Chen Feng saw Xing Chen and asked nervously, "Is there anything else, officer?"

Xing Chen showed the portrait in his hand to Chen Feng. "I wonder why you didn't see her face clearly. "

Chen Feng was a little relaxed when he heard this question, "When I started to see her, she was standing behind the others, and her face was blocked. Later, she started killing people and although I saw her, the strange thing was that I couldn't see her face clearly. It was as if there was a shadow on her face, and I couldn't see it clearly, and I was so frightened that I didn't dare to look at her, so I really couldn't remember what her face looked like. You can ask Xiao Yi, he may have seen her face. "

Xing Chen had been paying attention to Chen Feng's actions, and he judged that Chen Feng was telling the truth.

"You're reminiscing about me, if you remember anything, you can ask the police outside to look for me. Xing Chen got up and said, then left Chen Feng's ward and came to Xiao Yi's ward.

"How did you find anything?" Xiao Yi noticed the portrait in Xing Chen's hand.

Xing Chen sat down on the chair, picked up the portrait drawn according to Xiao Yi's description, looked at Xiao Yi and asked, "I have a question, why didn't you see her face." "

Xiao Yi scratched his head and said, "I didn't figure it out myself, I thought about it carefully, but I just couldn't remember what her face was like, as if I had never noticed what her face was like." Anyway, I just can't remember what her face looks like. "

"It's unlikely that you can't even see or remember her face when you're faced with a murderer, right?"

"Even I was very strange, I saw the person, but I really didn't notice what her face was like. Chen Feng, Chen Feng must have seen that person's appearance clearly, you go and ask him, did he see that person too, he must remember what she looked like. Xiao Yi said eagerly to Xing Chen.

Xing Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny. Both of them were counting on each other, although this was a normal person's reaction, but it was also a means of confrontation that Xing Chen encountered the most during interrogation, but Xing Chen felt that Xiao Yi and Chen Feng's reaction was the former.

"Chen Feng, I asked and also painted the image, you may be disappointed, his description is the same as yours, and he did not see the face of the murderer you said. "

"What? He didn't see it clearly? Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment when he heard this answer. It seems that the Saucer Fairy didn't let them see what she really looked like at all, or that she didn't make people forget her appearance through some kind of power.

Xing Chen looked at Xiao Yi and felt that Xiao Yi was not acting. Xing Chen walked out after saying goodbye. On the way back to the detachment, Xing Chen kept thinking about Xiao Yi and Chen Feng's words. Yes, if they are telling the truth, it is more bizarre and unbelievable than the lies sound. Thinking about it, Xing Chen really couldn't use his reason to explain which one was the truth of the matter.

Just as Xing Chen was about to return to the police force, his mobile phone rang. Xing Chen saw that the number was the master he worshipped when he first joined the police force, and now he is now the deputy director of the city's police station.

"Hello teacher, I haven't been in touch with you for a long time, and you're okay. Xing Chen greeted warmly.

"It's a tricky case! Come to me and report it to me. Xing Chen's teacher, the deputy chief of the police station, said in a flat tone.

"Okay, I'll be right there. Xing Chen's heart was hot, the teacher seemed to know his confusion and hesitation, and asked him to report to give him guidance.

Xing Chen turned around and came to the city police station. There were only Xing Chen and the deputy director in the office. Xing Chen showed the recording and portrait to the deputy director, and Xing Chen gave a general account of the case. The deputy chief fell into deep thought.

After waiting for a while, Xing Chen asked softly, "Teacher, what do you think of this case?"

"Huh?" the deputy chief came to his senses from his musings. Obviously, he didn't hear Xing Chen's inquiry.

"Teacher, what do you think of this case?".

"You start by telling us what you think. The deputy director asked rhetorically.

"Oh, how do you say that?" Xing Chen felt that there were many conflicting things, but for a while he couldn't express them clearly.

"To be bold, even if it's cranky, it's okay, it's just the two of us here. The deputy director relieved Xing Chen.

Xing Chen thought for a while and said, "Judging from the whole case, the death of the deceased is very strange, it seems abnormal, but it cannot be confirmed that he was murdered. Only Xiao Yi and Chen Feng saw the murderer who others couldn't see. Personally, I judge that what the two of them said to me is true. But I don't believe in any goblins killing people in this world. So I can't judge the case right now. Even I don't know what to trust my own judgment on. "

The deputy director looked at his proud protégé and was now sitting there a little hesitantly. He didn't say anything, just motioned for Xing Chen to wait for a while before leaving the room.

After about ten minutes, the deputy director came back with a sealed file bag. Xing Chen saw at a glance that the two red words "Confidential" were stamped in the upper left corner of the file.

The deputy director handed the file into Xing Chen's hands, who looked at his teacher suspiciously.

"I allow you to read it. The deputy director said to Xing Chen: "I believe that the contents of it will be of great help to your current case." "

Xing Chen opened the seal without hesitation, took out the file inside, and looked at it carefully.

The deputy director didn't bother Xing Chen, and quietly reviewed the other documents.

The files Xing Chen read were all files of mysterious and strange cases that had occurred in the past. The first case Xing Chen saw occurred in the sixties of the last century, when a mysterious death occurred in a primary school in the city. Six students, aged between 12 and 14, died mysteriously within five days. An autopsy revealed that all six died in the same way, none of them had any fatal injuries, but all of them died of suffocation. According to the archives, the students were killed by playing a psychic game. Science at the time could not explain it, so the case was eventually closed by characterizing it as a contagious disease.

The second case occurred six years after the first one, when four male and two female students at a vocational high school in the city began to die in the middle of the night after playing a psychic game, and six students died in five days in the same manner as the six students six years earlier. In the end, the case was still determined to be an infectious disease, which caused great panic in the society at the time.

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