Expert], do it well and the Foundation will not treat you badly."Su Mu started to draw the cake.

Genichiro thought to himself: Although I didn't understand a word, he seems to be very powerful.

"What is this...high-level samurai expert?"Xianyilang asked

"The equivalent of a senior warrior expert in the Foundation is a senior researcher, which in your case is a general. The foundation's armed forces are mainly long-range units with thermal weapons. Once the enemy gets close, they will be in trouble. Therefore, the martial arts department you lead is very important. You are a close combat unit and are mainly responsible for guarding the defense line. Let me tell you secretly, now you are the first senior samurai expert in our hard and you will have a bright future!"Su Mu said deceitfully.

Hiss? I am the first high-level samurai expert? Then I am not a general?

As everyone knows, Su Mu has no one under him in this foundation. Of course you are the first one.

Xian Yilang: Thank you, I have Being fooled!

Genichiro smiled arrogantly:"Hahahahaha……"

Su Mu chose to exit from the system

【Rewards are being settled…】

【The evaluation of various comprehensive indicators of your body in this world has been changed from"Ashigaru" to"Samurai General""】

【Detailed data is as follows:】

【Name: Su Mu】

【Intelligence: Genius] (mentally retarded, normal, intelligent, genius, super genius, omniscient in the universe, supreme divinity level)

【Power: Mortal Limit] (Weak Chicken, Normal, Mortal Limit, Physical Limit, Beyond Physics, Universe Limit, Supreme Divinity Level)

【Speed: Mortal Limit] (Weaker, Normal, Mortal Limit, Sonic Speed, Third Universe Speed, Light Speed ​​Level, Supreme Divinity Level)

【Life: Rebirth ability] (weaker, normal, regeneration ability, rebirth ability, immunity to regular death, immortality, supreme divine level)

【Energy: Non-reality distorter, unable to release energy. 】(Reality Warper Level 1~7)

【Fighting: Peak of Mortals】

【Genre: Wei Mingren (proficient). The precept of Wei Mingli is to"adapt to circumstances", the essence is to"be practical", and the ultimate goal is to win by"scrupulous means". 】(The first glimpse of the door, a little bit of success, the entrance to the hall, the perfection of the fire, the peak)

【Skill: Secret Dragon Flash. The skill of drawing the sword quickly and the skill of closing the sword quickly. The knife is unsheathed or sheathed at an extremely fast speed to generate ultrasonic waves. Special skill·Five consecutive cuts. Each sword strike is faster and more ferocious than the last, completely cutting the opponent into pieces.】

【Passive: Fatal Pain, Hearing Enhancement】

【Leaving the current world, please wait.…】


Site-17 is a major Foundation facility primarily focused on containing low-risk humanoid SCPs.

As such, Site-17's permanent staff includes a large number of medical and psychological professors.

The humanoid SCPs contained in the facility include: SCP-049 Epidemic Doctor, SCP-073 Cain, SCP-076 Abel, SCP-105 Miss Yuanwei, SCP-106 Scary Old Man, SCP-166 Miss Succubus, SCP- 343 God et al.

Non-humanoid SCPs include the famous SCP-173 Big Peanut Statue, SCP-096 Shy Man, SCP-178 (3D glasses), SCP-500 Panacea, SCP-650 Scary Statue (Peanut’s younger brother), SCP-682 Immortal There are too many evil lizards, SCP-999 tickles, and so on.

Contained objects in the foundation are roughly divided into three levels, namely Safe, Euclid, and Keter.

The Foundation divides levels based on the difficulty of containment.

Safe (security level)

For example, in a containment room, if an SCP is thrown in and the door is locked, and it cannot escape without being guarded, then the SCP is at the Safe level and is very safe when locked up. The Foundation does not require a large amount of resources to contain it, it belongs to this level. Note: The Safe level SCP only means that it is safe when it is not operated or activated. The typical representative of SCP-173 is the little peanut, which will not open the door by itself.

Euclid (unpredictable level) is the same. Throw an SCP into the containment room and lock it. Because the information is insufficient and the SCP is not fully understood, the foundation is not sure whether it can escape. Euclid is the largest range of object classes and is classified into this class when the SCP class is uncertain.

Keter level (dangerous level) is an SCP that often breaks out of containment. No matter how hard you try to contain it, they may break out at any time. The Keter level does not mean that this SCP is dangerous, but it is simply very difficult to contain. It can also be said that the Foundation has spent a lot of money to contain it. The typical representative is Uncle SCP-682.

(Although Shuiwen is very exciting, it is not a long-term solution after all. It is a show of people and ghosts, only the SCP data will not be moved. Even the collection will not increase, 嘘嘤嘤. All the following Site-17 sites will It’s dry stuff, not watery at all! There are a lot of sexy SCPs, click and send them away! Send flowers to support!)

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