Immediately, Estes did not continue to pursue Blackbeard and his party, but changed his mind and rushed back to the Hades.

Although the Hades is drifting in the sea, because Estes has Ye Chen's life card, he is not worried about not being able to find the Hades at all.

Following the guidance of the life card, she returned to the Hades without any problems.

The hunt for Blackbeard, therefore, has come to an end.

However, being chased and killed all the way by Estes, it is estimated that Blackbeard and his party will have a psychological shadow in the future, and they dare not mess around!

It is estimated that in the future, when I hear the name of the Black Crow Pirates, I will have to take a detour!

The matter of the war on the top, at this point, is over.

In the end, the only thing Ye Chen missed was probably the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

When the top war broke out, not only was he the one who had the idea of fighting the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, but also the Big Mom Pirates and the Hundred Beast Pirates were also coveting the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Among the Five Emperors, the red-haired Shanks is more moral, and he really hasn't been tempted by the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Of course, Ye Chen doesn't need to worry about this.

Because Ye Chen knew that Shanks would definitely stop the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates from taking the opportunity to encroach on the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And the fact is that for this reason, the three major pirate groups almost broke out into war.

In the end, the three parties were at a stalemate.

No one dared to make the first move, but no one planned to leave first.

Especially when I heard the news from the front, saying that after Whitebeard was killed in battle, the Five Old Stars sent an army of pacifists, and it seemed that the demon had wiped out the Whitebeard Pirates.

As a result, Aunt and Kaido, who originally planned to sell Shanks a face, are even more determined to annex a piece of the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates no matter what.

Otherwise, if they were all swallowed up by Ye Chen, wouldn't they lose a lot?

In this way, the three parties were in a stalemate for a long time.

Until finally, a message came from the front.

That is, the war on top is over.

Ye Chen and his party suddenly descended on Marin Fando, completely changing the situation, the Whitebeard Pirates were not only wiped out, but under the protection of the Black Crow Pirates, they left the battlefield with extremely small losses.

And afterwards, the Whitebeard Pirates also kept their promise and joined the Black Crow Pirates, becoming a pirate group under the Black Crow Pirates!

After hearing the news, Aunt and Kaido were immediately stunned.

Are the Whitebeard Pirates part of the Raven Pirates?

Did they hear it right?

In this way, wouldn't the chassis of the Whitebeard Pirates become the territory of the Black Crow Pirates?

Even if they have the guts, they don't dare to encroach on the territory of the Black Crow Pirates!

Aunt and Kaido, I have to admire Ye Chen's old scheming and direct incorporation of the Whitebeard Pirates, why didn't they think of it!

After the Whitebeard Pirates were co-opted, wouldn't their territory be all theirs?

Why bother to run into this vast sea, confront each other in three ways, and even almost fought a big fight, brewing a world war!

Of course, they actually think about it this way, they actually know very well in their hearts that it will not be easy to co-opt the arrogant Whitebeard Pirates.

I don't know what method Ye Chen used to successfully incorporate the Whitebeard Pirates.

If it were them, it is estimated that the Whitebeard Pirates would rather die than give in.

In this regard, the red-haired Shanks also fell into deep thought.

The white-haired pirates, Marco, Joz, Bista and other captains, which one is not arrogant, can they be easily co-opted?

But thinking that this person was Ye Chen, Shanks felt a little taken for granted.

That's fine, at least, after losing the pillar of Daddy Whitebeard, the white-haired pirates have the protection of the Black Crow Pirates, so they don't have to worry about retaliation, and they don't have to live a stormy life in hiding in Tibet!

In Shanks' opinion, the Whitebeard Pirates belong to the Black Crow Pirates, which is a good thing.

Let him, a man who worries about the world all day long, have one less worry.

The territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, since it has become Ye Chen's territory, Aunt and Kaido naturally dare not touch it.

Immediately, the two sides had a tacit understanding and retreated in disgrace.

The red-haired pirates only left after making sure that the two sides really left.

can be regarded as a last bit of heart for his best friend Whitebeard.

He had a premonition about Whitebeard's fall.

At this moment, in addition to feeling a lot, I am not particularly sad.


In the weeks that followed, the Crow Pirates returned to their former calm.

Idle and bored, coupled with the experience of the past, Ye Chen held one or two more activities during this time.

The later activities are naturally no longer limited to the participation of the main members of the Black Crow Pirates, and all members can participate.

As for the rewards, they're pretty rich!

All kinds of gold and silver jewelry, famous knives, and stunts, all of them.

It's just that if you want to get a reward, you have to show some strength.

Because of this, the Black Crow Pirates are up and down, and tens of thousands of members (including members of their pirate groups) are full of energy.

No matter how hard and tired I am, I will take time out to practice hard!

No way, who makes the rewards of each event, it's too tempting!

Ye Chen's holding of activities is equivalent to a disguise, motivating all members to become stronger. I have to say, it's also a very practical method.

It's just that behind this calm and calm, few people know that a storm is brewing!

World government.

Premium meeting room.

At this moment, the five old stars gathered together, and in addition, there was also the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

In addition, in a room next to the high-level conference room, there are two other guys, who are ready to give orders.

In normal times, they are absolutely forbidden to enter the headquarters of the world government.

Yes, that's right, they're Aunt Charlotte Lingling, and Beast Kaido!

At this moment, in the high-level conference room, Steel Bone Kong was arguing with the five old stars.

The reason why he appeared here was naturally because of the sudden resignation of the Warring States!

In this regard, Gangkukong was very dissatisfied.

He knew that the reason why Warring States was so resolute and determined to resign from the post of marshal of the Navy Headquarters must have something to do with the five old guys.

In this regard, the five old stars didn't care at all.

The Warring States will no longer obey their orders, and even if the Warring States do not take the initiative to resign, sooner or later they will use their power and impeach!

It's just a matter of time.

As for who will take over the post of the next marshal of the Navy Headquarters, after some discussion, they decided to let the pheasant take the position.

Huang Ape, this guy, although his qualifications are older than that of the pheasant, and his strength is not worse than him, but he is too loose and hanging, and he is really not suitable to be a marshal of the Navy Headquarters.

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