Well, Zhao Yi generally knows the market in Gaoli. Pork belly, snowflake beef and so on are actually considered to be slightly high-end ingredients. Many people eat barbecue, so they tend to save the pork belly. Unlike Longguo, like It doesn’t cost a lot to order, and for a few dozen dollars you can enjoy all you can eat at the buffet with pork belly.

This is not to say that the profiteers are poor, but more of a gap caused by the relative lack of some supplies.

As a small country, it is impossible to have all kinds of materials available.

"Okay, let’s have barbecue. Can you recommend any good places?"

Zhao Yi made a quick decision. He just had barbecue last night, and it looks like he will have another meal tonight.

Jin Zhixian's family owns a barbecue restaurant, but Zhao Yi didn't plan to go there, so he only left in the morning, and in the evening I went again, and I brought a few beauties with me, which was a little embarrassing.

Should I inform her or not?

It’s both embarrassing.

"There is one near our company. It tastes very delicious, but it’s a bit expensive.……"

Zhao Yi smiled and said:"How much can you eat for barbecue? Let's go and eat whatever you want. Don't be polite to me!"

Jin Enxi said with a smile:"Then let's go back to the dormitory to tidy up first."

Zhao Yi looked at the time:"Okay, At six o'clock, gather in the company lobby"



At 5:50, when Zhao Yi arrived at the lobby, he found that all four Sungirls were already there, accompanied by their managers.

They are not monitoring Zhao Yi, but for better service.

The person Sungirl is accompanying to dinner today is not an ordinary guest, nor is he a social person. This person is one of the company's major shareholders, and even the president has to be polite.

How dare they interfere with Zhao Yi and Sungirl's gathering? Zhao Yi can tell them to get out in a minute.

Zhao Yi asked for a private room, but he didn't treat Sungirl's manager and Song Minguo badly, letting them open a table outside and eat whatever they wanted, Zhao Yi invited.

Platefuls of top-quality pork belly and fine snow-flaked beef were delivered to the room. When the pork belly was placed on the baking tray, it made a sizzling sound and the aroma began to spread, the four women's eyes suddenly lit up.

The five people drank beer with a relatively low alcohol content. After a few glasses, the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

The four girls were originally young people of the same age as Zhao Yi. When they found that Zhao Yi had no airs and was very easy to get along with, they completely let go.

"Director Zhao……"

Zhao Yi interrupted:"My name is Zhao Yi. You can call me by my name. If you feel uncomfortable, you can also call me Oppa."……"

The four girls looked at each other and accepted it. To be honest, they would feel very awkward if they were called Director Zhao. It seemed that every word of address reminded them that the other party was a superior director.

Although"Oba" is mostly used between men and women in close relationships, it is actually an honorific. It is a term used by a woman to address a man who is slightly older than herself. Of course, if you make the ending sound longer and more rippled, the flavor of this title will naturally be different. Same.

After changing the names, the relationship naturally became closer. Everyone chatted and drank while eating and inquiring about Zhao Yi's gossip. After all, they were very curious about how successful Zhao Yi was at such a young age.

Successful men usually attract the attention of women, just like the strongest male in a herd in nature naturally attracts the attention of females.

After getting to know Zhao Yi roughly, the four women looked at Zhao Yi with unabashed admiration in their eyes.

We are all of the same age, and the four of us were lucky enough to debut and become popular. We originally thought they were pretty good, but compared to Zhao Yi, this is nothing.

When he was less than 20 years old, he had already opened an investment company and became the boss. With hundreds of millions or even billions of funds in his hands, he had already achieved financial freedom.

These are completely two worlds, two levels.

"Oppa, so awesome!"

Cui Xuanya did not hide the little stars she admired in her eyes, with admiration on her face.

The two countries of Gaoli and Sakura are very polite on the surface, but correspondingly, the class mentality is very serious and very clear. Therefore, Yearning for the strong and worshiping the strong are something in their bones. A character like Zhao Yi can basically satisfy all girls’ fantasies about men, so how can they not admire them?

Zhao Yi smiled and said:"If you have the opportunity to come here in the future Dragon Kingdom, come to Jiangzhou, I will take you to eat delicious food, it is called a paradise for food, but you must learn to eat spicy food, otherwise, haha, you will eat delicious food, but you will not dare to eat it, and you will be anxious. Jin

Enxi's eyes were slightly yearning:"We also hope to have the opportunity to go to the Dragon Kingdom. We haven't been there yet. I heard that there are many delicious food and many interesting places."……"

Zhao Yi smiled and said:"It's fun and beautiful. Every place in the world has its own characteristics, but when it comes to food, when it comes to the food of Dragon Country, few in the whole world can beat it."……"

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