"How do I hear you so much at once, okay, I'll tell you slowly. I thought about the whole thing, Xiao Yi and Chen Feng, one of you has three flavors of true fire and the other has Xuanyin true qi, these two kinds of blood qi can emit great power just under your unconsciousness, and when you master how to use this power, then your achievements will not know what kind of height, maybe I can't even look up to it.

I think I'm a shallow learner, and I haven't been able to learn many advanced skills and spells in the master's sect, so I'm afraid that if Xiao Yi and Chen Feng worship me as a teacher, they will not be able to teach them better skills and spells because of their status as master and apprentice.

And Zhao Hongchen, Zheng Panpan, and Liu Suxue, although you are very talented, you are not as talented as the two of them, so I originally planned to let you be my apprentices, but you are very good friends with the two of them, and for the cultivators who value our seniority very much, I don't want Xiao Yi and Chen Feng to rise in rank if they have the opportunity to worship a famous teacher in the future, so that you cannot be together or cause any unhappiness between you.

Therefore, I have decided that you will all join my teacher instead of worshipping me as a teacher, and that I will pass on to you what I have learned, and although you do not worship my teacher, I hope that you will respect me as a teacher. What do you think about this arrangement, do you agree?" Liu Wenyuan said and looked at everyone.

Liu Suxue said: "Oh, that's the case, in this way, your ability seems to be limited." "

Xiao Yi looked at Liu Suxue and asked, "Why is it limited? Why don't I understand?"

"Didn't he say, your two talents are too high, and he doesn't dare to be your master, and when you meet someone in his master in the future, it is estimated that you may be much more powerful than him, so it is better to let them teach you."

In this way, his ability is probably the lowest among his masters. Liu Suxue didn't care about Liu Wenyuan's somewhat embarrassed cough and said to herself.

Chen Feng asked uncertainly, "No, is this really the case, Old Man Liu?"

"Oh...... It's not like she said, I just learn in a different direction than other people in the door, I pay more attention to learning skills such as charms, formations, arithmetic, etc., and there is no more in-depth study for the cultivation of true martial arts, these are all skills in the master, but in different directions.

I think Xiao Yi and Chen Feng are more suitable for cultivation in martial arts cultivation and other aspects, and I am not very proficient in this aspect, so I don't accept them as apprentices. Liu Wenyuan said seriously.

"Oh, is that so?" Liu Suxue obviously didn't believe it.

Xiao Yi pulled Liu Suxue, signaled to be cautious, and said for fear of making extraneous branches: "Master Liu, you continue." "

Liu Wenyuan was also afraid of being entangled, and hurriedly said: "You understand this, then I'll tell you some things about the master."

My sect is said to have originated in the Kunlun Mountains, hence the name Kunlun School. My Kunlun school has a long history, judging from some records of the division, the division was established about 3,000 years ago, and the knowledge and skills contained in the division are very profound and profound, and the division has been divided into multiple schools in thousands of years.

The sect I belong to is called the Guiyuan Sect, and it is a very powerful branch of the Kunlun Sect. I joined the school at the age of 10, and at the age of 15, I went down the mountain and began to explore the rivers and lakes.


are not a few sects of cultivation in the world now, there are several large sects such as Emei, Huashan, Tianshan, Changbai, etc., due to the development of modern science, there are fewer and fewer people like us who cultivate the truth.

And I'm afraid that what we've learned will be defined as feudal superstition, and most of the remaining fellow sects have turned into secret practices, unless it's a coincidence, and now you want to find it, I'm afraid it's hard to find it. Therefore, we never mention the cultivation of truth or sects to the outside world. "

Liu Suxue still asked suspiciously: "This is not a bad thing, is it really necessary to hide your head and tail like this?"

"You are young, you have not experienced the old days, at that time, it was very difficult for us people to survive the cruel persecution, and in addition to the hundred years of civil strife and war, as well as the oppression of our sects by successive dynasties, we had to hide ourselves.

It's saying that we can't fight these modern guns even if we are strong. In today's society, who believes in the ghost cultivation and drawing talisman array, and maybe you are locked up as a mental illness. Liu Wenyuan mentioned the past, and his expression was a little uneasy

Xiao Yi said: "What you said is also true, if we hadn't experienced it, we wouldn't have believed it." "

"I have already told you the general situation, and I say this in the hope that you will understand that since you have chosen this path in the future, then you must be prepared to face the future that the world may not understand, or oppose or even confront in the future, and these are sometimes more difficult to deal with than the ghosts you have to face. Liu Wenyuan didn't want to say this, but after thinking about it again and again, he felt that he still said this paragraph so that Xiao Yi and the others were prepared.

Liu Suxue lowered her voice and asked Xiao Yi, "Do you still want to enter?"

Xiao Yi also lowered his voice and said: "I'm different from you, I have three flavors of true fire, I can also see ghosts, how can I deal with those ghosts if I don't learn this? "

Liu Suxue said stupidly: "Forget it, if you are so determined to enter, let's go together."

Chen Feng and the others also exchanged opinions with each other, there was no other answer to this question, and everyone decided to enter.

After Liu Wenyuan saw that everyone had decided to get started, he stood up with a smile and said: "Relax, the coming day is long, the road in the future is your own, since you have decided, come on, the time is almost up, let's start our entrance ceremony." "

Xiao Yi and others got up and followed Liu Wenyuan to the incense case, Liu Wenyuan took out five futons, placed them on the ground, and asked the five people to kneel, and then reached out to light the candle, and took out three pillars of incense as thick as fingers, lit it and inserted it into the incense altar on the incense case, a burst of fragrance floated out, everyone felt refreshed, and the ancients in the picture scroll in the candle flame and cigarette smoke seemed to have really become an immortal.

"This is the founding patriarch of my Kunlun faction, the Taoist name Kunlunzi. The patriarch is above, the disciple Liu Wenyuan worships here, today my Kunlun faction opened the mountain gate to recruit five newcomers into my sect, and I hope that the patriarch agrees to accept these five disciples who have entered my sect, and inherit my Kunlun tradition and light my Kunlun lintel. Liu Wenyuan chanted loudly in his mouth, and after finishing his words, he picked up a bowl of water, and used willow branches to poke into the water and sprinkle it on the five people. Although Xiao Yi and the others felt uncomfortable, they thought that this was the rule, but they didn't move.

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