"You have two choices now, either lose money and go to jail, and then watch your current wife and her adulterer take your money and take their children away with you, or sell your shares to me and treat everything as nothing. happened. In addition, I can also tell you the whereabouts of your son and his family.……"

Zhao Yi smiled and said:"I won't say what the relationship between Qian Shuang and you is, but she is a good mother, your son is very successful, and now the family is also very happy. If you can find them, you may have another wife. One more son and one more beautiful granddaughter……"

"How do I know what you say is true?

Zhao Yi smiled:"Life is like a gamble, you don't have to believe it." Sun

Lin struggled for a long time and finally signed the contract:"Don't hurt my son. If you lie to me, we will fight to the death!""

He was first thrown into the abyss by Zhao Yi, and then lifted up to heaven. The ups and downs of his mood were like riding a roller coaster.

He is not afraid of selling shares at a loss now. After all, he has made a lot of money in his pocket in the past few years. This share is even three Yiyi was sold. Although the loss was certain, he didn't know how much he had earned compared to what he originally invested.

Zhao Yi watched Sun Lin sign the contract and handed a piece of paper to Sun Lin with a smile.

Zhao Yi smiled Said:"I never said I wanted to hurt them. Although it was easy for me to touch them, I never touched them at all. I was just talking about business. How could I hurt innocent people? This is their address. You can go Find them. Sun

Lin excitedly held the piece of paper:"Okay, if what you said is true, I admit it, but if you lied to me, you can't run away!"

Zhao Yi smiled:"Don't worry, you will thank me.""

After Sun Lin left, Zhao Yi picked up the next document and looked at it.

Ma Dong!

Ma Dong owns 22% of the shares. He is the largest shareholder besides Kong Xi and his son, and is also the person who obstructs Kong in the company. Xi's biggest opponent.

Those who relied on their seniority all followed Ma Dong. After all, only Ma Dong was the one who prevented Kong Xi from exerting his power, so they could cause trouble.

Zhao Yi picked up the phone , sent a message to Ma Dong.

Soon, Ma Dong appeared in front of Zhao Yi, looking at Zhao Yi warily:"Who are you?"

Zhao Yi smiled and said:"I have a big business to discuss with you!"


Half an hour later, Ma Dong left the tea room with a livid face, and Zhao Yi once again had a contract in his hand.

22% of Tianhe Group's shares were acquired by Zhao Yi at a price of 1.5 billion.

The key to convincing Ma Dong lies in a murder case involving Ma Dong's son.

As long as Zhao Yi exposes the evidence in his hand, Ma Dong's son will definitely not be able to escape even if he is not alive.

In addition to the murder of Ma Dong's son, there are also many economically illegal things that Ma Dong has done.

When Grandpa Kong Xi was not in charge of things, Ma Dong was the most powerful, pulling the strings and doing a lot of things. Upon closer inspection, Ma Dong would probably end up alone in a cell.

The most important thing is that Zhao Yi doesn't give him any chance to strategize. Either Ma Dong surrenders immediately or breaks up, and Zhao Yi won't suffer any loss anyway.

Ma Dong couldn't even figure out the details of Zhao Yi, but Zhao Yi was able to investigate so many things clearly, and his ability was already extraordinary.

Either kneel down or go in and kneel down.

Although Ma Dong was filled with resentment, he finally chose to surrender.

At this point, Zhao Yi also let out a long breath.

Got it!

Looking at the information in his hand, Zhao Yi was actually very shocked.

He couldn't even imagine how Shadow investigated these things, one by one, in such detail. For example, Sun Lin could investigate the fact that a woman who had been in love before gave birth to a child and raised it alone. This Shadow's The ability is so powerful!

Although Zhao Yi used coercion to acquire these shares, he had a clear conscience.

First of all, the price Zhao Yi gave, although much lower than the market price, was many times higher than their original investment. Moreover, in the past few years, they had gained a lot of benefits privately, and these benefits had already been pocketed. Inside.

Secondly, they not only made money, but also caused trouble in Kong Xi's company, creating various obstacles so that Kong Xi, the president, could not fully exercise his rights. Now Zhao Yi has taken over the equity of Ma Dong and others. In his own hands, naturally no one can hinder Kong Xi.

Zhao Yi picked up the phone and continued to send messages, calling the next person.

This time the summons was not to buy shares, but to make them obedient. As for the rest, Zhao Yi would not care.

After all, he now owns 27.5% of the shares, almost a quarter, and the company is still named Kong.

If you want to worry about it, let Kong Xi worry about it.

He just wanted to take advantage of it and help Kong Xi.

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