

An angry atmosphere enveloped the entire room.

The aura emanating from Kakarot frightened both Jiraiya and Tsunade.

The most surprised person was Jiraiya.

Having been with Kakarot for so long, I had no idea that he could have such a strong aura.

I was about to persuade Kakarot, but was interrupted directly by Kakarot.

"Lustful Immortal, take Sister Shizune back alone.

I have to take Grandma Tsunade back to treat my parents first."

Tsunade, who didn't want to go back to Konoha, didn't know what excuse to make for a while. She just subconsciously made an excuse and said:"Kakarot, Konoha is so far away. Even if we hurry up, it will take a month."

But seeing Kakarot's expression calm, he smiled faintly.

"It doesn't take that long."

After that, Kakarot took Tsunade downstairs and walked to the street.

Jiraiya, Shizune and others looked at him curiously, wondering what Kakarot was going to do.

Kakarot was seen facing the sky Shout three words loudly

"Tendon! fight! cloud!"

That's right.

Since the system provided him with somersault clouds, he has never used them.

And as his training progresses, he can now use Wu Kong Technique.

There is no need for this thing.

After the transformation of the system , even people with impure hearts can use it.

This was originally a gift he planned to give to Naruto after he passed the Chunin Exam.

But he never thought of using it himself.

In everyone's surprise, an auspicious cloud fell from the sky.

He landed in front of Kakarot and rubbed against Kakarot affectionately.

After all, this was the first time Kakarot called him.

Feeling the emotions of somersault cloud, Kakarot comforted him for a while and then jumped Go up.

Everyone looked at Kakarot with surprise.

Can he step on this cloud?

Can he still be obedient?

Kakarot ignored the surprise of others and looked directly at Tsunade

"Grandma Tsunade, come up."

Tsunade, who had no more excuses, had no choice but to follow him and jump to the somersault cloud.

Holding Kakarot's shoulders, Tsunade knelt down behind Kakarot.

"Somersault Cloud, return to Konoha!"

As soon as Kakarot finished speaking, the somersault cloud rushed directly into the sky and disappeared in front of everyone.

Only Shizune, Jiraiya and a pig were left. Jiraiya and Shizune looked at each other in disbelief.

This is What ninjutsu?

Kakarot must have too many secrets.

It took a long time for Jiraiya to realize

"broken! We have to get back to Konoha quickly! Otherwise something big will happen!"

After that, Jiraiya and Shizune quickly ran to the hotel to pack their luggage.

Speaking of Kakarot,

Tsunade never thought that home travel could be so fast.

In the blink of an eye, they were already halfway there It's a long journey.

It seems that it will only take a while to get to Konoha.

The clouds are too magical.

But what worries Tsunade more is Kakarot's strength.

When she was teaching Kakarot before, Tsunade Subconsciously, everyone thought that the other party was just a child.

But when Kakarot pulled her downstairs just now,

Tsunade had no strength to resist.

You must know that she is one of the three ninjas.

She must know that she is most proud of It's power.

To be dragged away by a child like this?

How strong is this little guy Kakarot?

Why don't you notice it at all?

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is because Kakarot is always there Fight the gravity of the system.

After fighting gravity, it can still perform far better than other geniuses.

Not to mention Kakarot's power under anger just now.

In order to be ready for battle at any time, the system needs Kakarot During the battle, part of the gravity will be automatically reduced.

That's why Tsunade was so easily taken away by Kakarot.

Seeing the Konoha Village in front of her,

Tsunade, who was timid in her hometown, began to think about how she would face the village. People.

When I fled without care, the teacher was very disappointed with me.

And Kushina.

The fact that she almost died during childbirth had already reached Tsunade's ears.

This was a root that pierced her heart. Stab.

While he was thinking wildly, Kakarot had already started to land with Tsunade.

The ninjas guarding Konoha Village had never seen such a thing as a somersault cloud.

They quickly raised the enemy attack alarm.

After a while, the whole village's Ninjas, Anbu, and members of the Root Organization all followed the somersault cloud's whereabouts.

Kakarot naturally didn't care about those people.

After landing at the door of his house, he looked coldly at the ninjas who gathered around him.

Some ninjas were just about to speak. He asked, but was stopped by the person next to him.

"This is Kakarot, the eldest son of the Fourth Hokage."

And many people recognized Tsunade, and everyone came up to salute.

After Kakarot entered the house, he saw Naruto curled up on the bed and sleeping with a photo of his family in his arms.

He looked at the tears in the corners of his eyes.

Kakarot Knowing that he must have fainted from crying, he gently shook Naruto to wake him up.

"elder brother?"The confused Naruto saw Kakarot's face full of surprise,"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Kakarot smiled and rubbed his head.

"How could it be? When I heard something happened to my parents, I rushed back.

Where are they?"

Hearing Kakarot's question, Naruto's joyful face once again showed a trace of pain.

"They were in the hospital, and I wanted to go and take care of them, but someone wouldn't let me go."

Kakarot sneered.

"Hum, if something happens to my parents, some ghosts and snake spirits can't help but want to jump out.

Follow me to find my parents!"

As he said that, he pulled Naruto out.

Seeing Kakarot pulling Naruto out, the members of the Root Organization who were responsible for monitoring Naruto quickly jumped out from the darkness.

"Lord Danzo has ordered that the demon fox Naruto cannot leave the room!"

Demon fox?

Kakarot looked coldly at the ninja who just spoke. He pointed the palm of one hand at the opponent and shot out a Qigong bomb.


The qigong bullet hit the opponent's face hard.

The ninja was also directly thrown away. After hitting the ground, he passed out and his life or death was uncertain.

"You still dare to say that my brother is a demon fox. Are you looking for death?"

As he spoke, Kakarot took Naruto's hand and looked at the people around him coldly.

"We are going to see my parents now. Anyone who dares to stop us will be killed without mercy!"

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