Sun Liang led Zhao Yi forward, and Feng Xiaoxiao asked a staff member from behind for precautions before starting the live broadcast.

Feng Xiaoxiao was Zhao Yi's female companion, and Zhao Yi was personally received by Sun Liang. With this relationship, the staff was naturally very polite to Feng Xiaoxiao.

Naturally, the Jockey Club will not stop the online live broadcast. This can be regarded as helping them to promote. They just gave a few instructions not to film other members. After all, this involves the privacy of other members.

"Hello everyone, my name is Feng Xiaoxiao. Today we will have an outdoor live broadcast to take you into the most aristocratic sport in the West, equestrian sports.……"

Feng Xiaoxiao is now a very popular anchor. Her title as the Queen of Bird Training has made her famous on the Dou Xia platform. After all, there are many singers and dancers, but she is the only one with this kind of real ability.

As soon as Feng Xiaoxiao’s live broadcast started, a large number of viewers immediately poured in

"Hey, did you change the outdoor live broadcast today?"

"The anchor is so beautiful today!"

"Equestrian sports, where is this?"

"The host is dressed very fashionably today. This is clearly the new graffiti sports style from Dior this year. It has clothes, shoes, and probably pants too. This whole outfit costs tens of thousands. Is the young anchor suddenly so cool?"

"The anchor shouldn't just go to the Jockey Club to play live broadcast alone. I'll take a bold guess and there must be a wealthy person next to him!"

"Could it be Brother Gao?"

"The lying master has disappeared since the last PK battle and has never appeared again. Could it be that there was a falling out?"

Whoosh, the rocket flew up.

Linjiangxian: Little anchor, you shouldn't be going to the Jockey Club live broadcast alone, right? Brother Gao? It's very polite to ask questions and send rockets.

Although Feng Xiaoxiao is definitely not a little anchor now, but back then Zhao Yi's public teasing of her little anchor in the live broadcast left such a deep impression on everyone that until now, everyone likes to use the little anchor to tease Feng Xiaoxiao.

Feng Xiaoxiao was generous and generous to the audience's sensitive intuition. He admitted:"Yes, it's him. I haven't seen him since he sent me home last time. Today he said there was something fun here and invited me to come and play. He said he would show this poor little anchor like me the world.."

After a slight pause, he looked at a series of questions on the screen, as well as questions about his clothes.

Feng Xiaoxiao confessed again:"Yes, I was originally wearing a blue waist dress, which is very beautiful. Yes, he was disgusted by it, saying that it was inconvenient for me to wear something like that while riding a horse, and then he couldn’t help but drag me to buy this outfit. Oh, there was also a dress. That dress cost more than 30,000 yuan. When the little anchor saw the label My heart is about to burst. The rich tycoon is so scary. The little anchor is really trembling!"

"Oops, what you are talking about, actually I also had a guess. I was wondering if the rich man had any thoughts about me as a little anchor. But he told me clearly that he had no idea, he just regarded me as a friend, and even asked me to I can treat him like an older brother, and he even said he would help me with PK, but he saw that I was so miserable that I almost quit the circle, so I helped him casually, and bought clothes just because it was convenient for riding.……"

"Let me tell you, the rich man is really handsome, has a unique temperament, and is young. Hey, if he could have such a boyfriend or husband, he would laugh in his dreams. It’s a pity that humble anchors can only look up to him."

Feng Xiaoxiao did not hide her relationship with Zhao Yi, and even expressed her own thoughts. She got Zhao Yi's help to stand up. This cannot be hidden. Instead of letting people guess whether she and him have an affair. It’s better to speak frankly about any shameful deal.

Feng Xiaoxiao’s self-revelation of resentment really caused a wave of joy in the live broadcast room.

If she hides, everyone will definitely think that it’s over, and the little anchor will definitely be There are unspoken rules, but she said it so openly, and even said that she actually wanted to be hidden, so everyone believed it.

After all, a handsome and warm-hearted guy who can drive a three-million-dollar Porsche, if you want to talk about the lack of people around you, Girl, no one will believe it.

The whole live broadcast room knew how Feng Xiaoxiao and Zhao Yi got to know each other. Everyone would feel so pitiful about Feng Xiaoxiao's unlucky appearance at that time. It is actually reasonable for Zhao Yi to reach out to help. , if you can, help others and make yourself happy, isn’t it a good idea?

"Little anchor, you are in such a miserable state, you finally picked up a wild rich man and you can’t even lick it?"

"It must be that the kneeling posture is wrong, change the posture and lick again!"

"Don't ask, asking is just holding your thigh as a pendant!"

"Originally I was thinking that the little anchor was lured away by a rich man, but now I suddenly laughed like a pig.……"

"Same joy, same joy, the little anchor is so miserable, haha, so happy!"

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