Zhao Yi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he actually asked the right person.

"Aunt Su, are you also planning to bid for the land there? Su Ya explained:"

That's not true. I looked everywhere and bought wherever there was a suitable one. Anyway, they are all development properties. As long as the location is right and the price is right, it can go anywhere. But I heard that the new district you mentioned There's something wrong with that lot……"

Zhao Yi's heart moved:"Is there a problem? What problem?"

Su Ya smiled and said:"It seems that there is a geological problem in that large area and high-rise buildings cannot be built. It is said that the official originally intended to build that area into a new commercial center in the northern new district. But due to geological problems, this plan has been shelved."

Geological problems?

Zhao Yi instantly remembered his geological survey report. The geological survey report did show that there was an unstable rock layer under this area. This rock layer is easy to collapse and fragment. It is indeed not suitable for building high-rise buildings. However, The report also said another thing, that is, the rock formation is only very thick in an area near the edge, and the other places are only a shallow layer!

A shallow layer of rock means that you only need to dig a little deeper during construction, and the building can be built normally. It will not affect it at all. It will cost a little more at most, but this cost can be ignored for the cost of the entire building. Not counted.

The location that everyone thinks is problematic?

Zhao Yi suddenly understood why the system gave him such a detailed survey and inspection report.

"Aunt Su, since there are problems in this area, the land here should be very cheap, right?"

Su Ya said with a smile:"That's for sure. You can't build high-rise buildings, you can only build low-rise buildings. The price will naturally be much lower. And most importantly, because of the geological reasons here, the original official business center plan has been shelved. Land prices are naturally lower."

When Su Ya said this, Zhao Yi immediately understood it completely.

The various business plans and other things rewarded by the system must have their value, but the value is reflected in different places, and the value of this exploration inspection report lies in The truth.

This is like a rough stone. There is obviously a bright big diamond inside, but when someone else analyzes the rough stone, they learn that the rough stone is not a diamond. The natural value is greatly reduced, but it is certain that there is a precious diamond inside. Those who have big diamonds can naturally buy them at a low price, then get the diamond out and reveal its true value, thus making a lot of money.

"Aunt Su, I would like a complete set of information on the land auction projects related to this northern new area. Can you get one for me? Su

Ya smiled and said:"This is a small matter. The relevant units have a complete set of information here. I will ask someone to collect other information and finally summarize it for you.""

"Thanks, Aunt Su, I’ll treat you to dinner another day. Su

Ya chuckled and said,"If you want to treat me to dinner, I should be the one to treat you. It's going to be a holiday soon. What are your plans?" Zhao

Yi replied with a smile:"I'll finish the exam first and go out for some errands. I'll probably go back to Tianfu after that. Aunt Su, where are you celebrating the New Year this year?" Su

Ya:"Of course we have to go back to Tianfu to celebrate the New Year, but it may be a little late for us to go back. It is estimated that we will not be able to go back until close to New Year's Eve. As you know, Xiaoyi, we are actually the only two here, that is. Feifei’s grandpa and grandma get together here during the Chinese New Year, and other times it’s just the two of us.……"

Zhao Yi naturally knew about the problems of Su Ya and Liu Yufei's family, so he smiled and said:"Aunt Su, during the Chinese New Year, our two families can also get together."

Su Ya said with a smile:"The relationship is good, you say so Before or after the new year?"

Zhao Yi thought for a while:"It depends on your time, Aunt Su. If you come back early, we can get together in advance and treat it as a reunion year. After all, we are also a family. If Aunt Su If you come back late, then we will be together after the New Year."

Su Ya is obviously willing to get together with the Zhao family. After all, her daughter and Zhao Yi are in love, and now they are really together, and Zhao Yi has made two more with her. Po ruthless, Su Ya likes Zhao Yi to the core. Naturally, she hopes that the two families can deepen their communication and"tie up" Zhao Yi as soon as possible.

Although Su Ya's Yaju Group is quite large, in the eyes of others, whether marrying Su Ya, a mother, or marrying Liu Yufei, a daughter, it can be regarded as a combination of wealth and wealth, and it is a good thing to dream about, but After seeing Zhao Yi's ability, Su Ya was not sure at all.

For such a man, the conditions of his own family are nothing in his eyes.

Speaking of her daughter's beauty, Su Ya didn't think that such an outstanding man would be surrounded by all kinds of beautiful women.

If you want to tie him down, you can't rely on these, but starting from the family is now a reliable way...

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