When Zhao Yi came out of the bathroom, he had already changed into a casual long-sleeved shirt and casual trousers.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. He bought all these appliances. Let's just follow them.……"

Lu Tao sneered:"Don't your conscience hurt when you say this?"

Zhao Yi laughed:"Am I not telling the truth? Didn't you buy it?" Lu

Tao was speechless and turned to complain:"You know, he just When I came here, I pretended to be very innocent. Fortunately, I was humble and low-key. Otherwise, I would probably have his face swollen by him.……"

Ye Qian and Bai Yue were both amused.

They can probably imagine the scene at that time. Lu Tao, as the second generation of local rich people, took the initiative to buy various elevators, and Zhao Yi, a real rich man, smiled and pretended to be a noob...

Haha, that scene must be very interesting!

"Let's go and eat. I'm afraid we're all hungry. Taozi, let's go together? Lu

Tao refused without hesitation. He was definitely not a light bulb:"I haven't finished the game yet. You guys go first.""

What, you said they are two people, one more?

They are all beautiful beauties, there is no guarantee that Zhao Yitong will not kill him.

This guy is very cruel!

He cannot be offended!

Last time it was Ye Qian and Bai Yue who led Zhao Yi around Xinan University, this time in reverse, Zhao Yi took the two girls to the Industrial and Commercial University, and then walked half a circle to the second floor of the restaurant to eat stir-fry. In the afternoon, the two girls still went to the basketball court to cheer for Zhao Yi, and the second class of engineering management played After two games, he won them all and advanced all the way. After finishing the game, Zhao Yi changed his clothes and left the school with the two girls. He went to a restaurant street not far away to eat. Hearing that they wanted to buy something, he accompanied them to the business. Street.

Zhao Yi was originally thinking about what the two girls wanted to buy, but the pretty girl went shopping at Qu Chen’s and bought some moisturizing cosmetics and some plasters.

"How to buy plaster, where is the injury?"

Ye Qian explained:"We dancers often have problems of one kind or another when practicing dance. Plasters and bone-setting water are all common things."

Zhao Yi sighed:"You guys are really working hard. After finishing the shopping

, Zhao Yi suggested:"Why don't you go shopping for clothes or something?" Ye

Qian glanced at Zhao Yi and said with a smile:"I have clothes, so there's no need to go shopping. It's almost time. We're going to take the subway back to school.""

Bai Yue also pursed her lips and smiled. Apparently both Ye Qian and Bai Yue had seen through Zhao Yi's thoughts. If they wanted to go shopping, Zhao Yi would buy clothes for Ye Qian and even Bai Yue would have a share.

Zhao Yi Seeing Ye Qian's refusal, she didn't force it, but she felt a little more favorable towards the two of them.

"Okay, there is a stop not far from here. You can sit directly and then go all the way to the outside of your school. Just change to a line in the middle."

It's still early at this time, and the subway hasn't closed the train yet, so Zhao Yi doesn't force them to send them back.


The three of them left the mall all the way and walked to a place not far from the subway entrance. Zhao Yi suddenly glanced at a corner not far away and saw a row of doll machines there. There were clamps for holding various small dolls and rope cutting machines. A large puppet.

Zhao Yi's heart moved and he said with a smile:"This is your first time here, and I didn't give you anything. How about we put a few dolls together and consider them as gifts from me?""

Ye Qian and Bai Yue both stopped, their eyes showing interest.

Girls are naturally interested in stuffing dolls, and they also like all kinds of dolls.

Ye Qian hesitated and said,"It's not easy to pinch. Bai

Yue nodded in agreement:"Yes, the clamps of the doll clamping machine are said to have been adjusted. They are very weak. You can see that the clamps are caught, but the force is not enough to clamp the dolls out. It is a waste of money." Zhao

Yi smiled and said,"Let's give it a try. It's not expensive anyway. Just think of it as playing. Going to the amusement park to ride on the rides will cost you twenty or thirty yuan for a few minutes at a time.""

Hearing what Zhao Yi said, neither woman refused.

"Well, give it a try."

Zhao Yi brought the two girls to the claw machine. Zhao Yi first observed the placement of the dolls in several claw machines, and then scanned the code on his mobile phone to recharge.

Two yuan per time.

There is indeed the kind of doll machine Bai Yue mentioned. The situation is that some claw machines have loose clamps, while others are slightly stronger. Zhao Yi clamped them several times, changed two or three machines, and finally stopped in front of a machine.

"The strength of this machine's clamp is okay, just this one, come on, come on, who of you will do it?"

Ye Qian and Bai Yue took turns to fight, each of them pinched them more than ten times, but they couldn't pick up one, and they were a little discouraged.

Bai Yue pouted and said:"I said they were all lies, and they couldn't pick them up at all."

Zhao Yi walked up with a smile:"I'll give it a try."

Zhao Yi started to operate, and the first three times failed one after another. However, in the process of failure, Zhao Yi mastered the technique and caught a little bear in one fell swoop.

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