Xing Chen nodded, "Who's next." At this time, a police officer in his thirties raised his hand. Xing Chen nodded in agreement.

According to the records of the 110 police officers who arrived at the scene first, the deceased was in the living room after they arrived, and the doors and windows were intact, as Lao Yang had already said just now. The other eleven people at the scene were in the bedroom of a student named Xiao Yi, and two of the female students were a little confused due to excessive shock. Among these eleven people, the most notable are two people, one is named Xiao Yi and the other is Chen Feng. The scene of the crime was at Xiao Yi's home, and the transcript said that they were invited by Liu Suxue to a birthday party for one of the girls, Liu Suxue. Although Chen Feng has no record of this, it is understood that this student also often fights and brawls, and these two people have had frequent contact with some undesirable elements in society, and they can be said to be very notorious in the local area. I think the clues should be found in these two people. The officer shared his analysis and the audience.

Xing Chen nodded noncommittally. The police officer who was sitting next to the speaker saw that it was also time for him to see the order, so he raised his hand.

"Xiao Liu, you are a highly talented student who graduated from the police academy, talk about your opinions. "Xing Chen values Officer Liu very much.

This compliment made Xiao Liu a little embarrassed: "You are all my seniors, you have more experience than me, let me tell you my opinion, please correct if there is anything wrong." Officer Liu humbly paused and began to say: "The scene of the crime, as well as the deceased and the people at the scene, have just been introduced in detail by Officer Li and the two seniors. When it comes to a case, it must be analyzed from the motives, means, and results. First of all, let's look at the motive of this case, the motive of ordinary homicide cases is nothing more than money, love, and revenge. However, through the understanding of the deceased and the analysis of the crime scene, the above-mentioned motive can be basically ruled out, so what is the killer's motive? Second, the means of killing, everyone has seen the autopsy report of the deceased, and the cause of the deceased's death is very peculiar, and if it is said that there is no trace of his murder, it is difficult to prove if he committed suicide. In the end, judging from the results, who was in favor of the death of the deceased? According to the clues available so far, it is not clear who is in favor of whom. That's all I want to say. "

The police officer who spoke earlier said, "According to your statement, there is no murderer in this case?"

Officer Liu retorted: "I didn't mean that, I can't be sure if he killed the current clues of the case, how can I determine that there is a murderer." "

"The medical examiner's report has proved that the deceased did not die of his own factors, so did he suffocate himself to death?"

"The medical examiner's report, while proving that the deceased did not die of his own cause, also does not prove that the deceased died of external causes. "

Xing Chen waved his hand to stop the two of them from arguing, "Xiao Li, talk about your opinion." "

Officer Li, who first made a statement of the case, began to say: "According to the transcript of the scene, the twelve parties present at the time of the crime were playing a game called 'Saucer Immortal', which is said to be a psychic game, and the so-called Saucer Immortal can be invited to answer the question of playing Saucer Immortal. At the end of the game, according to the description of the parties, they wanted to send the Saucer Immortal away, but the Saucer Immortal did not leave, but instead showed the words of asking the people present to go down to accompany him. Then there was an incident of suffocation of the deceased. At the scene of the crime, we also found the handwriting in blood, 'I want you to come down to accompany me', but we did not find where the deceased was bleeding, and it was determined that the words were indeed written on the deceased's right hand. According to the transcript, this word was written after the death of the deceased.

I think this is a big suspicion, if it is a dish immortal killing, this is too mysterious, but if the eleven people present say so, it is worth studying, according to the data, these eleven people and the deceased have no conflict of interest on weekdays, and these twelve people gathered purely as an invitation to Liu Suxue. If these eleven people jointly murdered the deceased, I feel that it is more mysterious than the murder of the Disc Immortal. Officer Li nodded at Xing Chen, indicating that his opinion had been expressed.

Officer Yang looked at Officer Li suspiciously: "You mean Diexian kills?".

"I don't know how to put it, but I remember that the author of Sherlock Holmes said that if everything could be overturned, the last thing could be the answer," Officer Lee said. "

The police officer in his thirties said to Officer Li: "Xiao Li, I know that you are full of interest in some unexplained cases, but being unable to explain does not mean that you cannot explain them, but you can't find them for a while, and any case, no matter how bizarre, has its means." Don't use any supernatural things to say, we are the people's public security, don't blame the power and the gods. "

"I think this case was done by 11 of them, or 11 of them murdered someone. I can know the specific motives and means by looking at the interrogation. "Officer Yang supports the 30-year-old officer.

"I don't think so, Officer Lee is right, when all possibilities are ruled out, the least likely is the only answer. Although I don't believe in any Saucer Immortal killing, at least for now, I don't think there is a more reasonable explanation. "Officer Liu apparently has the same view as Officer Li.

The camp is divided into two sides, and the two older police officers, who are inferred from experience, believe that the murderer is among the people at the scene, and it is likely that they are complicit in the murder. And the two young police officers thought that all the evidence could not prove that the murderer was among the eleven people, and that the deceased could not even prove that the deceased was killed by someone.

The two sides argued over this, and neither could convince the other. Xing Chen listened quietly there, thinking, doubts swirling and dancing in his mind, and he tried his best to find the answer in the debate of everyone.

Gradually, the two parties couldn't convince each other and turned their eyes to Xing Chen, and he, the team leader, decided the direction of the case.

Xing Chen saw that everyone was looking at him, and knew that it was time for him to speak. He drank his saliva and cleared his throat and said, "Your ideas are all correct. Nor can it be concluded who is wrong and who is right. But I think that the impracticality of the Die Immortal or the ghost god to kill people will not be considered for the time being, but Xiao Li and Xiao Liu's argument is still correct. If we follow common sense and analyze similar cases in the past, it is indeed possible that the murderers are among the eleven parties, but if they are said to have killed people, it is everywhere in conflict with all the evidence.

I don't know if you've noticed. When it was found that the deceased had suffocation symptoms, the student who called Xiao Yi ran behind the deceased as if he was fighting with someone, and then when the other party, Liu Suxue, also had suffocation symptoms similar to the deceased, it was this Xiao Yi who was there to fight with the air again, and then the person who called Chen Feng also had similar actions, Xiao Yi also cried and shouted to let him take his life and not take Liu Suxue's life. "

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