The sea has destroyed countless ships since ancient times, and it is also unknown how many gold and silver treasures were buried under the sea as these ships capsized and disappeared from the world.

There is also a group of people in this world who specialize in studying and searching for sunken ships on the seabed, and then salvage valuable treasures from the sunken ships from the seabed.

Or gold and silver jewelry, or antique porcelain, or some other things.

The shipwreck treasure chests mentioned by the system as rewards were obviously the same as the shipwreck treasure chests that had sunk into the sea from ancient times to the present. The system rewarded himself through fishing, which allowed Zhao Yi to witness the magic of the system again.

A fish, a treasure chest?

Could the sunken treasure chest be a box of kelp or a box of conches?

Zhao Yi was looking forward to this, and he also wanted to know what the shipwreck treasure chest could reward him.

In addition to this mission card, there is also an all-you-can-drink card. Zhao Yi got one of this cards at the earliest. It was also with that all-you-can-drink card that Zhao Yi obtained his first large amount of funds.

The upper limit of 200,000 and the calculation of satisfaction bonus. These two items basically determine that it can be close to the base of 2 million, and then multiplied by the random multiple. If the randomness is 10 times, it will be 20 million. Even if the random data is medium, then It’s also about 10 million.

I never thought that fishing for a red-spotted grouper would have so many benefits!

Zhao Yi was not in a hurry to open the mission card. He raised his wrist and looked at the time.

10:40 am.

Zhao Yi decided to familiarize himself with the skills first, and then after lunch, he would seriously fish.

With his fishing skills, Zhao Yi quickly caught a fish again, and it turned out to be a beautiful damselfish.

Caring looked at Zhao Yi and caught two fish, and she felt a little anxious. However, she remained calm and waited quietly. It didn't take long for the fish to take the bait.

It's a skinned fish, not that big, but I'm still happy to care about it.

The joy of fishing lies in the moment when you catch the fish after waiting hard. The feeling of the fish hanging heavily on the hook and dragging the fishing line is no worse than the feeling of successfully hitting a home run when flirting with a girl. This is also the advantage of fishing. The source of addiction.

Everyone caught fish one after another, but none of them were too precious. But even so, the chef was already busy, and there was absolutely no problem in making a delicious fish feast.

Soon, it was noon, and the chef also cooked the fish everyone caught.

Steamed grouper, yellow sea bream sashimi, grouper sashimi, fish in sour soup... Everyone had a fish feast every time. Just when Zhao Yi was rubbing his belly with satisfaction and savoring the delicious food, the system prompt came again.

"The host can taste the natural deliciousness of original ecological ingredients and feel the magic of nature, and will be rewarded with 1 Food Party Card x1"

"Note 1: Food gathering card, used by 3-5 people, with a consumption limit of 30,000, random cashback multiples of 1-50 times, and participation in the calculation of consumer satisfaction bonus!"

Another food party card!

I am very lucky today!

I stayed in Jiangzhou before and didn't get many kinds of consumer cards for a long time. Now I got one on my first day in Sanya. A food gathering card and a wine consumption card. It seems that people really have to walk around, see everywhere, and taste everywhere in order to appreciate the various flavors of the world, and it is easier to get rewards from the system. After eating the fish feast, Zhao Yi’s previous Now that I have practiced my skills, I am ready to concentrate on completing the sea fishing task card.

"After eating and drinking, I was ready to spend the afternoon fishing peacefully. I didn’t believe I couldn’t catch any good fish! Alyssa smiled and said:"

It is important to find good fishing spots when fishing, but it also depends more on luck. After all, no one can see it under the sea. Unless radar detection is used, otherwise it only depends on luck. And Even if you find a school of fish, you may not be sure that you can catch a fish, or that you can catch a valuable fish.……"

Zhao Yi said with a smile:"I'm going to give it a try. It's 1 o'clock now. I'm going to fish for 4 hours, catch 5 o'clock, and then return. On the way back, we'll have another fish feast, so that we can even have dinner ready when we get back." , if there is good fish, we can also process it and take it back to the refrigerator. It would also be good to have two plates of sashimi to eat. It is all natural after all. I have to eat comfortably when I come to the sea this time.……"

Alyssa smiled and said:"Do you want to fish for four hours continuously? You are quite interested in fishing!"

Zhao Yi nodded:"Yes, the feeling of catching fish is very addictive."

"Okay, come, let's all come and see if we can come home with a full load.

Caring also said enthusiastically:"I'm coming too.""

Zhao Yi quickly prepared the bait and lowered the rod. About twenty minutes later, Zhao Yi's fish was hooked.

Zhao Yi was surprised and pulled the fish onto the boat. It was a"sea chicken" Nicknamed red sea bream

"The host caught a real sea bream, 21 cm long, and was rewarded with a Bronze-level shipwreck treasure chest x1"


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